未验证 提交 dd628f4d 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!104 build darwin64-arm64-cc for M1 chip

Merge pull request !104 from code4lala/M1
......@@ -168,6 +168,33 @@ crypto_config_darwin64_x86_64_cc_cflags = [
crypto_config_darwin64_arm64_cc_private_include_dirs = [
crypto_config_darwin64_arm64_cc_public_include_dirs =
[ "build_all_generated/darwin64-arm64-cc/include" ]
crypto_config_darwin64_arm64_cc_cflags = [
crypto_config_linux_x86_64_private_include_dirs = [
......@@ -250,6 +277,7 @@ crypto_config_mingw64_cflags = [
print("openssl detecting os now...")
print("current_cpu = ${current_cpu}")
print("current_os = ${current_os}")
print("host_os = ${host_os}")
print("is_mingw = ${is_mingw}")
crypto_config_current_platform_private_include_dirs = []
crypto_config_current_platform_public_include_dirs = []
......@@ -264,7 +292,8 @@ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !(current_os == "linux" || host_os == "mac")) {
crypto_config_current_platform_cflags += crypto_config_linux_armv4_cflags
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64" &&
!(current_os == "linux" || host_os == "mac")) {
(!(current_os == "linux" || host_os == "mac") ||
current_os == "ohos")) {
print("openssl selected linux-aarch64")
openssl_selected_platform = "linux-aarch64"
crypto_config_current_platform_private_include_dirs +=
......@@ -282,6 +311,15 @@ if (current_cpu == "arm" && !(current_os == "linux" || host_os == "mac")) {
crypto_config_current_platform_cflags +=
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64" && current_os == "mac") {
print("openssl selected darwin64-arm64-cc")
openssl_selected_platform = "darwin64-arm64-cc"
crypto_config_current_platform_private_include_dirs +=
crypto_config_current_platform_public_include_dirs +=
crypto_config_current_platform_cflags +=
} else if ((current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "x86_64") &&
current_os != "mingw") {
print("openssl selected linux-x86_64")
......@@ -362,6 +400,15 @@ libcommon_darwin64_x86_64_cc_sources = [
libcommon_darwin64_arm64_cc_sources = [
libcommon_linux_x86_64_sources = [
......@@ -517,6 +564,10 @@ libdefault_darwin64_x86_64_cc_sources = [
libdefault_darwin64_arm64_cc_sources = [
libdefault_linux_x86_64_sources =
[ "build_all_generated/linux-x86_64/providers/common/der/der_sm2_gen.c" ]
......@@ -1351,6 +1402,33 @@ ohos_source_set("crypto_source") {
} else if (openssl_selected_platform == "darwin64-arm64-cc") {
sources += libcommon_darwin64_arm64_cc_sources
sources += libdefault_darwin64_arm64_cc_sources
sources += [
} else if (openssl_selected_platform == "linux-x86_64") {
sources += libcommon_linux_x86_64_sources
sources += libdefault_linux_x86_64_sources
......@@ -1489,6 +1567,9 @@ unused_variables += crypto_config_linux_aarch64_cflags
unused_variables += crypto_config_darwin64_x86_64_cc_private_include_dirs
unused_variables += crypto_config_darwin64_x86_64_cc_public_include_dirs
unused_variables += crypto_config_darwin64_x86_64_cc_cflags
unused_variables += crypto_config_darwin64_arm64_cc_private_include_dirs
unused_variables += crypto_config_darwin64_arm64_cc_public_include_dirs
unused_variables += crypto_config_darwin64_arm64_cc_cflags
unused_variables += crypto_config_linux_x86_64_private_include_dirs
unused_variables += crypto_config_linux_x86_64_public_include_dirs
unused_variables += crypto_config_linux_x86_64_cflags
......@@ -1499,12 +1580,14 @@ unused_variables += libcommon_common_sources
unused_variables += libcommon_linux_armv4_sources
unused_variables += libcommon_linux_aarch64_sources
unused_variables += libcommon_darwin64_x86_64_cc_sources
unused_variables += libcommon_darwin64_arm64_cc_sources
unused_variables += libcommon_linux_x86_64_sources
unused_variables += libcommon_mingw64_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_common_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_linux_armv4_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_linux_aarch64_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_darwin64_x86_64_cc_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_darwin64_arm64_cc_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_linux_x86_64_sources
unused_variables += libdefault_mingw64_sources
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2000-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# Wrapper around the ca to make it easier to use
# WARNING: do not edit!
# Generated by Makefile from apps/CA.pl.in
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbose = 1;
my @OPENSSL_CMDS = ("req", "ca", "pkcs12", "x509", "verify");
my $openssl = $ENV{'OPENSSL'} // "openssl";
$ENV{'OPENSSL'} = $openssl;
# Command invocations.
my $REQ = "$openssl req $OPENSSL_CONFIG";
my $CA = "$openssl ca $OPENSSL_CONFIG";
my $VERIFY = "$openssl verify";
my $X509 = "$openssl x509";
my $PKCS12 = "$openssl pkcs12";
# Default values for various configuration settings.
my $CATOP = "./demoCA";
my $CAKEY = "cakey.pem";
my $CAREQ = "careq.pem";
my $CACERT = "cacert.pem";
my $CACRL = "crl.pem";
my $DAYS = "-days 365";
my $CADAYS = "-days 1095"; # 3 years
my $NEWKEY = "newkey.pem";
my $NEWREQ = "newreq.pem";
my $NEWCERT = "newcert.pem";
my $NEWP12 = "newcert.p12";
# Commandline parsing
my %EXTRA;
my $WHAT = shift @ARGV || "";
@ARGV = parse_extra(@ARGV);
my $RET = 0;
# Split out "-extra-CMD value", and return new |@ARGV|. Fill in
# |EXTRA{CMD}| with list of values.
sub parse_extra
foreach ( @OPENSSL_CMDS ) {
$EXTRA{$_} = '';
my @result;
while ( scalar(@_) > 0 ) {
my $arg = shift;
if ( $arg !~ m/-extra-([a-z0-9]+)/ ) {
push @result, $arg;
$arg =~ s/-extra-//;
die("Unknown \"-${arg}-extra\" option, exiting")
unless scalar grep { $arg eq $_ } @OPENSSL_CMDS;
$EXTRA{$arg} .= " " . shift;
return @result;
# See if reason for a CRL entry is valid; exit if not.
sub crl_reason_ok
my $r = shift;
if ($r eq 'unspecified' || $r eq 'keyCompromise'
|| $r eq 'CACompromise' || $r eq 'affiliationChanged'
|| $r eq 'superseded' || $r eq 'cessationOfOperation'
|| $r eq 'certificateHold' || $r eq 'removeFromCRL') {
return 1;
print STDERR "Invalid CRL reason; must be one of:\n";
print STDERR " unspecified, keyCompromise, CACompromise,\n";
print STDERR " affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOperation\n";
print STDERR " certificateHold, removeFromCRL";
exit 1;
# Copy a PEM-format file; return like exit status (zero means ok)
sub copy_pemfile
my ($infile, $outfile, $bound) = @_;
my $found = 0;
open IN, $infile || die "Cannot open $infile, $!";
open OUT, ">$outfile" || die "Cannot write to $outfile, $!";
while (<IN>) {
$found = 1 if /^-----BEGIN.*$bound/;
print OUT $_ if $found;
$found = 2, last if /^-----END.*$bound/;
close IN;
close OUT;
return $found == 2 ? 0 : 1;
# Wrapper around system; useful for debugging. Returns just the exit status
sub run
my $cmd = shift;
print "====\n$cmd\n" if $verbose;
my $status = system($cmd);
print "==> $status\n====\n" if $verbose;
return $status >> 8;
if ( $WHAT =~ /^(-\?|-h|-help)$/ ) {
print STDERR <<EOF;
CA.pl -newcert | -newreq | -newreq-nodes | -xsign | -sign | -signCA | -signcert | -crl | -newca [-extra-cmd parameter]
CA.pl -pkcs12 [certname]
CA.pl -verify certfile ...
CA.pl -revoke certfile [reason]
exit 0;
if ($WHAT eq '-newcert' ) {
# create a certificate
$RET = run("$REQ -new -x509 -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWCERT $DAYS"
. " $EXTRA{req}");
print "Cert is in $NEWCERT, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-precert' ) {
# create a pre-certificate
$RET = run("$REQ -x509 -precert -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWCERT $DAYS"
. " $EXTRA{req}");
print "Pre-cert is in $NEWCERT, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT =~ /^\-newreq(\-nodes)?$/ ) {
# create a certificate request
$RET = run("$REQ -new $1 -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWREQ $DAYS $EXTRA{req}");
print "Request is in $NEWREQ, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-newca' ) {
# create the directory hierarchy
my @dirs = ( "${CATOP}", "${CATOP}/certs", "${CATOP}/crl",
"${CATOP}/newcerts", "${CATOP}/private" );
die "${CATOP}/index.txt exists.\nRemove old sub-tree to proceed,"
if -f "${CATOP}/index.txt";
die "${CATOP}/serial exists.\nRemove old sub-tree to proceed,"
if -f "${CATOP}/serial";
foreach my $d ( @dirs ) {
if ( -d $d ) {
warn "Directory $d exists" if -d $d;
} else {
mkdir $d or die "Can't mkdir $d, $!";
open OUT, ">${CATOP}/index.txt";
close OUT;
open OUT, ">${CATOP}/crlnumber";
print OUT "01\n";
close OUT;
# ask user for existing CA certificate
print "CA certificate filename (or enter to create)\n";
my $FILE;
$FILE = "" unless defined($FILE = <STDIN>);
$FILE =~ s{\R$}{};
if ($FILE ne "") {
copy_pemfile($FILE,"${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY", "PRIVATE");
copy_pemfile($FILE,"${CATOP}/$CACERT", "CERTIFICATE");
} else {
print "Making CA certificate ...\n";
$RET = run("$REQ -new -keyout ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY"
. " -out ${CATOP}/$CAREQ $EXTRA{req}");
$RET = run("$CA -create_serial"
. " -out ${CATOP}/$CACERT $CADAYS -batch"
. " -keyfile ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY -selfsign"
. " -extensions v3_ca"
. " -infiles ${CATOP}/$CAREQ $EXTRA{ca}") if $RET == 0;
print "CA certificate is in ${CATOP}/$CACERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-pkcs12' ) {
my $cname = $ARGV[0];
$cname = "My Certificate" unless defined $cname;
$RET = run("$PKCS12 -in $NEWCERT -inkey $NEWKEY"
. " -certfile ${CATOP}/$CACERT -out $NEWP12"
. " -export -name \"$cname\" $EXTRA{pkcs12}");
print "PKCS #12 file is in $NEWP12\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-xsign' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -infiles $NEWREQ $EXTRA{ca}");
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-sign' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
. " -infiles $NEWREQ $EXTRA{ca}");
print "Signed certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-signCA' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
. " -extensions v3_ca -infiles $NEWREQ $EXTRA{ca}");
print "Signed CA certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-signcert' ) {
$RET = run("$X509 -x509toreq -in $NEWREQ -signkey $NEWREQ"
. " -out tmp.pem $EXTRA{x509}");
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
. "-infiles tmp.pem $EXTRA{ca}") if $RET == 0;
print "Signed certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-verify' ) {
my @files = @ARGV ? @ARGV : ( $NEWCERT );
foreach my $file (@files) {
# -CAfile quoted for VMS, since the C RTL downcases all unquoted
# arguments to C programs
my $status = run("$VERIFY \"-CAfile\" ${CATOP}/$CACERT $file $EXTRA{verify}");
$RET = $status if $status != 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-crl' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -gencrl -out ${CATOP}/crl/$CACRL $EXTRA{ca}");
print "Generated CRL is in ${CATOP}/crl/$CACRL\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-revoke' ) {
my $cname = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined $cname) {
print "Certificate filename is required; reason optional.\n";
exit 1;
my $reason = $ARGV[1];
$reason = " -crl_reason $reason"
if defined $reason && crl_reason_ok($reason);
$RET = run("$CA -revoke \"$cname\"" . $reason . $EXTRA{ca});
} else {
print STDERR "Unknown arg \"$WHAT\"\n";
print STDERR "Use -help for help.\n";
exit 1;
exit $RET;
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by apps/progs.pl
* Copyright 1995-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#include "progs.h"
FUNCTION functions[] = {
{FT_general, "asn1parse", asn1parse_main, asn1parse_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ca", ca_main, ca_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ciphers", ciphers_main, ciphers_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "cmp", cmp_main, cmp_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "cms", cms_main, cms_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "crl", crl_main, crl_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "crl2pkcs7", crl2pkcs7_main, crl2pkcs7_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dgst", dgst_main, dgst_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dhparam", dhparam_main, dhparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dsa", dsa_main, dsa_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dsaparam", dsaparam_main, dsaparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ec", ec_main, ec_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ecparam", ecparam_main, ecparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "enc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "engine", engine_main, engine_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "errstr", errstr_main, errstr_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "fipsinstall", fipsinstall_main, fipsinstall_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "gendsa", gendsa_main, gendsa_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "genpkey", genpkey_main, genpkey_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "genrsa", genrsa_main, genrsa_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "help", help_main, help_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "info", info_main, info_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "kdf", kdf_main, kdf_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "list", list_main, list_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "mac", mac_main, mac_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "nseq", nseq_main, nseq_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ocsp", ocsp_main, ocsp_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "passwd", passwd_main, passwd_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkcs12", pkcs12_main, pkcs12_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkcs7", pkcs7_main, pkcs7_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkcs8", pkcs8_main, pkcs8_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkey", pkey_main, pkey_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkeyparam", pkeyparam_main, pkeyparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkeyutl", pkeyutl_main, pkeyutl_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "prime", prime_main, prime_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "rand", rand_main, rand_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "rehash", rehash_main, rehash_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "req", req_main, req_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "rsa", rsa_main, rsa_options, NULL, NULL},
#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_3_0) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA)
{FT_general, "rsautl", rsautl_main, rsautl_options, "pkeyutl", "3.0"},
{FT_general, "s_client", s_client_main, s_client_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "s_server", s_server_main, s_server_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "s_time", s_time_main, s_time_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "sess_id", sess_id_main, sess_id_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "smime", smime_main, smime_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "speed", speed_main, speed_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "spkac", spkac_main, spkac_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "srp", srp_main, srp_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "storeutl", storeutl_main, storeutl_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ts", ts_main, ts_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "verify", verify_main, verify_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "version", version_main, version_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "x509", x509_main, x509_options, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2
{FT_md, "md2", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD4
{FT_md, "md4", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "md5", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha1", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha224", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha384", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha512", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha512-224", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha512-256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-224", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-384", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-512", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "shake128", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "shake256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "mdc2", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RMD160
{FT_md, "rmd160", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "blake2b512", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "blake2s256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM3
{FT_md, "sm3", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-128-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-128-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-192-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-192-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-256-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-256-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cfb1", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cfb8", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cfb1", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cfb8", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cfb1", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cfb8", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-128-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-128-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-192-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-192-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-256-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-256-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "base64", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifdef ZLIB
{FT_cipher, "zlib", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des3", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "desx", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4
{FT_cipher, "rc4", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4
{FT_cipher, "rc4-40", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-64-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-40-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by apps/progs.pl
* Copyright 1995-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#include "function.h"
extern int asn1parse_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ca_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ciphers_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int cmp_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int cms_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int crl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int crl2pkcs7_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dgst_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dhparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dsaparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ec_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ecparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int enc_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int engine_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int errstr_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int fipsinstall_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int gendsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int genpkey_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int genrsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int help_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int info_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int kdf_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int list_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int mac_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int nseq_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ocsp_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int passwd_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkcs12_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkcs7_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkcs8_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkey_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkeyparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkeyutl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int prime_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rand_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rehash_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int req_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rsautl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int s_client_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int s_server_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int s_time_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int sess_id_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int smime_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int speed_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int spkac_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int srp_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int storeutl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ts_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int verify_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int version_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int x509_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern const OPTIONS asn1parse_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ca_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ciphers_options[];
extern const OPTIONS cmp_options[];
extern const OPTIONS cms_options[];
extern const OPTIONS crl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS crl2pkcs7_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dgst_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dhparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dsaparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ec_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ecparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS enc_options[];
extern const OPTIONS engine_options[];
extern const OPTIONS errstr_options[];
extern const OPTIONS fipsinstall_options[];
extern const OPTIONS gendsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS genpkey_options[];
extern const OPTIONS genrsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS help_options[];
extern const OPTIONS info_options[];
extern const OPTIONS kdf_options[];
extern const OPTIONS list_options[];
extern const OPTIONS mac_options[];
extern const OPTIONS nseq_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ocsp_options[];
extern const OPTIONS passwd_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkcs12_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkcs7_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkcs8_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkey_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkeyparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkeyutl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS prime_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rand_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rehash_options[];
extern const OPTIONS req_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rsautl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS s_client_options[];
extern const OPTIONS s_server_options[];
extern const OPTIONS s_time_options[];
extern const OPTIONS sess_id_options[];
extern const OPTIONS smime_options[];
extern const OPTIONS speed_options[];
extern const OPTIONS spkac_options[];
extern const OPTIONS srp_options[];
extern const OPTIONS storeutl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ts_options[];
extern const OPTIONS verify_options[];
extern const OPTIONS version_options[];
extern const OPTIONS x509_options[];
extern FUNCTION functions[];
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2002-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2002 The OpenTSA Project. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
use strict;
use IO::Handle;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use WWW::Curl::Easy;
use vars qw(%options);
# Callback for reading the body.
sub read_body {
my ($maxlength, $state) = @_;
my $return_data = "";
my $data_len = length ${$state->{data}};
if ($state->{bytes} < $data_len) {
$data_len = $data_len - $state->{bytes};
$data_len = $maxlength if $data_len > $maxlength;
$return_data = substr ${$state->{data}}, $state->{bytes}, $data_len;
$state->{bytes} += $data_len;
return $return_data;
# Callback for writing the body into a variable.
sub write_body {
my ($data, $pointer) = @_;
${$pointer} .= $data;
return length($data);
# Initialise a new Curl object.
sub create_curl {
my $url = shift;
# Create Curl object.
my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy::new();
# Error-handling related options.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1) if $options{d};
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
"OpenTSA tsget.pl/openssl-3.0.7");
# Options for POST method.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1);
["Content-Type: application/timestamp-query",
"Accept: application/timestamp-reply,application/timestamp-response"]);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, \&read_body);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, sub { return length($_[0]); });
# Options for getting the result.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, \&write_body);
# SSL related options.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE, "PEM");
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); # Verify server's certificate.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); # Check server's CN.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $options{k}) if defined($options{k});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $options{p}) if defined($options{p});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $options{c}) if defined($options{c});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, $options{C}) if defined($options{C});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CAPATH, $options{P}) if defined($options{P});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE, $options{r}) if defined($options{r});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET, $options{g}) if defined($options{g});
# Setting destination.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
return $curl;
# Send a request and returns the body back.
sub get_timestamp {
my $curl = shift;
my $body = shift;
my $ts_body;
local $::error_buf;
# Error-handling related options.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, "::error_buf");
# Options for POST method.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_INFILE, {data => $body, bytes => 0});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, length(${$body}));
# Options for getting the result.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FILE, \$ts_body);
# Send the request...
my $error_code = $curl->perform();
my $error_string;
if ($error_code != 0) {
my $http_code = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$error_string = "could not get timestamp";
$error_string .= ", http code: $http_code" unless $http_code == 0;
$error_string .= ", curl code: $error_code";
$error_string .= " ($::error_buf)" if defined($::error_buf);
} else {
my $ct = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);
if (lc($ct) ne "application/timestamp-reply"
&& lc($ct) ne "application/timestamp-response") {
$error_string = "unexpected content type returned: $ct";
return ($ts_body, $error_string);
# Print usage information and exists.
sub usage {
print STDERR "usage: $0 -h <server_url> [-e <extension>] [-o <output>] ";
print STDERR "[-v] [-d] [-k <private_key.pem>] [-p <key_password>] ";
print STDERR "[-c <client_cert.pem>] [-C <CA_certs.pem>] [-P <CA_path>] ";
print STDERR "[-r <file:file...>] [-g <EGD_socket>] [<request>]...\n";
exit 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getting command-line options (default comes from TSGET environment variable).
my $getopt_arg = "h:e:o:vdk:p:c:C:P:r:g:";
if (exists $ENV{TSGET}) {
my @old_argv = @ARGV;
@ARGV = split /\s+/, $ENV{TSGET};
getopts($getopt_arg, \%options) or usage;
@ARGV = @old_argv;
getopts($getopt_arg, \%options) or usage;
# Checking argument consistency.
if (!exists($options{h}) || (@ARGV == 0 && !exists($options{o}))
|| (@ARGV > 1 && exists($options{o}))) {
print STDERR "Inconsistent command line options.\n";
# Setting defaults.
@ARGV = ("-") unless @ARGV != 0;
$options{e} = ".tsr" unless defined($options{e});
# Processing requests.
my $curl = create_curl $options{h};
undef $/; # For reading whole files.
REQUEST: foreach (@ARGV) {
my $input = $_;
my ($base, $path) = fileparse($input, '\.[^.]*');
my $output_base = $base . $options{e};
my $output = defined($options{o}) ? $options{o} : $path . $output_base;
STDERR->printflush("$input: ") if $options{v};
# Read request.
my $body;
if ($input eq "-") {
# Read the request from STDIN;
$body = <STDIN>;
} else {
# Read the request from file.
open INPUT, "<" . $input
or warn("$input: could not open input file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
$body = <INPUT>;
close INPUT
or warn("$input: could not close input file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
# Send request.
STDERR->printflush("sending request") if $options{v};
my ($ts_body, $error) = get_timestamp $curl, \$body;
if (defined($error)) {
die "$input: fatal error: $error\n";
STDERR->printflush(", reply received") if $options{v};
# Write response.
if ($output eq "-") {
# Write to STDOUT.
print $ts_body;
} else {
# Write to file.
open OUTPUT, ">", $output
or warn("$output: could not open output file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
print OUTPUT $ts_body;
close OUTPUT
or warn("$output: could not close output file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
STDERR->printflush(", $output written.\n") if $options{v};
#include "arm_arch.h"
.align 5
.globl __armv7_neon_probe
orr v15.16b, v15.16b, v15.16b
.globl __armv7_tick
#ifdef __APPLE__
mrs x0, CNTPCT_EL0
mrs x0, CNTVCT_EL0
.globl __armv8_aes_probe
aese v0.16b, v0.16b
.globl __armv8_sha1_probe
sha1h s0, s0
.globl __armv8_sha256_probe
sha256su0 v0.4s, v0.4s
.globl __armv8_pmull_probe
pmull v0.1q, v0.1d, v0.1d
.globl __armv8_sha512_probe
.long 0xcec08000 // sha512su0 v0.2d,v0.2d
.globl __armv8_cpuid_probe
mrs x0, midr_el1
.globl _OPENSSL_cleanse
.align 5
cbz x1,Lret // len==0?
cmp x1,#15
b.hi Lot // len>15
strb wzr,[x0],#1 // store byte-by-byte
subs x1,x1,#1
b.ne Little
Lret: ret
.align 4
Lot: tst x0,#7
b.eq Laligned // inp is aligned
strb wzr,[x0],#1 // store byte-by-byte
sub x1,x1,#1
b Lot
.align 4
str xzr,[x0],#8 // store word-by-word
sub x1,x1,#8
tst x1,#-8
b.ne Laligned // len>=8
cbnz x1,Little // len!=0?
.globl _CRYPTO_memcmp
.align 4
eor w3,w3,w3
cbz x2,Lno_data // len==0?
cmp x2,#16
b.ne Loop_cmp
ldp x8,x9,[x0]
ldp x10,x11,[x1]
eor x8,x8,x10
eor x9,x9,x11
orr x8,x8,x9
mov x0,#1
cmp x8,#0
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq
.align 4
ldrb w4,[x0],#1
ldrb w5,[x1],#1
eor w4,w4,w5
orr w3,w3,w4
subs x2,x2,#1
b.ne Loop_cmp
neg w0,w3
lsr w0,w0,#31
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by util/mkbuildinf.pl
* Copyright 2014-2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#define PLATFORM "platform: darwin64-arm64-cc"
#define DATE "built on: Fri May 5 06:49:56 2023 UTC"
* Generate compiler_flags as an array of individual characters. This is a
* workaround for the situation where CFLAGS gets too long for a C90 string
* literal
static const char compiler_flags[] = {
'c','o','m','p','i','l','e','r',':',' ','c','c',' ','-','f','P',
'I','C',' ','-','a','r','c','h',' ','a','r','m','6','4',' ','-',
'O','3',' ','-','W','a','l','l',' ','-','D','L','_','E','N','D',
'I','A','N',' ','-','D','O','P','E','N','S','S','L','_','P','I',
'C',' ','-','D','_','R','E','E','N','T','R','A','N','T',' ','-',
'G','_','O','P','E','N','S','S','L',' ','-','D','N','D','E','B',
#include "arm_arch.h"
#if __ARM_MAX_ARCH__>=7
.globl _gcm_init_v8
.align 4
ld1 {v17.2d},[x1] //load input H
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57 //0xc2.0
ext v3.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
ushr v18.2d,v19.2d,#63
dup v17.4s,v17.s[1]
ext v16.16b,v18.16b,v19.16b,#8 //t0=0xc2....01
ushr v18.2d,v3.2d,#63
sshr v17.4s,v17.4s,#31 //broadcast carry bit
and v18.16b,v18.16b,v16.16b
shl v3.2d,v3.2d,#1
ext v18.16b,v18.16b,v18.16b,#8
and v16.16b,v16.16b,v17.16b
orr v3.16b,v3.16b,v18.16b //H<<<=1
eor v20.16b,v3.16b,v16.16b //twisted H
st1 {v20.2d},[x0],#16 //store Htable[0]
//calculate H^2
ext v16.16b,v20.16b,v20.16b,#8 //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v20.1d
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v20.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v20.2d
pmull v1.1q,v16.1d,v16.1d
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v22.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v17.16b,v22.16b,v22.16b,#8 //Karatsuba pre-processing
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v22.16b
ext v21.16b,v16.16b,v17.16b,#8 //pack Karatsuba pre-processed
st1 {v21.2d,v22.2d},[x0],#32 //store Htable[1..2]
//calculate H^3 and H^4
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d, v22.1d
pmull v5.1q,v22.1d,v22.1d
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d, v22.2d
pmull2 v7.1q,v22.2d,v22.2d
pmull v1.1q,v16.1d,v17.1d
pmull v6.1q,v17.1d,v17.1d
ext v16.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
ext v17.16b,v5.16b,v7.16b,#8
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v16.16b
eor v4.16b,v5.16b,v7.16b
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v4.16b
pmull v4.1q,v5.1d,v19.1d
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v7.d[0],v6.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ins v6.d[1],v5.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
eor v5.16b,v6.16b,v4.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase
ext v4.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
pmull v5.1q,v5.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v4.16b,v4.16b,v7.16b
eor v20.16b, v0.16b,v18.16b //H^3
eor v22.16b,v5.16b,v4.16b //H^4
ext v16.16b,v20.16b, v20.16b,#8 //Karatsuba pre-processing
ext v17.16b,v22.16b,v22.16b,#8
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v20.16b
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v22.16b
ext v21.16b,v16.16b,v17.16b,#8 //pack Karatsuba pre-processed
st1 {v20.2d,v21.2d,v22.2d},[x0] //store Htable[3..5]
.globl _gcm_gmult_v8
.align 4
ld1 {v17.2d},[x0] //load Xi
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
ld1 {v20.2d,v21.2d},[x1] //load twisted H, ...
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v17.16b,v17.16b
ext v3.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v3.1d //H.lo·Xi.lo
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v3.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v3.2d //H.hi·Xi.hi
pmull v1.1q,v21.1d,v17.1d //(H.lo+H.hi)·(Xi.lo+Xi.hi)
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
st1 {v0.2d},[x0] //write out Xi
.globl _gcm_ghash_v8
.align 4
cmp x3,#64
b.hs Lgcm_ghash_v8_4x
ld1 {v0.2d},[x0] //load [rotated] Xi
//"[rotated]" means that
//loaded value would have
//to be rotated in order to
//make it appear as in
//algorithm specification
subs x3,x3,#32 //see if x3 is 32 or larger
mov x12,#16 //x12 is used as post-
//increment for input pointer;
//as loop is modulo-scheduled
//x12 is zeroed just in time
//to preclude overstepping
//inp[len], which means that
//last block[s] are actually
//loaded twice, but last
//copy is not processed
ld1 {v20.2d,v21.2d},[x1],#32 //load twisted H, ..., H^2
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
ld1 {v22.2d},[x1]
csel x12,xzr,x12,eq //is it time to zero x12?
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //rotate Xi
ld1 {v16.2d},[x2],#16 //load [rotated] I[0]
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57 //compose 0xc2.0 constant
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v16.16b,v16.16b
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8 //rotate I[0]
b.lo Lodd_tail_v8 //x3 was less than 32
ld1 {v17.2d},[x2],x12 //load [rotated] I[1]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v17.16b,v17.16b
ext v7.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v0.16b //I[i]^=Xi
pmull v4.1q,v20.1d,v7.1d //H·Ii+1
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v7.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v6.1q,v20.2d,v7.2d
b Loop_mod2x_v8
.align 4
ext v18.16b,v3.16b,v3.16b,#8
subs x3,x3,#32 //is there more data?
pmull v0.1q,v22.1d,v3.1d //H^2.lo·Xi.lo
csel x12,xzr,x12,lo //is it time to zero x12?
pmull v5.1q,v21.1d,v17.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v3.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v2.1q,v22.2d,v3.2d //H^2.hi·Xi.hi
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v4.16b //accumulate
pmull2 v1.1q,v21.2d,v18.2d //(H^2.lo+H^2.hi)·(Xi.lo+Xi.hi)
ld1 {v16.2d},[x2],x12 //load [rotated] I[i+2]
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v6.16b
csel x12,xzr,x12,eq //is it time to zero x12?
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v5.16b
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v17.2d},[x2],x12 //load [rotated] I[i+3]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v16.16b,v16.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v17.16b,v17.16b
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ext v7.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v4.1q,v20.1d,v7.1d //H·Ii+1
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v2.16b //accumulate v3.16b early
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v18.16b
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v7.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v0.16b
pmull2 v6.1q,v20.2d,v7.2d
b.hs Loop_mod2x_v8 //there was at least 32 more bytes
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v18.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8 //re-construct v3.16b
adds x3,x3,#32 //re-construct x3
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b //re-construct v0.16b
b.eq Ldone_v8 //is x3 zero?
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v0.16b //inp^=Xi
eor v17.16b,v16.16b,v18.16b //v17.16b is rotated inp^Xi
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v3.1d //H.lo·Xi.lo
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v3.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v3.2d //H.hi·Xi.hi
pmull v1.1q,v21.1d,v17.1d //(H.lo+H.hi)·(Xi.lo+Xi.hi)
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
st1 {v0.2d},[x0] //write out Xi
.align 4
ld1 {v0.2d},[x0] //load [rotated] Xi
ld1 {v20.2d,v21.2d,v22.2d},[x1],#48 //load twisted H, ..., H^2
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
ld1 {v26.2d,v27.2d,v28.2d},[x1] //load twisted H^3, ..., H^4
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57 //compose 0xc2.0 constant
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d,v6.2d,v7.2d},[x2],#64
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v6.16b,v6.16b
rev64 v7.16b,v7.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
ext v25.16b,v7.16b,v7.16b,#8
ext v24.16b,v6.16b,v6.16b,#8
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v25.1d //H·Ii+3
eor v7.16b,v7.16b,v25.16b
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v25.2d
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v7.1d
pmull v16.1q,v22.1d,v24.1d //H^2·Ii+2
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v24.16b
pmull2 v24.1q,v22.2d,v24.2d
pmull2 v6.1q,v21.2d,v6.2d
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v16.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v24.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v6.16b
pmull v7.1q,v26.1d,v23.1d //H^3·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
pmull2 v23.1q,v26.2d,v23.2d
pmull v5.1q,v27.1d,v5.1d
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v7.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v23.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v5.16b
subs x3,x3,#128
b.lo Ltail4x
b Loop4x
.align 4
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d,v6.2d,v7.2d},[x2],#64
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v6.16b,v6.16b
rev64 v7.16b,v7.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v0.1q,v28.1d,v3.1d //H^4·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v28.2d,v3.2d
ext v25.16b,v7.16b,v7.16b,#8
pmull2 v1.1q,v27.2d,v16.2d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
ext v24.16b,v6.16b,v6.16b,#8
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v25.1d //H·Ii+3
eor v7.16b,v7.16b,v25.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v25.2d
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v7.1d
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
pmull v16.1q,v22.1d,v24.1d //H^2·Ii+2
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v24.16b
pmull2 v24.1q,v22.2d,v24.2d
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull2 v6.1q,v21.2d,v6.2d
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v16.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v24.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v6.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
pmull v7.1q,v26.1d,v23.1d //H^3·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
pmull2 v23.1q,v26.2d,v23.2d
pmull v5.1q,v27.1d,v5.1d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v7.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v23.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v5.16b
subs x3,x3,#64
b.hs Loop4x
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v28.1d,v3.1d //H^4·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v28.2d,v3.2d
pmull2 v1.1q,v27.2d,v16.2d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
adds x3,x3,#64
b.eq Ldone4x
cmp x3,#32
b.lo Lone
b.eq Ltwo
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d,v6.2d},[x2]
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v6.16b,v6.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ext v24.16b,v6.16b,v6.16b,#8
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v24.1d //H·Ii+2
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v24.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v24.2d
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v6.1d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
pmull v7.1q,v22.1d,v23.1d //H^2·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
pmull2 v23.1q,v22.2d,v23.2d
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
pmull2 v5.1q,v21.2d,v5.2d
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v7.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v23.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v5.16b
pmull v0.1q,v26.1d,v3.1d //H^3·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v26.2d,v3.2d
pmull v1.1q,v27.1d,v16.1d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
b Ldone4x
.align 4
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d},[x2]
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v23.1d //H·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v23.2d
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v5.1d
pmull v0.1q,v22.1d,v3.1d //H^2·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v22.2d,v3.2d
pmull2 v1.1q,v21.2d,v16.2d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
b Ldone4x
.align 4
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v4.2d},[x2]
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v3.1d
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v3.2d
pmull v1.1q,v21.1d,v16.1d
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
st1 {v0.2d},[x0] //write out Xi
.byte 71,72,65,83,72,32,102,111,114,32,65,82,77,118,56,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
.align 2
.align 2
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