提交 7fb80b15 编写于 作者: T toutes

test: Add xts_acts remainingChargeTime_test interface test case

Signed-off-by: Ntoutes <zhaoruiyuan2@huawei.com>
Change-Id: Ifd1df439b2b54eb92210ba97c113fac9dc87b52e
上级 de0a9ac7
......@@ -390,4 +390,15 @@ describe('appInfoTest', function () {
console.info('batteryLevelState = ' + batteryLevelState);
expect(batteryLevelState == 5).assertTrue();
* @tc.number battery_manager_js_3400
* @tc.name remainingChargeTime_test
* @tc.desc Battry Present Interface Test
it('remainingChargeTime_test', 0, function () {
let remainingChargeTime = batteryInfo.estimatedRemainingChargeTime;
console.info('remainingChargeTime = ' + remainingChargeTime);
expect(remainingChargeTime >= 0).assertTrue();
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