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# Project Management Committee Meeting 2020-10-26

### Attendance:
The attendance have reached quorum with 19 participants in the meeting.

### Agenda:

 1. Review the actions from last meetings
 2. Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight
 3. Open discussion

### Review the actions from last meetings:
 1. Opensource community developers are very concerned about the OpenHarmony version evolution roadmap. So each PMC member need to give the planning work of the next phase which and disscuss with each other at the next PMC meeting.  -- owner: All PMC member
| Plan | Period | Proposer | Status |
| Provide Dockerfile and Docker image for Developers to compiler and flash image in the same enviroment  | Oct | dongjinguang | Close |
| Accepting PR of porting 3rd dev board Application for the Code of L0/L1 Non-HiSilicon Chips | Oct | dongjinguang | Open |
| separate ringbuffer managerment from hilog & hievent virtual driver   |           Oct | stesen | Open |
| Read muti-log at one time implement for hilog                         |           Nov | stesen | Open |
| Reader session implement for hilog                                    |           Nov | stesen | Open |
| Components and animation enhancement   | Nov    | lubo     | Open |
| Page route animation support           | Dec    | lubo     | Open |
| Add some internationalization new APIs | Jan    | lubo     | Open |
| Percentage relative layout support     | Dec    | lubo     | Open |
| Event bubbling support                 | Dec    | lubo     | Open |
| Develop a platform driver models such as GPIO SPI, and I2C ... to facilitate the support of the 3rd-party soc development board. | Nov    | Scott | Open |
| Optimization redundant code of the public basic library | Nov    | blue.xiaofeng | Open |
| Upgraded the communication (include IPC) to slove the problem of intercommunicate between Low wight device witch rich Harmony device | Dec    | yinyouzhan | Open |
| Refactor multimedia foundation and add DRM framework support  | Apr 2021    | tanliwen | Open |
| Prepare Linux version, code compliance rectification | Dec | yuanwenhong | Open |
| Communicaton mechaanism between Ability deployed on different devices | Dec 2020    | lijiarun | Open |
| Need to Provide roadmap | Need to Confirm | wangxing | Open |
| Need to Provide roadmap | Need to Confirm | wangzhen 00453352 | Open |

2. Need to clarify the OpenHarmony roadmap timeline -- owner: aiyongfu/zhangmingxiu
  - Not finished and have been delayed

3. To improve development efficiency and reduce maintenance workload, needs to determine internal and external branches sync policy asap. -- owner: zhangmingxiu/aiyongfu
  - Having finished the branch sync policy report on OS STDT meeting and obtain the approval from the PMC leader
4. Hope to provide the menuconfig mechanism which similar to that of Linux menuconfig mechanism. owner: wangxing
  - Not finished
5. There are many compilation dependency options for new 3rd-party development board configuration file, which depend on the HiSi vendor code.  owern: yuanwenhong、wangxing
  - Not finished
6. [Feature Request] Add Light-weight AI framework to OHOS, need to do technical evaluation in TMG of Smart Engineering Dept. Now there is two light-weight AI framework, TinyAI and Mindspore Micro fromwork, we need to decide which Light Weight AI Framework solution to use throught performance comparison test.  owner:  zhouxinyu 00431241, Vinod Kumar S 70786 and lizhongyuan 00446796
  - Not finished
7. Likailong analyzed and designed the solution for third-party development boards. Need to communicate with the Atomic open source foundation contributor and try to accept the corresponding PR. owern: chenfen and Likailong
  - Processing
8.  Hope the HiStreamer multimedia system could be integrated to OpenHarmony dev branch ASAP, to support scenario such as drones and motion cameras and so on.  owner -- tanliwen
  - Not finished

### Review the issues and PRs from the community which need to higlight

 1.  There os only compile detection was integrated on the OpenHarmony CI/CD, and does not have real devices or simulated environments detection, which have raise daily version problem. The CI/CD engineering tool must be deployed asap.    owner:wangyiming 00335618
  - Real board CI was deployed, missing codestyle and static code check.

### Open discussion