提交 0c00320e 编写于 作者: L lianwenjie007 提交者: Gitee

update graphic_lite/ui/a/src/window_test.cpp.

上级 cd703ba6
......@@ -39,23 +39,6 @@ HWTEST_F(WindowTest, Graphic_Window_Test_DestoryWindow_0200, Function | MediumTe
EXPECT_EQ(0, 0);
* @tc.number SUB_GRAPHIC_WINDOW_SHOW_0300
* @tc.name test window show api
* @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200]
HWTEST_F(WindowTest, Graphic_Window_Test_Show_0300, Function | MediumTest | Level0)
WindowConfig config = {};
config.rect.SetRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
Window* testObj = Window::CreateWindow(config);
if (testObj != nullptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, 0);
* @tc.number SUB_GRAPHIC_WINDOW_HIDE_0400
* @tc.name test window hide api
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