提交 d0dea0dd 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!251 readme fix

Merge pull request !251 from 叶翔斌/yxb_001
......@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ OpenHarmony supports the following system types:
├── acts # Test code
├── acts # Test code
│ └── subsystem # Source code of subsystem test cases for the standard system
│ └── subsystem_lite # Source code of subsystems test cases for mini and small systems
│ └── BUILD.gn # Build configuration of test cases for the standard system
│ └── build_lite
│ └── BUILD.gn # Build configuration of test cases for mini and small systems
└── tools # Test tool code
└── tools # Test tool code
## Constraints<a name="section119744591305"></a>
......@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ OpenHarmony支持如下几种系统类型:
├── acts # 测试代码存放目录
├── acts # 测试代码存放目录
│ └── subsystem # 标准系统子系统测试用例源码存放目录
│ └── subsystem_lite # 轻量系统、小型系统子系统测试用例源码存放目录
│ └── BUILD.gn # 标准系统测试用例编译配置
│ └── build_lite # 轻量系统、小型系统测试用例编译配置存放目录
│ └── BUILD.gn # 轻量系统、小型系统测试用例编译配置
└── tools # 测试工具代码存放目录
└── tools # 测试工具代码存放目录
## 约束<a name="section119744591305"></a>
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