提交 79f2fb63 编写于 作者: D duanhaodong


上级 0ae7e8ec
......@@ -5,44 +5,45 @@ import cv2
import numpy as np
def FlowToImg(raw_flow, bound=20.):
"""Convert flow to gray image
def flow_to_img(raw_flow, bound=20.):
"""Convert flow to gray image.
raw_flow (np.array float): estimated flow, the shape is [w, h]
bound (float): bound for the flow-to-image normalization
raw_flow (np.ndarray[float]): Estimated flow with the shape (w, h).
bound (float): Bound for the flow-to-image normalization. Default: 20.
flow (np.array uint8): normalized flow
Flow (np.ndarray[uint8]): Normalized flow.
flow = raw_flow
flow[flow > bound] = bound
flow[flow < -bound] = -bound
flow = np.clip(raw_flow, -bound, bound)
flow += bound
flow *= (255 / float(2 * bound))
flow = flow.astype(np.uint8)
return flow
def gen_flow(frames, algo='tvl1'):
"""Estimate flow given frames
def generate_flow(frames, method='tvl1'):
"""Estimate flow with given frames.
frames (list): list of rgb frames
algo (str): which algorithm to use, in ['tvl1', 'farneback']
flow (list): list of flow
frames (list[np.ndarray[uint8]]): List of rgb frames, with shape
(w, h, 3).
method (str): Use which method to generate flow. Options are 'tvl1'
and 'farneback'. Default: 'tvl1'.
flow (list[np.ndarray[float]]): The result list of np.ndarray[float],
with shape (w, h, 2)
assert algo in ['tvl1', 'farneback']
gray_frames = [cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) for im in frames]
assert method in ['tvl1', 'farneback']
gray_frames = [cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) for frame in frames]
if algo == 'tvl1':
if method == 'tvl1':
tvl1 = cv2.optflow.DualTVL1OpticalFlow_create()
def op(x, y):
return tvl1.calc(x, y, None)
elif algo == 'farneback':
elif method == 'farneback':
def op(x, y):
return cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(x, y, None, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5,
......@@ -60,19 +61,21 @@ def extract_dense_flow(path,
"""Extract dense flow given video or frames, save them as gray-scale images
path (str): location of the video or frames. If use a video as input,
path (str): Location of the video or frames. If use a video as input,
pass the location of the video. If use frames as input,
pass the template of frames, like '/path/{:05d}.jpg'.
dest (str): the directory to store the extracted flow images
bound (float): bound for the flow-to-image normalization
write_image (bool): whether to save the extracted images to dest
start_idx (int): denotes the starting index if use frames as input, the
the first image is path.format(start_idx)
algo (str): which algorithm to use, in ['tvl1', 'farneback']
dest (str): The directory to store the extracted flow images.
bound (float): Bound for the flow-to-image normalization. Default: 20.
write_image (bool): Whether to save the extracted images to dest.
Default: False.
start_idx (int): The starting frame index if use frames as input, the
first image is path.format(start_idx). Default: 0.
method (str): Use which method to generate flow. Options are 'tvl1'
and 'farneback'. Default: 'tvl1'.
if osp.exists(path):
......@@ -84,16 +87,16 @@ def extract_dense_flow(path,
flag, f = vid.read()
idx = start_idx
im_name = path.format(idx)
while osp.exists(im_name):
img_name = path.format(idx)
while osp.exists(img_name):
idx += 1
im_name = path.format(im_name)
img_name = path.format(idx)
flow = gen_flow(frames, algo=algo)
flow = generate_flow(frames, method=method)
flow_x = [FlowToImg(x[:, :, 0], bound) for x in flow]
flow_y = [FlowToImg(x[:, :, 1], bound) for x in flow]
flow_x = [flow_to_img(x[:, :, 0], bound) for x in flow]
flow_y = [flow_to_img(x[:, :, 1], bound) for x in flow]
if not osp.exists(dest):
os.system('mkdir -p ' + dest)
......@@ -106,17 +109,18 @@ def extract_dense_flow(path,
for ind in range(len(flow_y))
for imx, namex in zip(flow_x, flow_x_names):
cv2.imwrite(namex, imx)
for imy, namey in zip(flow_y, flow_y_names):
cv2.imwrite(namey, imy)
num_frames = len(flow)
for i in range(num_frames):
cv2.imwrite(flow_x[i], flow_x_names[i])
cv2.imwrite(flow_y[i], flow_y_names[i])
if write_image:
im_names = [
osp.join(dest, 'img_{:05d}.jpg'.format(ind))
for ind in range(len(frames))
for im, name in zip(frames, im_names):
cv2.imwrite(name, im)
for frame, name in zip(frames, im_names):
cv2.imwrite(name, frame)
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