openharmony_ci 推送
!3271 update storagefileiojstest 5ae53070
名称 最后提交 最后更新
aafwk XTS失败用例适配
aafwk_lite Merge branch 'master' of gitee.com:openharmony/xts_acts into master
account Modify the failed use case
ai_lite jiyong@huawei.com
appexecfwk IssueNo: #I589JF:parse moduleName
appexecfwk_lite ipc接口替换
applications add kitframework_ipcamera/BUILD.gn
arkui !3244 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】add test cases
barrierfree fix interface change
build_lite modified Build.gn
communication quanli1@huawei.com
communication_lite 检视问题整改
compileruntime Modify the definition of copyToArray (array: array < T >) in vector
customization 修改测试hap安装方式
demo modified
developtools jiyong@huawei.com
distributed_schedule_lite modify samgr testcase
distributeddatamgr <liangzhenyu6@huawei.com>
distributeddatamgr_lite sunpeng26@huawei.com
figures update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
global add by yangqing3@huawei.com
global_lite/i18n_lite modify json file by yangqing3@huawei.com
graphic fix xts
hiviewdfx FA ETS HAP
hiviewdfx_lite !1370 1,修改dfx错误使用布尔值由小写修改为大写,2,内核用例高概率失败,影响社区流水线执行,下线处理,定位清楚后重新打开
iot_hardware_lite/iot_controller_hal modified
kernel_lite 修改告警用例
location quanli1@huawei.com
miscservices FA ETS HAP
multimedia !3216 AudioRecorderFormatCompatibilityTest
multimedia_lite Description: Modify the path of ace_engine_lite, ace_engine, napi warehouse names
multimodalinput Add interface getKeystrokeAbility
notification 111
open_posix_testsuite !2611 【kernel_lite】【master】补充修改kernel_lite用例
powermgr !3062 feat: 新增powermgr的性能测试
resourceschedule 提交信息描述
sample_lite modified
security basicandcipher
security_lite delete L1L1 and xiugai
sensors <lidanyang16@huawei.com>
sensors_lite update openharmony 1.0.1
settingsdata FA ETS HAP
startup [startup_standard][master]modify systemparameter cases name
startup_lite 【startup】【master】检视问题整改
storage update storagefileiojstest
telephony FA ETS HAP
testtools update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
update_lite add by yangqing3@huawei.com
updater add by yangqing3@huawei.com
usb 【usb】【master】新增USBConfig属性反向测试用例
useriam hujixiang1@huawei.com
utils_lite update kv_store path
.gitattributes 修改storagefmssharejstest下测试用例中.apk为.txt,删除.gitattributes文件中apk整行
BUILD.gn update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
LICENSE update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
OAT.xml fix aafwk_lite and appexecfwk_lite xts code
README.md Signed-off-by: yexiang-bin <yexiangbin@huawei.com>
README_zh.md update README_zh.md.
build.sh up 64
bundle.json xts部件化整改
runtest.sh modified
test_packages.gni ace to arkui





贡献者 251



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