提交 0dc179ee 编写于 作者: K Kohaku-Blueleaf

Avoid error from None

上级 4c9a7b8a
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ def get_learned_conditioning(self: sgm.models.diffusion.DiffusionEngine, batch:
for embedder in self.conditioner.embedders:
embedder.ucg_rate = 0.0
width = getattr(batch, 'width', 1024)
height = getattr(batch, 'height', 1024)
width = getattr(batch, 'width', 1024) or 1024
height = getattr(batch, 'height', 1024) or 1024
is_negative_prompt = getattr(batch, 'is_negative_prompt', False)
aesthetic_score = shared.opts.sdxl_refiner_low_aesthetic_score if is_negative_prompt else shared.opts.sdxl_refiner_high_aesthetic_score
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