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# This is the parameter configuration file for PaddleSpeech Serving.

#                             SERVER SETTING                                    #
port: 8190

# The task format in the engin_list is: <speech task>_<engine type>
# task choices = ['asr_python', 'asr_inference', 'tts_python', 'tts_inference']
# protocol = ['websocket', 'http'] (only one can be selected). 
# http only support offline engine type.
protocol: 'http'
engine_list: ['text_python']

#                                ENGINE CONFIG                                  #

################################### ASR #########################################
################### speech task: asr; engine_type: python #######################
    task: punc
    model_type: 'ernie_linear_p7_wudao'
    lang: 'zh'
    sample_rate: 16000
    cfg_path: # [optional]
    ckpt_path: # [optional]
    vocab_file: # [optional]
    device:  # set 'gpu:id' or 'cpu'