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# Audio Tagging

## Introduction
Audio tagging is the task of labelling an audio clip with one or more labels or tags, includeing music tagging, acoustic scene classification, audio event classification, etc.

This demo is an implementation to tag an audio file with 527 [AudioSet]( labels. It can be done by a single command line  or a few lines in python using `PaddleSpeech`. 

## Usage
### 1. Installation
pip install paddlespeech

### 2. Prepare Input File
Input of this demo should be a WAV file(`.wav`).

Here are sample files for this demo that can be downloaded:

### 3. Usage
- Command Line(Recommended)
  paddlespeech cls --input ~/cat.wav --topk 10
  Command usage:
  - `input`(required): Audio file to tag.
  - `model`: Model type of tagging task. Default: `panns_cnn10`.
  - `config`: Config of tagging task. Use pretrained model when it is None. Default: `None`.
  - `ckpt_path`: Model checkpoint. Use pretrained model when it is None. Default: `None`.
  - `label_file`: Label file of tagging task. Use audioset labels when it is None. Default: `None`.
  - `topk`: Show topk tagging labels of result. Default: `1`.
  - `device`: Choose device to execute model inference. Default: default device of paddlepaddle in current environment.

  [2021-12-08 14:49:40,671] [    INFO] [] [L225] - CLS Result:
  Cat: 0.8991316556930542
  Domestic animals, pets: 0.8806838393211365
  Meow: 0.8784668445587158
  Animal: 0.8776564598083496
  Caterwaul: 0.2232048511505127
  Speech: 0.03101264126598835
  Music: 0.02870696596801281
  Inside, small room: 0.016673989593982697
  Purr: 0.008387474343180656
  Bird: 0.006304860580712557

- Python API
  python --input ~/cat.wav
  CLS Result:
  Cat: 0.8991316556930542
  Domestic animals, pets: 0.8806838393211365
  Meow: 0.8784668445587158
  Animal: 0.8776564598083496
  Caterwaul: 0.2232048511505127
  Speech: 0.03101264126598835
  Music: 0.02870696596801281
  Inside, small room: 0.016673989593982697
  Purr: 0.008387474343180656
  Bird: 0.006304860580712557

### 4.Pretrained Models

Here is a list of pretrained models released by PaddleSpeech and can be used by command and python api:

| Model | Sample Rate
| :--- | :---: 
| panns_cnn6| 32000
| panns_cnn10| 32000
| panns_cnn14| 32000