提交 c16aa586 编写于 作者: D dongwei 提交者: wanggang

add test cases

Signed-off-by: Ndongwei <dongwei@kaihongdigi.com>
上级 0cc99af7
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<div class="container">
<svg fill="white" width="400" height="400">
<path fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="3" d="m40,60 c0,-100 160,100 160,0 c0,-100 -160,100 -160,0 z"></path>
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<path fill="red" d="M-5,-5 L10,0 L-5,5 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion dur="2000" repeatCount="indefinite" rotate="auto-reverse"path="m40,130 c0,-100 160,100 160,0 c0,-100,-160,100 -160,0 z">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-5 L10,0 L-5,5 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion dur="2000" repeatCount="indefinite" rotate="45"path="m40,200 c0,-100 160,100 160,0 c0,-100 -160,100 -160,0 z"></animateMotion>
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* Copyright (c) 2022 Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
.container {
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width: 100%;
font-size: 14px;
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background-color: #eee;
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flex-weight: 1;
flex-direction: column;
flex-weight: 1;
align-items: center;
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* Copyright (c) 2022 Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<div class="container">
<div class="specific-container">
<text class="title">
<text class="sub-title">
标识属性 -- id
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="idProp">
<text class="sub-title">
动效的属性名的属性 -- attributeName
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="attributeNameProp" attributeName="x"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="attributeNamePropNone" attributeName=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
延迟时间属性 -- begin
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="beginProp" begin="1000"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="beginPropNone" begin=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
持续时间属性 -- dur
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="durProp" dur="1000"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="durPropNone" dur=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
结束时间属性 -- end
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="endProp" end="1000"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="endPropNone" end=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
动画播放次数属性 -- repeatCount
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="repeatCountProp" repeatCount="20"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="repeatCountPropNone" repeatCount=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
动画结束状态属性 -- fill
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="fillPropFreeze" fill="freeze"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="fillPropRemove" fill="remove"></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
动画插值模式属性 -- calcMode
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="calcModePropDiscrete" calcMode="discrete"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="calcModePropLinear" calcMode="linear"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="calcModePropPaced" calcMode="paced"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="calcModePropSpline" calcMode="spline"></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
关键帧时间属性 -- keyTimes
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="keyTimesProp" keyTimes="0.3;0.6;0,9"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="keyTimesPropNone" keyTimes=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
贝塞尔控制点属性 -- keySplines
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="keySplinesProp" keySplines="0.5 0 0.5 1"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="keySplinesPropNone" keySplines=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
动画偏移值属性 -- by
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="byProp" by="1"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="byPropNone" by=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
开始值属性 -- from
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="fromProp" from="10"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="fromPropNone" from=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
结束值属性 -- to
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="toProp" to="10"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="toPropNone" to=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
关键帧点距离属性 -- keyPoints
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="keyPointsProp" keyPoints="0;0.2;0.4;0.6;0.8;1"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="keyPointsPropNone" keyPoints=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
运动路径属性 -- path
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="pathProp" path="m40,130 c0,-100 160,100 160,0 c0,-100,-160,100 -160,0 z"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="pathPropNone" path=""></animateMotion>
<text class="sub-title">
动画对象旋转方向属性 -- rotate
<svg class="svg-style">
<path fill="red" d="M-5,-10 L15,0 L-5,10 L0,0 Z">
<animateMotion id="rotatePropRotate" rotate="rotate"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="rotatePropAutoReverse" rotate="auto-reverse"></animateMotion>
<animateMotion id="rotatePropNumber" rotate="45"></animateMotion>
* Copyright (c) 2022 Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
export default {
idProp : null,
attributeNameProp : null,
attributeNamePropNone: null,
beginProp : null,
beginPropNone : null,
durProp : null,
durPropNone : null,
endProp : null,
endPropNone: null,
repeatCountProp : null,
repeatCountPropNone : null,
fillPropFreeze : null,
fillPropRemove : null,
calcModePropDiscrete : null,
calcModePropLinear: null,
calcModePropPaced : null,
calcModePropSpline: null,
keyTimesProp : null,
keyTimesPropNone : null,
keySplinesProp : null,
keySplinesPropNone : null,
byProp : null,
byPropNone : null,
fromProp : null,
fromPropNone : null,
toProp : null,
toPropNone : null,
keyPointsProp : null,
keyPointsPropNone : null,
pathProp : null,
pathPropNone : null,
rotatePropRotate : null,
rotatePropAutoReverse : null,
rotatePropNumber : null,
globalThis.value = {
idProp : this.idProp,
attributeNameProp : this.attributeNameProp,
attributeNamePropNone: this.attributeNamePropNone,
beginProp : this.beginProp,
beginPropNone : this.beginPropNone,
durProp : this.durProp,
durPropNone : this.durPropNone,
endProp : this.endProp,
endPropNone: this.endPropNone,
repeatCountProp : this.repeatCountProp,
repeatCountPropNone : this.repeatCountPropNone,
fillPropFreeze : this.fillPropFreeze,
fillPropRemove : this.fillPropRemove,
calcModePropDiscrete : this.calcModePropDiscrete,
calcModePropLinear : this.calcModePropLinear,
calcModePropPaced : this.calcModePropPaced,
calcModePropSpline : this.calcModePropSpline,
keyTimesProp : this.keyTimesProp,
keyTimesPropNone : this.keyTimesPropNone,
keySplinesProp : this.keySplinesProp,
keySplinesPropNone : this.keySplinesPropNone,
byProp : this.byProp,
byPropNone : this.byPropNone,
fromProp : this.fromProp,
fromPropNone : this.fromPropNone,
toProp : this.toProp,
toPropNone : this.toPropNone,
keyPointsProp : this.keyPointsProp,
keyPointsPropNone : this.keyPointsPropNone,
pathProp : this.pathProp,
pathPropNone : this.pathPropNone,
rotatePropRotate : this.rotatePropRotate,
rotatePropAutoReverse : this.rotatePropAutoReverse,
rotatePropNumber : this.rotatePropNumber,
this.idProp = this.$element("idProp").getInspector()
this.attributeNameProp = this.$element("attributeNameProp").getInspector()
this.attributeNamePropNone = this.$element("attributeNamePropNone").getInspector()
this.beginProp = this.$element("beginProp").getInspector()
this.beginPropNone = this.$element("beginPropNone").getInspector()
this.durProp = this.$element("durProp").getInspector()
this.durPropNone = this.$element("durPropNone").getInspector()
this.endProp = this.$element("endProp").getInspector()
this.endPropNone = this.$element("endPropNone").getInspector()
this.repeatCountProp = this.$element("repeatCountProp").getInspector()
this.repeatCountPropNone = this.$element("repeatCountPropNone").getInspector()
this.fillPropFreeze = this.$element("fillPropFreeze").getInspector()
this.fillPropRemove = this.$element("fillPropRemove").getInspector()
this.calcModePropDiscrete = this.$element("calcModePropDiscrete").getInspector()
this.calcModePropLinear = this.$element("calcModePropLinear").getInspector()
this.calcModePropPaced = this.$element("calcModePropPaced").getInspector()
this.calcModePropSpline = this.$element("calcModePropSpline").getInspector()
this.keyTimesProp = this.$element("keyTimesProp").getInspector()
this.keyTimesPropNone = this.$element("keyTimesPropNone").getInspector()
this.keySplinesProp = this.$element("keySplinesProp").getInspector()
this.keySplinesPropNone = this.$element("keySplinesPropNone").getInspector()
this.byProp = this.$element("byProp").getInspector()
this.byPropNone = this.$element("byPropNone").getInspector()
this.fromProp = this.$element("fromProp").getInspector()
this.fromPropNone = this.$element("fromPropNone").getInspector()
this.toProp = this.$element("toProp").getInspector()
this.toPropNone = this.$element("toPropNone").getInspector()
this.keyPointsProp = this.$element("keyPointsProp").getInspector()
this.keyPointsPropNone = this.$element("keyPointsPropNone").getInspector()
this.pathProp = this.$element("pathProp").getInspector()
this.pathPropNone = this.$element("pathPropNone").getInspector()
this.rotatePropRotate = this.$element("rotatePropRotate").getInspector()
this.rotatePropAutoReverse = this.$element("rotatePropAutoReverse").getInspector()
this.rotatePropNumber = this.$element("rotatePropNumber").getInspector()
.container {
width: 100%;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
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font-size: 18px;
color: grey;
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<div class="outerBox">
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