提交 945a8571 编写于 作者: L limeng151


Signed-off-by: Nlimeng151 <limeng151@huawei.com>
Change-Id: Ic5896b6554aa2a0b6a33eee816b14f711bc544c3
上级 10537483
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFallocate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
LOG("> vfsBufNew.f_bfree = %lu", vfsBufNew.f_bfree);
int ret = strcmp(TOP_DIR, "sdcard");
if(ret = 0) {
if(ret == 0) {
int bNumExpect = file_size / vfsBufNew.f_bsize;
int bNum = vfsBufOld.f_bfree - vfsBufNew.f_bfree;
LOG("> bNumExpect = %d", bNumExpect);
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFallocateSmallSize, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
LOG("> vfsBufNew.f_bfree = %lu", vfsBufNew.f_bfree);
int ret = strcmp(TOP_DIR, "sdcard");
if (ret = 0) {
if (ret == 0) {
int bNumExpect = file_size / vfsBufNew.f_bsize;
int bNum = vfsBufOld.f_bfree - vfsBufNew.f_bfree;
LOG("> bNumExpect = %d", bNumExpect);
......@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsNetTest, testIoctlIfhwAddr, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
ASSERT_EQ(0, ret) << "ioctl fail[SIOCGIFCONF], errinfo[" << strerror(errno) << "]";
char rst1[18];
char rst2[18];
char* macPtr = nullptr;
struct ifreq ifrTmp = {0};
struct sockaddr_in *addr = nullptr;
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ HWTEST_F(PidTest, testOrphanProcess, Function | MediumTest | Level1)
if (pPid != 1) {
LOG("getppid orphaned process fail, expect:1, but get:%d", pPid);
// transfer result to main process
shmAddr[0] == retFail;
shmAddr[0] = retFail;
shmAddr[1] =2;
LOG("child child exit %d", shmAddr[1]);
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