提交 d259a224 编写于 作者: F FeRD (Frank Dana)

json_data: Autorepair corrupted project files

If a file is detected as having corrupted unicode escapes, we make
a backup copy as filename.osp.bak (or filename.osp.bak.1...), then
regexp-replace all of the broken escapes with corrected ones. Then
we run the file through json.loads() and json.dumps() again to remove
the escaped characters, and write the results back to the original
file location as UTF-8.
上级 7f8107a6
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import re
from classes.assets import get_assets_path
from classes.logger import log
from classes import info
from classes.app import get_app
# Compiled path regex
path_regex = re.compile(r'\"(image|path)\":.*?\"(.*?)\"')
......@@ -53,6 +54,24 @@ class JsonDataStore:
self._data = {} # Private data store, accessible through the get and set methods
self.data_type = "json data"
# Regular expression for project files with possible corruption
self.version_re = re.compile(r'"openshot-qt".*"2.5.0')
# Regular expression matching likely corruption in project files
self.damage_re = re.compile(r'/u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})')
# Connection to Qt main window, used in recovery alerts
app = get_app()
if app:
self.app = app
if app and app._tr:
self._ = app._tr
def fn(arg):
return arg
self._ = fn
def get(self, key):
""" Get copied value of a given key in data store """
key = key.lower()
......@@ -108,7 +127,7 @@ class JsonDataStore:
# Update default values to match user values
for item in default:
user_value = user_values.get(item["setting"], None)
if user_value != None:
if user_value is not None:
item["value"] = user_value
# Return merged list
......@@ -129,16 +148,51 @@ class JsonDataStore:
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
contents = f.read()
if contents:
if path_mode == "absolute":
# Convert any paths to absolute
contents = self.convert_paths_to_absolute(file_path, contents)
return json.loads(contents)
if not contents:
raise RuntimeError("Couldn't load {} file, no data.".format(self.data_type))
# Scan for and correct possible OpenShot 2.5.0 corruption
if self.damage_re.search(contents) and self.version_re.search(contents):
# File contains corruptions, backup and repair
self.make_repair_backup(file_path, contents)
# Repair all corrupted escapes
contents, subs_count = self.damage_re.subn(r'\\u\1', contents)
if subs_count < 1:
# Nothing to do!
log.info("No recovery substitutions on {}".format(file_path))
# We have to de- and re-serialize the data, to complete repairs
temp_data = json.loads(contents)
contents = json.dumps(temp_data, ensure_ascii=False)
temp_data = {}
# Save the repaired data back to the original file
with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:
msg_log = "Repaired {} corruptions in file {}"
msg_local = self._("Repaired {num} corruptions in file {path}")
log.info(msg_log.format(subs_count, file_path))
if hasattr(self.app, "window") and hasattr(self.app.window, "statusBar"):
msg_local.format(num=subs_count, path=file_path), 5000
# Process JSON data
if path_mode == "absolute":
# Convert any paths to absolute
contents = self.convert_paths_to_absolute(file_path, contents)
return json.loads(contents)
except RuntimeError as ex:
except Exception as ex:
msg = ("Couldn't load {} file: {}".format(self.data_type, ex))
raise Exception(msg)
msg = ("Couldn't load {} file, no data.".format(self.data_type))
raise Exception(msg) from ex
msg = ()
raise Exception(msg)
......@@ -261,3 +315,42 @@ class JsonDataStore:
log.error("Error while converting absolute paths to relative paths: %s" % str(ex))
return data
def make_repair_backup(self, file_path, jsondata, backup_dir=None):
""" Make a backup copy of an OSP file before performing recovery """
if backup_dir:
backup_base = os.path.join(backup_dir, os.path.basename(file_path))
backup_base = os.path.realpath(file_path)
# Generate a filename.osp.bak (or filename.osp.bak.1...) backup file name
backup_file = "{}.bak".format(backup_base)
dup_count = 1
while os.path.exists(backup_file) and dup_count <= 999:
backup_file = "{}.bak.{}".format(backup_base, dup_count)
dup_count += 1
if dup_count >= 1000:
# Something's wrong, we can't find a free save file name; bail
raise Exception("Aborting recovery, cannot create backup file")
# Attempt to open backup file for writing and store original data
with open(backup_file, "w") as fout:
if hasattr(self.app, "window") and hasattr(self.app.window, "statusBar"):
self._("Saved backup file {}").format(backup_file), 5000
log.info("Backed up {} as {}".format(file_path, backup_file))
except (PermissionError, FileExistsError) as ex:
# Couldn't write to backup file! Try alternate location
log.error("Couldn't write to backup file {}: {}".format(backup_file, ex))
if not backup_dir:
# Retry in alternate location
log.info("Attempting to save backup in user config directory")
self.make_repair_backup(file_path, jsondata, backup_dir=info.USER_PATH)
raise Exception("Aborting recovery, cannot write backup file") from ex
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