提交 3b6b6807 编写于 作者: H Hui Zhang

add roformer result

上级 55870ffb
# Aishell
## RoFormer Streaming
paddle version: 2.5.0
paddlespeech version: 1.5.0
Need set `decoding.decoding_chunk_size=16` when decoding.
> chunk_size=16, ((16 - 1) * 4 + 7) * 10ms = (16 * 4 + 3) * 10ms = 670ms
| Model | Params | Config | Augmentation| Test set | Decode method | Chunk Size & Left Chunks | Loss | CER |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| roformer | 44.80M | conf/chunk_roformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | attention | 16, -1 | - | |
| roformer | 44.80M | conf/chunk_roformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | ctc_greedy_search | 16, -1 | - | |
| roformer | 44.80M | conf/chunk_roformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | ctc_prefix_beam_search | 16, -1 | - | |
| roformer | 44.80M | conf/chunk_roformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | attention_rescoring | 16, -1 | - | |
## Conformer
paddle version: 2.2.2
paddlespeech version: 1.0.1
......@@ -7,7 +22,7 @@ paddlespeech version: 1.0.1
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| conformer | 47.07M | conf/conformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | attention | - | 0.0522 |
| conformer | 47.07M | conf/conformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | ctc_greedy_search | - | 0.0481 |
| conformer | 47.07M | conf/conformer.yaml | spec_aug| test | ctc_prefix_beam_search | - | 0.0480 |
| conformer | 47.07M | conf/conformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | ctc_prefix_beam_search | - | 0.0480 |
| conformer | 47.07M | conf/conformer.yaml | spec_aug | test | attention_rescoring | - | 0.0460 |
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