提交 2a5151c7 编写于 作者: W wanglichao

add libuv xts

Signed-off-by: Nwanglichao <wanglichao10@huawei.com>
Change-Id: Ief776539870374356beaf766c21ed551242fa06a
上级 a405c116
......@@ -19,11 +19,23 @@
extern "C"{
#include "runner.h"
#include "uv.h"
typedef void (*init_plugin_function)();
namespace OHOS {
using namespace std;
using namespace testing::ext;
static const char TESTFILE[] = "foo.gz";
static uv_once_t once_only = UV_ONCE_INIT;
int i = 0;
void Increment()
// Preset action of the test suite, which is executed before the first test case
void ActsLibuvTest::SetUpTestCase(void)
......@@ -41,11 +53,168 @@ namespace OHOS {
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestCase001, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
printf("------start ActsLibuvTest------\n");
printf("------end ActsLibuvTest------\n");
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0100
* @tc.name : Test uv_version and uv_version_string test
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestUVVersion, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
int version = uv_version();
fprintf(stderr, "uv_version error: %d\n", version);
auto versionString = uv_version_string();
fprintf(stderr, "uv_version_string error: %s\n", versionString);
int replaceAllocator = uv_replace_allocator(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(replaceAllocator, UV_EINVAL);
fprintf(stderr, "uv_replace_allocator error: %d\n", replaceAllocator);
uv_loop_t* loop = uv_loop_new();
ASSERT_TRUE(loop != nullptr);
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0200
* @tc.name : Test uv_loop_new
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestLoop, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
uv_loop_t* newLoop;
newLoop = uv_loop_new();
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0300
* @tc.name : Test uv_err_name_r
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestErrName, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
int err = 0;
char buf[40];
size_t buflen = 40;
char* newBuf = uv_err_name_r(err, buf, buflen);
fprintf(stderr, "uv_err_name_r error: %s\n", newBuf);
ASSERT_STREQ(newBuf, "Unknown system error 0");
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0400
* @tc.name : Test uv_req_get_data and uv_req_set_data and uv_req_get_type
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestReqGetData, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
float f = 5.5f;
float* pf = &f;
uv_req_t* req = (uv_req_t *)malloc(sizeof(uv_req_t));
uv_req_t* setReq = (uv_req_t *)malloc(sizeof(uv_req_t));
req->data = pf;
req->type = UV_UNKNOWN_REQ;
fprintf(stderr, "uv_req_get_data: %f\n", *(float*)uv_req_get_data(req));
fprintf(stderr, "uv_req_get_type: %d\n", uv_req_get_type(req));
ASSERT_EQ(uv_req_get_data(req), pf);
ASSERT_EQ(uv_req_get_type(req), UV_UNKNOWN_REQ);
uv_req_set_data(setReq, pf);
ASSERT_EQ(uv_req_get_data(setReq), pf);
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0500
* @tc.name : Test uv_print_all_handles and uv_print_active_handles
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestPrintHandles, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
uv_loop_t* loop = nullptr;
FILE *fp = fopen(TESTFILE, "w");
uv_print_all_handles(loop, fp);
uv_print_active_handles(loop, fp);
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0600
* @tc.name : Test uv_udp_get_send_queue_size and uv_udp_get_send_queue_count
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestUpdSendQueue, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
size_t size, sizeC;
uv_udp_t* handle = (uv_udp_t *)malloc(sizeof(uv_udp_t));
handle->send_queue_size = 5;
handle->send_queue_count = 5;
size = uv_udp_get_send_queue_size(handle);
ASSERT_TRUE(size == 5);
sizeC = uv_udp_get_send_queue_count(handle);
ASSERT_TRUE(sizeC == 5);
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0700
* @tc.name : Test uv_fs_lchown
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestFsLchown, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
int retC;
uv_loop_t loop;
uv_fs_t req;
const char *path = "/date/";
uv_uid_t uid = 10000;
uv_gid_t gid = 2020;
retC = uv_fs_lchown(&loop, &req, path, uid, gid, nullptr);
fprintf(stderr, "uv_err_name_r error: %d\n", retC);
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0800
* @tc.name : Test uv_disable_stdio_inheritance
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestDisableStdioInheritance, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_0900
* @tc.name : Test uv_dlsym
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestDlsym, Function | MediumTest | Level2) {
int argc = 3;
const char *tmp[] = {"aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc"};
const char **argv = tmp;
uv_lib_t *lib = (uv_lib_t *)malloc(sizeof(uv_lib_t));
while (--argc) {
uv_dlopen(argv[argc], lib);
init_plugin_function init_plugin;
uv_dlsym(lib, "initialize", (void **)&init_plugin);
* @tc.number : ActsZlibTest_1000
* @tc.name : Test uv_once
* @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(ActsLibuvTest, TestLibuvTestUvOnce, Function | MediumTest | Level2)
uv_once(&once_only, Increment);
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