提交 43fe9140 编写于 作者: T Trawinski, Dariusz

Merge branch 'gpu-tag' into 'master'

gpu tag rename

See merge request vmc-eip/OVMS/ovms-c!338
......@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ endif
--build-arg no_proxy=$(NO_PROXY) \
--build-arg GPU=1 \
@echo "Running checksec on ovms binary..."
......@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ Note: URL to OpenVINO Toolkit package can be received after registration on [Ope
It will generate the images, tagged as:
* `openvino/model_server:latest` - with CPU, NCS and HDDL support
* `openvino/model_server-gpu:latest` - with CPU, NCS, HDDL and iGPU support
* `openvino/model_server:latest-gpu` - with CPU, NCS, HDDL and iGPU support
as well as a release package (.tar.gz, with ovms binary and necessary libraries), in a ./dist directory.
The release package is compatible with linux machines on which `glibc` version is greater than or equal to the build image version.
The release package is compatible with linux machines on which `glibc` version is greater than or equal to the build image version 2.17.
For debugging, an image with a suffix `-build` is also generated (i.e. `openvino/model_server-build:latest`).
*Note:* Images include OpenVINO 2021.1 release. <br>
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