提交 475cabf5 编写于 作者: D dongjinguang

!50 update MoM of PMC meeting

* Description:[MoM] update recently MoM of PMC meeting
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitee.com/dongjinguang/community
* Description:[fix]/] update Slack link information
上级 3bdee253
# Project Management Committee Meeting 2021-02-01
### Attendance:
The attendance have reached quorum with 10 participants in the meeting.
### Agenda:
1. Review the actions from last meetings
2. Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
3. Open discussion
### Review the actions from last meetings:
1. Opensource community developers are very concerned about the OpenHarmony version evolution roadmap. So each PMC member need to give the planning work of the next phase which and disscuss with each other at the next PMC meeting. -- owner: All PMC member
| Plan | Period | Proposer | Progress | Status |
| Provide Dockerfile and Docker image for Developers to compiler and flash image in the same enviroment | Oct | dongjinguang | 2020-11-08: https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/pulls/160 | Close |
| Accepting PR of porting 3rd dev board Application for the Code of L0/L1 Non-HiSilicon Chips | Feb 2021 | dongjinguang | 2021-01-18: Cotex-m refactor has been finished, and the migration guide document will be released on 2.10 | Processing |
| Components and animation enhancement | Jan 2021 | Borne | 2021-01-18: It will release together with component-based rectification on Feb 28 | Processing |
| Percentage relative layout support | Jan 2021 | Borne | 2021-01-18: It will release together with component-based rectification on Feb 28 | Processing |
| Event bubbling support | Jan 2021 | Borne | 2021-01-18: It will release together with component-based rectification on Feb 28 | Open |
| Develop a platform driver models such as GPIO SPI, and I2C ... to facilitate the support of the 3rd-party soc development board. | Nov 2020 | Scott | 2021-01-18: It will release together with component-based rectification on Feb 28 | Processing |
| Optimization redundant code of the public basic library | Jan 2021 | blue.xiaofeng | 2021-01-18: Absent meeting and delay to 202102 |Open |
| Refactor multimedia foundation and add DRM framework support | Apr 2021 | tanliwen | 2021-01-18: Level1 POSIX interfaces are incomplete, the HiStreamer framework needs to be tailored and adapted. | Open |
| Prepare Linux version, code compliance rectification | Dec 2020 | yuanwenhong | 2021-01-18: Media and graphics module still have some problem. Hope it could be finished on February 28 | Open |
| Adjust external compilation dependencies | Dec 2020 | wangxing | 2021-01-18: Absent meeting and need to provide progress | Open |
2. [Feature Request] Add Light-weight AI framework to OHOS, will be release initial version on OpenHarmony by end of 2020. owner: :lifu2@huawei.com
- Having finished and will opensource on Feb 2021
3. [XTS CI access controlf for API] OpenHarmony API modification control strategy :
- Conclusion:
(1) Agree to add open-source API modification control policies for code building. Before the implement, we need to know how to ensure the synchronization policy during force upstream (unsolved issue 1).
(2) Agree to requirement that developers must submit XTS test when submitting API modifications.
- Unsolved Issues
(1) How to ensure sync policy that the PMC force upstream new APIs into main branch? Owner: Gao Hanyi
(2) Organize all OpenHarmony PMCs and committers to provide XTS suite development training to guide subsequent XTS development of all subsystem. Owner: Ji Yong
### Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
### Open discussion
# Project Management Committee Meeting 2021-03-29
### Attendance:
The attendance have reached quorum with 6 participants in the meeting.
### Agenda:
1. Review the actions from last meetings
2. Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
3. Open discussion
### Review the actions from last meetings:
Topic1: Pre-review of the OpenHamony PMC & Committer Community Operation Mechanism and Appointment -- dongjinguang
1. To adapt to OpenHarmony community development, the PMC has 23 SIG groups, which correspond to different subsystems and service domains.
2. For community-based development requirements, the SIG needs to create a requirement list on the Gitee and associate it with the version iteration plan so that ecosystem partners and external developers can understand the evolution roadmap of OpenHarmony.
3. Huawei's attributes should be gradually weakened in subsequent PMC meetings. Tencent meeting/zoom is recommended for the meeting link and OpenAtom Foundation template is recommended for materials.
4. PMCs and committers are regularly elected by voting.
Topic2: [Feature Request] Create Littefs new filesystem, there is no suitable fs for nor flash on m-core chipset -- LiZan
1. Introduce the littlefs third-party file system for the liteos_m core. there are some need to focus on as follows:
(1) Different types of file systems need to be dynamically configured and tailored in different application scenarios.
(2) The lite_m kernel file system uses VFS to design the normalized file system interface.
(3) Establish the ROM and RAM baselines for the littlefs. Need to consider the ROM space consuming for current development board, because there have been reported insufficient free space on Hi3518 board.
2. To solve the problem of insufficient free space on Hi3518, need to sort the ROM/RAM baseline of each subsystem for newly introduced modules.
Topic3: [Feature Request] Create new repository and adjustment hievent kernel driver for OpenHarmony L0-L1 -- MaYaoHui
1. No need to adjustment after evaluation.
Topic4: Issue & PR SLA Requirements for OpenHarmony Community -- XingWenHua
1. OpenSouce Community features need to be created in the Gitee issue and released to the OpenSource community.
2. The handling of community bugs, issues, and mailing lists must meet the SLA requirements.# TensorFlow Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
### Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
### Open discussion
# Project Management Committee Meeting 2021-04-13
### Attendance:
The attendance have reached quorum with 8 participants in the meeting.
### Agenda:
1. Review the actions from last meetings
2. Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
3. Open discussion
### Review the actions from last meetings:
Topic1: OpenHamony SIG group operation mechanism & community status review
1. The SIG Leader is responsible for defining the scope of work and business objectives of the corresponding SIG, and operate and maintain the corresponding SIG.
2. The SIG Leader is responsible for attracting and developing external committers to participate in project incubation, documentation improvement and community promotion of the corresponding SIG.
3. The SIG leader regularly reports the SIG incubation project and SIG operation progress to the PMC, and makes improvements based on PMC's guidance and suggestions.
4. Responsible for the design, review, and make decisions on software module architectures in the SIG domain, proactively identify, optimize, or reconstruct code in the responsible domain; eliminate technical debts.
5. Serve as OpenHarmony open source technology evangelist to publicize OpenHarmony's value proposition, as the main speech of the technology salon, writing technical articles, etc.
6. There are a total of 107 issues to be created before March 2021, of which 87 have no designated responsible person. The clearing of historical issues is slow.
TOP projects:
sig-kernel [@wangmihu](https://gitee.com/wangmihu2008)
sig-Test [@gaohanyi](https://gitee.com/gaohanyi1982)
sig-Compiler-and-build [@wangxing](https://gitee.com/wangxing-hw)
sig-hisi-vendor [@yuanwenhong](https://gitee.com/yuan.w.hong)
sig-softbus [@xuyongpan](https://gitee.com/Xuyongpan)
7. A total of 75 issues will be created after March 2021, of which 57 have not designated responsible persons;
TOP projects:
sig-kernel [@wangmihu](https://gitee.com/wangmihu2008),
sig-graphic [@lizhiqi](https://gitee.com/pssea)
sig-ACE [@lubo](https://gitee.com/borne)
sig-Test [@gaohanyi](https://gitee.com/gaohanyi1982)
Topic2: Standardize the use of CMSIS on L0-Provide support for the M core to add other IoT kernel OS
1. Standardize CMSIS invocation based on the original OpenHarmony to facilitate access of other kernels in the community. Correct improper CMSIS test suites in test cases and non-standard CMSIS in LiteOS. Owner: [@wangmihu](https://gitee.com/wangmihu2008)
2. Each L0 subsystem is decoupled from the LiteOS and accesses the kernel through the CMSIS interface. Owner: [@wangmihu](https://gitee.com/wangmihu2008)
3. Establish a SIG group to provide APIs at the compatibility layer for migrating other IoT kernel OS to OpenHarmony. owner: [@liangkelei](https://gitee.com/kevenlikai)
Topic3: Added KV-database management subsystem:
1. Agree to establish sig-database and provides the local database capability. The distributed capability is added to connect to 1+8+N devices in future.
2. The definition of API interface, repository name, directory name, and architecture should be consistent with those at the L2-L5 level. owner: [@xuchao](https://gitee.com/purple-ding-gags)
4. Due to the lifetime of the NOR flash device, should consider to reduce the frequency of writing on write-back. owner: [@xuchao](https://gitee.com/purple-ding-gags)
Topic4: Writing Component Specification Information to Component README
1. Agree to write specifications and dependent component fields into README, decompose the specifications and dependent information and integrate with the existing README information to form a template to be added to the README and related material writing specifications owner: [@YangNi]https://gitee.com/neeen
2. Push each subsystem to update component specifications based on the template provided in the documentation --- owner: [@mazhanfu](mazhanfu@huawei.com)
3. Component dependencies can be exported and added to the TODO list as a new requirement. owner: [@peitaiyi](https://gitee.com/taiyipei)
Topic5: Building an Open Source Repository for Lightweight Graphics Demo Boards
1. Agree to establish sig-devboard, and sig-devboard will be used to incubate the three-party development board adaptation. Create the device_st and vendor_huawei_minidisplay_demo repositories in the openharmony-sig. The test board with community access control is ready and then open the source. [@lilailong](https://gitee.com/kkup180)
Topic6: Qemu access control test project report
1. Agree to add the QEMU simulator CI test project to improve the efficiency of the pure software CI access control test that does not depend on the hardware development board. owner: [@wangyiming](youthdragon.wangyiming@huawei.com)
### Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
### Open discussion
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