名称 最后提交 最后更新
ability !5700 XTS适配启动管控---Call调用
ability_lite XTS-ability_lit配置文件修改
account update account/appaccount/actsaccounttest/src/main/js/test/List.test.js.
ai_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
appexecfwk_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
applications applications
arkXtest 将hap包改成单例模式,.Signed-off-by: <zhouke35@huawei.com>.
arkui !5786 crash修复
barrierfree add command for create accessibility node
build_lite Merge branch 'master' of gitee.com:openharmony/xts_acts into 725
bundlemanager !5640 API modify, adapt DefaultApplication testcase
commonlibrary !5726 Modified Toolchain Codecheck for master
commonlibrary_lite/file_hal switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
communication quanli1@huawei.com
customization 删除多余的测试用例
demo modified
developtools jiyong@huawei.com
distributed_schedule_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
distributeddatamgr <zhangmaowen1@huawei.com>
distributeddatamgr_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
figures update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
global !5727 getAppPreferredLanguage测试
global_lite/i18n_lite modify json file by yangqing3@huawei.com
graphic !5568 modify image name-xts_acts
hiviewdfx hilog日志打印信息优化
hiviewdfx_lite !1370 1,修改dfx错误使用布尔值由小写修改为大写,2,内核用例高概率失败,影响社区流水线执行,下线处理,定位清楚后重新打开
inputmethod add input API
iothardware_lite/peripheral_hal modifying the directory of iothardware_peripheral repository
kernel_lite update
location updata 0906
multimedia !5568 modify image name-xts_acts
multimedia_lite l1 link fixed
multimodalinput yuexinyao1@huawei.com
notification >actsNotificationPublishTest
open_posix_testsuite !2611 【kernel_lite】【master】补充修改kernel_lite用例
powermgr fix: Modify the Thermal use case
request modified request
resourceschedule 延迟任务调度回调接口API用例覆盖
sample_lite modified
security 更改参数true为null
security_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
sensors switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
sensors_lite update openharmony 1.0.1
startup 【startup_standard】【master】remove system api testcase
startup_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
storage file_api 适配
telephony update RTT case
testtools update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
theme add screenLock API and moddifed time API and utitest
time add screenLock API and moddifed time API and utitest
update_lite switch path deps on utils to commonlibrary
usb 【xts_acts】【master】js测试用例修改
useriam 【master】【安全子系统】acts仓增加部件化修改
.gitattributes 修改storagefmssharejstest下测试用例中.apk为.txt,删除.gitattributes文件中apk整行
BUILD.gn update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
LICENSE update OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary
OAT.xml fix aafwk_lite and appexecfwk_lite xts code
README.md Signed-off-by: yexiang-bin <yexiangbin@huawei.com>
README_zh.md updated readme.md
build.sh up 64
bundle.json xts部件化整改
runtest.sh modified
test_packages.gni applications





贡献者 251



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