未验证 提交 14ecc519 编写于 作者: J Jonathan Thomas 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #3995 from OpenShot/linux-build-cleanup

Reducing size of AppImage (removing unused and duplicate files during freeze)
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
# signtool sign /v /f OSStudiosSPC.pfx "OpenShot Video Editor-2.0.0-win32.msi"
import inspect
import glob
import os
import sys
import fnmatch
......@@ -469,3 +470,25 @@ if sys.platform == "darwin":
elif frozen_path.endswith(".app"):
fix_rpath(os.path.join(build_path, frozen_path, "Contents", "MacOS"))
print_min_versions(os.path.join(build_path, frozen_path, "Contents", "MacOS"))
elif sys.platform == "linux":
# Linux issues with frozen folder
# We need to remove some excess folders/files that are unneeded bloat
build_path = os.path.join(PATH, "build")
for frozen_path in os.listdir(build_path):
if frozen_path.startswith("exe"):
paths = ["lib/openshot_qt/",
for path in paths:
full_path = os.path.join(build_path, frozen_path, path)
for remove_path in glob.glob(full_path):
if os.path.isfile(remove_path):
log.info("Removing unneeded file: %s" % remove_path)
elif os.path.isdir(remove_path):
log.info("Removing unneeded folder: %s" % remove_path)
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