提交 a145c34a 编写于 作者: W wangshi

"modifile graphic/vkgl/src/deqpgles3/ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite.cpp 优化vkgl测试代码"

Signed-off-by: Nwangshi <wangshi@kaihong.com>
上级 a4ff5ddd
......@@ -27,34 +27,4 @@ namespace OHOS {
time_t ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite::endTime;
FuncRunResult ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite::runResult;
// Preset action of the test suite, which is executed before the first test case
void ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite::SetUpTestCase(void)
runResult.numPassed = 0;
runResult.numFailed = 0;
runResult.numNotSupported = 0;
runResult.numWarnings = 0;
runResult.numWaived = 0;
// Test suite cleanup action, which is executed after the last test case
void ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite::TearDownTestCase(void)
printf("Test run totals --- Passed[%d]\n", runResult.numPassed);
printf("Test run totals --- Failed[%d]\n", runResult.numFailed);
printf("Test run totals --- Notsupport[%d]\n", runResult.numNotSupported);
printf("Test run totals --- Warnings[%d]\n", runResult.numWarnings);
printf("Test run totals --- Waved[%d]\n", runResult.numWaived);
cout << "testmain end --- COST TIME ["<< (endTime-startTime) << "]" << std::endl;;
// Preset action of the test case
void ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite::SetUp(void)
// Cleanup action of the test case
void ActsDeqpgles30010TestSuite::TearDown(void)
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