shenchunping 推送
add test cases a4b91d35
名称 最后提交 最后更新
aafwk modified acts
aafwk_lite fix aafwk_lite and appexecfwk_lite xts code
account modified acts
ace add test cases
ai_lite jiyong@huawei.com
appexecfwk modified acts
appexecfwk_lite fix aafwk_lite and appexecfwk_lite xts code
applications add kitframework_ipcamera/BUILD.gn
barrierfree modified acts
build_lite 新增L0设备dsoftbus北向接口xts用例,更新元能力和包管理xts测试用例
communication fixed f5fd610b from https://gitee.com/q00313334/xts_acts/pulls/2228
communication_lite modified acts
compileruntime modified acts
demo jiyong@huawei.com
developtools jiyong@huawei.com
distributed_schedule_lite modify samgr lite testcase for L1
distributeddatamgr modified acts
distributeddatamgr_lite sunpeng26@huawei.com
distributedhardware 修正unAuth大小写错误
dsoftbus rename rpc to ipc
figures update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
global modified acts
global_lite/i18n_lite modify json file by yangqing3@huawei.com
graphic 图形子系统增加webGL测试用例,zhaoxiaoguang2@huawei.com
hiviewdfx modified acts
hiviewdfx_lite !1370 1,修改dfx错误使用布尔值由小写修改为大写,2,内核用例高概率失败,影响社区流水线执行,下线处理,定位清楚后重新打开
iot_hardware_lite/iot_controller_hal jiyong@huawei.com
kernel_lite !1557 【kernel_lite】【master】修改NET模块里面的敏感信息
location wifi p2p xts 3568 testcase22
miscservices 更新杂散定时服务用例
multimedia modified acts
multimedia_lite add utils lite interface path
multimodalinput add multimodalinput testcase
notification modified acts
open_posix_testsuite clang triple renaming
powermgr Modify thermal xts
resourceschedule modified acts
sample_lite update openharmony 1.0.1
security modified acts
security_lite !1626 设备认证依赖算法测试用例
sensors change miscdevice testcase
sensors_lite update openharmony 1.0.1
settingsdata modified settingdata
startup !2100 添加接口getUdid权限控制
startup_lite modified acts
storage modified acts
telephony modified acts
testtools update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
update_lite jiyong@huawei.com
updater jiyong@huawei.com
usb modified acts
useriam modified acts
utils_lite feat: kvstore test add data path
.gitattributes 修改storagefmssharejstest下测试用例中.apk为.txt,删除.gitattributes文件中apk整行
BUILD.gn update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
LICENSE update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
OAT.xml fix aafwk_lite and appexecfwk_lite xts code
README.md Signed-off-by: yexiang-bin <yexiangbin@huawei.com>
README_zh.md update README_zh.md.
build.sh xts部件化整改
bundle.json xts部件化整改
runtest.sh update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
test_packages.gni modified acts





贡献者 251



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