未验证 提交 535a4149 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!7703 【OpenHarmony】【安全子系统】Cap测试套用例优化

Merge pull request !7703 from qiaozzzh/0222_1
......@@ -1085,54 +1085,6 @@ HWTEST_F(CapabilityTestSuite, CapabilityTest2200, Security | MediumTest | Level1
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0) << "ErrInfo: Pid = 6, process media_server has wrong capability";
* @tc.number : SUB_SEC_AppSEC_PermissionMgmt_Capability_2300
* @tc.name : Check whether the default configuration of the capability of the third-party application process
is the same as that described in the design document
* @tc.desc : [C-SECURITY-0100]
HWTEST_F(CapabilityTestSuite, CapabilityTest2300, Security | MediumTest | Level1)
int ret;
struct __user_cap_header_struct capheader = { 0 };
errno_t result = memset_s(&capheader, sizeof(struct __user_cap_header_struct), 0,
sizeof(struct __user_cap_header_struct));
if (result != EOK) {
LOG("CapgetWithAllCap memset_s failed");
capheader.version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION_3;
struct __user_cap_data_struct capdataget[CAP_NUM] = { { 0 }, { 0 } };
result = memset_s(capdataget, CAP_NUM * sizeof(struct __user_cap_data_struct),
0, CAP_NUM * sizeof(struct __user_cap_data_struct));
if (result != EOK) {
LOG("CapgetWithAllCap memset_s failed");
pid_t pid = getpid();
for (int num = OTHER_PID; num <= pid; num++) {
// Step 1: The current test process has all capabilities
if (num == pid) {
capheader.pid = pid;
ret = capget(&capheader, &capdataget[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(capdataget[0].effective, OHOS_FULL_CAP) <<"ErrInfo: Pid = " << num
<< ", test_process has wrong capability";
} else {
// Step 2: Check the capability of process from pid = 9
capheader.pid = num;
ret = capget(&capheader, &capdataget[0]);
if (ret == 0) {
// Step 2.1: Check the capability of process which exists now
EXPECT_EQ(capdataget[0].effective, NO_CAP) << "ErrInfo: Pid = " << num
<< ", thirdPartyApp has wrong capability";
} else {
// Step 2.2: Check the capability of process which not exist now
EXPECT_EQ(ret, FALSE) << "ErrInfo: Capget return error, now process uid=" << getuid();
* @tc.number : SUB_SEC_AppSEC_PermissionMgmt_Capability_2400
* @tc.name : The process continuously invokes the capset and capget interfaces,
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