提交 9578a382 编写于 作者: J John Lindgren

Fix "rake scripts" when running on Windows.

cmd.exe does not recognize backslash as an escape character,
leading to errors like the following:

    error: stray '\' in program
    note: in definition of macro 'UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR_HEADER_DECLARATION'

It does, however, recognize double quotes, so we can use those as
a portable method of escaping special characters on both Windows
and UNIX.
上级 46263fc1
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module RakefileHelpers
defines = if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
squash($cfg['compiler']['defines']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] + ['UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR=putcharSpy'] + ['UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR_HEADER_DECLARATION=putcharSpy\(int\)'] + inject_defines)
squash($cfg['compiler']['defines']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] + ['UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR=putcharSpy'] + ['UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR_HEADER_DECLARATION="putcharSpy(int)"'] + inject_defines)
options = squash('', $cfg['compiler']['options'])
includes = squash($cfg['compiler']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items'])
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