未验证 提交 4b2a5786 编写于 作者: H Hui Zhang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #645 from PaddlePaddle/ds2

add libri ds2 exp result
# Aishell-1
## Deepspeech2
| Model | release | Config | Test set | CER |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| DeepSpeech2 | 2.1 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | test | 0.078671 |
| DeepSpeech2 | 2.0 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | test | 0.078977 |
| DeepSpeech2 | 1.8.5 | - | test | 0.080447 |
| Model | release | Config | Test set | Loss | CER |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| DeepSpeech2 | 2.1.0 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | test | 7.299022197723389 | 0.078671 |
| DeepSpeech2 | 2.0.0 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | test | - | 0.078977 |
| DeepSpeech2 | 1.8.5 | - | test | - | 0.080447 |
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
## Deepspeech2
| Model | Config | Test set | WER |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| DeepSpeech2 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | test-clean | 0.073973 |
| DeepSpeech2 | release 1.8.5 | test-clean | 0.074939 |
| Model | release | Config | Test set | Loss | WER |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| DeepSpeech2 | 2.1.0 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | 15.184467315673828 | test-clean | 0.072154 |
| DeepSpeech2 | 2.0.0 | conf/deepspeech2.yaml | - | test-clean | 0.073973 |
| DeepSpeech2 | 1.8.5 | - | test-clean | - | 0.074939 |
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ training:
lr: 1e-3
lr_decay: 0.83
weight_decay: 1e-06
global_grad_clip: 3.0
global_grad_clip: 5.0
log_interval: 100
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