提交 4c26ab38 编写于 作者: I inter515


Signed-off-by: Ninter515 <ry.renyi@huawei.com>
上级 259be4f3
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <mutex>
#include <securec.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include "zlib.h"
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ static int ONE = 1;
static int FOUR = 4;
static int SIX = 6;
static int EIGHT = 8;
static int GARBAGE_LEN = strlen(GARBAGE);
static int GARBAGE_LEN = strlen(GARBAGE) + 1;
static unsigned BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
std::mutex gzMutex_;
std::mutex puMutex_;
......@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestCompress, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
fprintf(stderr, "*********ActsZlibTestCompress Z_SOLO**********\n");
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzio, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzio, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestDeflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int);
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int);
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestDeflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -294,7 +295,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestLargeDeflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestLargeDeflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestLargeInflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestLargeInflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestFlush, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int);
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int);
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestFlush, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestSync, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestSync, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestDictDeflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestDictDeflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestDictInflate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -570,7 +571,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestCompress2, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
fprintf(stderr, "*********ActsZlibTestCompress2 Z_BEST_COMPRESSION Z_SOLO**********\n");
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestDeflateState, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
int *bits = nullptr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -812,7 +813,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzBuffer, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
int res = gzdirect(file);
fprintf(stderr, "gzdirect result: %d\n", res);
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -960,7 +961,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzGets, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
file = gzopen(TESTFILE, "wb");
Byte *uncompr;
uLong uncomprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int);
uLong uncomprLen = 100 * sizeof(int);
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
strcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<char *>(uncompr), GARBAGE_LEN, GARBAGE);
fprintf(stderr, "gzgets\n");
......@@ -1126,7 +1127,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzRead, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *uncompr;
uLong uncomprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int);
uLong uncomprLen = 100 * sizeof(int);
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
ASSERT_TRUE(uncompr != Z_NULL);
......@@ -1310,7 +1311,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzInflateBack, Function | MediumTest | Level2
z_stream strm;
unsigned char match[65280 + 2]; /* buffer for reversed match or gzip 32K sliding window */
Byte *uncompr;
uLong uncomprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
/* initialize inflateBack state for repeated use */
window = match; /* reuse match buffer */
......@@ -1341,7 +1342,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestGzInflateBack, Function | MediumTest | Level2
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateCodesUsed, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -1385,7 +1386,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateCopy_END, Function | MediumTest | Leve
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateGetDictionary, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -1556,7 +1557,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflatePrime, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateReset, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -1594,7 +1595,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateReset, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateSetDictionary, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -1628,7 +1629,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateSetDictionary, Function | MediumTest |
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateSyncPoint, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -1660,7 +1661,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateSyncPoint, Function | MediumTest | Lev
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateUndermine, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
......@@ -1692,7 +1693,7 @@ HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateUndermine, Function | MediumTest | Lev
HWTEST_F(ActsZlibTest, ActsZlibTestInflateValidate, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
Byte *compr, *uncompr;
uLong comprLen = 10000 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong comprLen = 100 * sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
uLong uncomprLen = comprLen;
compr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(comprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
uncompr = static_cast<Byte*>(calloc(static_cast<uInt>(uncomprLen), CALLOC_SIZE));
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