未验证 提交 ea8e4966 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!101 fix CVE-2023-0464 CVE-2023-0465 CVE-2023-0466

Merge pull request !101 from code4lala/OpenHarmony-3.2-Release
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
release branch.
Changes between 1.1.1s and 1.1.1t [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Corrected documentation of X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() to mention
that it does not enable policy checking. Thanks to
David Benjamin for discovering this issue. (CVE-2023-0466)
[Tomas Mraz]
*) Fixed a type confusion vulnerability relating to X.400 address processing
inside an X.509 GeneralName. X.400 addresses were parsed as an ASN1_STRING
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
This file gives a brief overview of the major changes between each OpenSSL
release. For more details please read the CHANGES file.
o Fixed documentation of X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() (CVE-2023-0466)
Major changes between OpenSSL 1.1.1m and OpenSSL 1.1.1n [15 Mar 2022]
......@@ -1649,18 +1649,25 @@ static int check_policy(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
/* Invalid or inconsistent extensions */
if (ret == X509_PCY_TREE_INVALID) {
int i;
int i, cbcalled = 0;
/* Locate certificates with bad extensions and notify callback. */
for (i = 1; i < sk_X509_num(ctx->chain); i++) {
for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(ctx->chain); i++) {
X509 *x = sk_X509_value(ctx->chain, i);
if (!(x->ex_flags & EXFLAG_INVALID_POLICY))
cbcalled = 1;
if (!verify_cb_cert(ctx, x, i,
return 0;
if (!cbcalled) {
/* Should not be able to get here */
return 0;
/* The callback ignored the error so we return success */
return 1;
if (ret == X509_PCY_TREE_FAILURE) {
......@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ struct X509_POLICY_LEVEL_st {
struct X509_POLICY_TREE_st {
/* The number of nodes in the tree */
size_t node_count;
/* The maximum number of nodes in the tree */
size_t node_maximum;
/* This is the tree 'level' data */
X509_POLICY_LEVEL *levels;
int nlevel;
......@@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *tree_find_sk(STACK_OF(X509_POLICY_NODE) *sk,
X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
X509_POLICY_DATA *data,
X509_POLICY_NODE *parent,
X509_POLICY_TREE *tree);
X509_POLICY_TREE *tree,
int extra_data);
void policy_node_free(X509_POLICY_NODE *node);
int policy_node_match(const X509_POLICY_LEVEL *lvl,
const X509_POLICY_NODE *node, const ASN1_OBJECT *oid);
......@@ -59,10 +59,15 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_find_node(const X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
X509_POLICY_DATA *data,
X509_POLICY_NODE *parent,
X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
X509_POLICY_TREE *tree,
int extra_data)
X509_POLICY_NODE *node;
/* Verify that the tree isn't too large. This mitigates CVE-2023-0464 */
if (tree->node_maximum > 0 && tree->node_count >= tree->node_maximum)
return NULL;
node = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*node));
if (node == NULL) {
......@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
node->data = data;
node->parent = parent;
if (level) {
if (level != NULL) {
if (OBJ_obj2nid(data->valid_policy) == NID_any_policy) {
if (level->anyPolicy)
goto node_error;
......@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
if (tree) {
if (extra_data) {
if (tree->extra_data == NULL)
tree->extra_data = sk_X509_POLICY_DATA_new_null();
if (tree->extra_data == NULL){
......@@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ X509_POLICY_NODE *level_add_node(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *level,
if (parent)
......@@ -13,6 +13,18 @@
#include "pcy_local.h"
* If the maximum number of nodes in the policy tree isn't defined, set it to
* a generous default of 1000 nodes.
* Defining this to be zero means unlimited policy tree growth which opens the
* door on CVE-2023-0464.
* Enable this to print out the complete policy tree at various point during
* evaluation.
......@@ -168,6 +180,9 @@ static int tree_init(X509_POLICY_TREE **ptree, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
/* Limit the growth of the tree to mitigate CVE-2023-0464 */
tree->node_maximum = OPENSSL_POLICY_TREE_NODES_MAX;
* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-6.1.2, figure 3.
......@@ -184,7 +199,7 @@ static int tree_init(X509_POLICY_TREE **ptree, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
level = tree->levels;
if ((data = policy_data_new(NULL, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_any_policy), 0)) == NULL)
goto bad_tree;
if (level_add_node(level, data, NULL, tree) == NULL) {
if (level_add_node(level, data, NULL, tree, 1) == NULL) {
goto bad_tree;
......@@ -243,7 +258,8 @@ static int tree_init(X509_POLICY_TREE **ptree, STACK_OF(X509) *certs,
* Return value: 1 on success, 0 otherwise
static int tree_link_matching_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
X509_POLICY_DATA *data)
X509_POLICY_DATA *data,
X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
X509_POLICY_LEVEL *last = curr - 1;
int i, matched = 0;
......@@ -253,13 +269,13 @@ static int tree_link_matching_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
X509_POLICY_NODE *node = sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_value(last->nodes, i);
if (policy_node_match(last, node, data->valid_policy)) {
if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, NULL) == NULL)
if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, tree, 0) == NULL)
return 0;
matched = 1;
if (!matched && last->anyPolicy) {
if (level_add_node(curr, data, last->anyPolicy, NULL) == NULL)
if (level_add_node(curr, data, last->anyPolicy, tree, 0) == NULL)
return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -272,7 +288,8 @@ static int tree_link_matching_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
* Return value: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
static int tree_link_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
const X509_POLICY_CACHE *cache)
const X509_POLICY_CACHE *cache,
X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
int i;
......@@ -280,7 +297,7 @@ static int tree_link_nodes(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
X509_POLICY_DATA *data = sk_X509_POLICY_DATA_value(cache->data, i);
/* Look for matching nodes in previous level */
if (!tree_link_matching_nodes(curr, data))
if (!tree_link_matching_nodes(curr, data, tree))
return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -311,7 +328,7 @@ static int tree_add_unmatched(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
/* Curr may not have anyPolicy */
data->qualifier_set = cache->anyPolicy->qualifier_set;
if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, tree) == NULL) {
if (level_add_node(curr, data, node, tree, 1) == NULL) {
return 0;
......@@ -373,7 +390,7 @@ static int tree_link_any(X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr,
/* Finally add link to anyPolicy */
if (last->anyPolicy &&
level_add_node(curr, cache->anyPolicy, last->anyPolicy, NULL) == NULL)
level_add_node(curr, cache->anyPolicy, last->anyPolicy, tree, 0) == NULL)
return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -555,7 +572,7 @@ static int tree_calculate_user_set(X509_POLICY_TREE *tree,
extra->qualifier_set = anyPolicy->data->qualifier_set;
node = level_add_node(NULL, extra, anyPolicy->parent, tree);
node = level_add_node(NULL, extra, anyPolicy->parent, tree, 1);
if (!tree->user_policies) {
tree->user_policies = sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_new_null();
......@@ -582,7 +599,7 @@ static int tree_evaluate(X509_POLICY_TREE *tree)
for (i = 1; i < tree->nlevel; i++, curr++) {
cache = policy_cache_set(curr->cert);
if (!tree_link_nodes(curr, cache))
if (!tree_link_nodes(curr, cache, tree))
if (!(curr->flags & X509_V_FLAG_INHIBIT_ANY)
......@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@ B<trust>.
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time() sets the verification time in B<param> to
B<t>. Normally the current time is used.
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() enables policy checking (it is disabled
by default) and adds B<policy> to the acceptable policy set.
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() adds B<policy> to the acceptable policy set.
Contrary to preexisting documentation of this function it does not enable
policy checking.
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies() enables policy checking (it is disabled
by default) and sets the acceptable policy set to B<policies>. Any existing
......@@ -377,6 +378,10 @@ and has no effect.
The X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_hostflags() function was added in OpenSSL 1.1.0i.
The function X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() was historically documented as
enabling policy checking however the implementation has never done this.
The documentation was changed to align with the implementation.
Copyright 2009-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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