This is a BVLC Caffe fork that is intended for deployment of models that are benchmarked and/or developed inside ICV. That means that checking out master branch of the project should be enough to run any Caffe model that is mentioned in ICV benchmark report and/or delivered by ICV as a part of some capability.

    Windows x64 build (tested with MSVC 2015)

    1. install Boost 1.65.1, precompiled msvc 14.0 x64 install package can be downloaded by the link below
    2. install HDF5 1.8.19, install package can be downloaded by the link below
    3. install Intel Computer Vision SDK 1.0 R3 (needed for OpenCV availability)
    4. install Python if python layer needed. Tested with Anaconda 5.0.1 Python 2.7, install package can be downloaded by the link below To successfully build the python interface you need to add the following conda channels:
      conda config --add channels conda-forge
      conda config --add channels willyd
      and install the following packages:
      conda install --yes cmake ninja numpy scipy protobuf==3.1.0 six scikit-image pyyaml pydotplus graphviz
      If Python is installed the default is to build the python interface and python layers. If you wish to disable the python layers or the python build use the CMake options -DBUILD_python_layer=0 and -DBUILD_python=0 respectively. In order to use the python interface you need to either add the C:\Projects\caffe\python folder to your python path of copy the C:\Projects\caffe\python\caffe folder to your site_packages folder.
    5. Configuration and build caffe on Windows tested with the following CMake options: -DOpenCV_DIR=<path to opencv within Intel CV SDK> -DHDF5_DIR=<path to installation folder of HDF5 package> -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=<full path name of python.exe within Anaconda2 installation folder> -DCPU_ONLY=ON -DBLAS=MKL -DUSE_CUDNN=OFF -DUSE_NCCL=OFF -DUSE_OPENCV=ON -DUSE_LEVELDB=OFF -DUSE_LMDB=OFF -DBUILD_python=ON -DBUILD_python_layer=ON -DBUILD_matlab=OFF -DBUILD_docs=OFF
    6. Note, you will need to add path to GFlags DLL, found at <BUILD_FOLDER>/external/gflags-install/bin folder in order to run application linked with caffe.dll

    Please find original readme file here.

    If you want to make a contribution please follow the guideline.


    Training Toolbox for Caffe

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