提交 0f9b3ebf 编写于 作者: Y yangyaming

Move exception throwing logic to cer and wer.

上级 a8793039
......@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ def word_errors(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, delimiter=' '):
:type delimiter: char
:return: Levenshtein distance and word number of reference sentence.
:rtype: list
:raises ValueError: If word number of reference sentence is zero.
if ignore_case == True:
reference = reference.lower()
......@@ -79,9 +78,6 @@ def word_errors(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, delimiter=' '):
ref_words = filter(None, reference.split(delimiter))
hyp_words = filter(None, hypothesis.split(delimiter))
if len(ref_words) == 0:
raise ValueError("Reference's word number should be greater than 0.")
edit_distance = _levenshtein_distance(ref_words, hyp_words)
return float(edit_distance), len(ref_words)
......@@ -100,7 +96,6 @@ def char_errors(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, remove_space=False):
:type remove_space: bool
:return: Levenshtein distance and length of reference sentence.
:rtype: list
:raises ValueError: If the reference length is zero.
if ignore_case == True:
reference = reference.lower()
......@@ -113,9 +108,6 @@ def char_errors(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, remove_space=False):
reference = join_char.join(filter(None, reference.split(' ')))
hypothesis = join_char.join(filter(None, hypothesis.split(' ')))
if len(reference) == 0:
raise ValueError("Length of reference should be greater than 0.")
edit_distance = _levenshtein_distance(reference, hypothesis)
return float(edit_distance), len(reference)
......@@ -153,6 +145,10 @@ def wer(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, delimiter=' '):
edit_distance, ref_len = word_errors(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case,
if ref_len == 0:
raise ValueError("Reference's word number should be greater than 0.")
wer = float(edit_distance) / ref_len
return wer
......@@ -192,5 +188,9 @@ def cer(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case=False, remove_space=False):
edit_distance, ref_len = char_errors(reference, hypothesis, ignore_case,
cer = float(edit_distance) / len(ref_len)
if ref_len == 0:
raise ValueError("Length of reference should be greater than 0.")
cer = float(edit_distance) / ref_len
return cer
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