提交 ca8630ba 编写于 作者: D Dr. Stephen Henson

Remove shlib_wrap.sh as it is not needed (all algorithm tests are

staticly linked to fipscanister.o). Add option to generate a shell
script to run all tests: this is useful for platforms that don't have
上级 5fabb88a
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Perl utility to run or verify FIPS 140-2 CMVP algorithm tests based on the
# Perl utility to run or verify FIPS 140-2 CAVP algorithm tests based on the
# pathnames of input algorithm test files actually present (the unqualified
# file names are consistent but the pathnames are not).
......@@ -373,7 +373,6 @@ my $onedir = 0;
my $filter = "";
my $tvdir;
my $tprefix;
my $shwrap_prefix;
my $debug = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
my $notest = 0;
......@@ -383,6 +382,8 @@ my $ignore_missing = 0;
my $ignore_bogus = 0;
my $bufout = '';
my $list_tests = 0;
my $minimal_script = 0;
my $outfile = '';
my %fips_enabled = (
dsa => 1,
......@@ -417,7 +418,13 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
elsif ( $_ eq "--ignore-bogus" ) {
$ignore_bogus = 1;
elsif ( $_ eq "--generate" ) {
elsif ( $_ eq "--minimal-script" ) {
$minimal_script = 1;
elsif (/--generate-script=(.*)$/) {
$outfile = $1;
$verify = 0;
} elsif ( $_ eq "--generate" ) {
$verify = 0;
elsif ( $_ eq "--notest" ) {
......@@ -435,9 +442,6 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
elsif (/--tprefix=(.*)$/) {
$tprefix = $1;
elsif (/--shwrap_prefix=(.*)$/) {
$shwrap_prefix = $1;
elsif (/^--(enable|disable)-(.*)$/) {
if ( !exists $fips_enabled{$2} ) {
print STDERR "Unknown test $2\n";
......@@ -491,9 +495,9 @@ if ($list_tests) {
foreach (@fips_test_list) {
next unless ref($_);
my $nm = $_->[0];
$_->[3] = "";
$_->[4] = "";
my $nm = $$_[0];
$$_[3] = "";
$$_[4] = "";
print STDERR "Duplicate test $nm\n" if exists $fips_tests{$nm};
$fips_tests{$nm} = $_;
......@@ -513,17 +517,13 @@ if ($win32) {
else {
if ($onedir) {
$tprefix = "./" unless defined $tprefix;
$shwrap_prefix = "./" unless defined $shwrap_prefix;
else {
$tprefix = "../test/" unless defined $tprefix;
$shwrap_prefix = "../util/" unless defined $shwrap_prefix;
sanity_check_exe( $win32, $tprefix, $shwrap_prefix );
my $cmd_prefix = $win32 ? "" : "${shwrap_prefix}shlib_wrap.sh ";
sanity_check_exe( $win32, $tprefix) if $outfile eq "";
find_files( $filter, $tvdir );
......@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ my ( $runerr, $cmperr, $cmpok, $scheckrunerr, $scheckerr, $scheckok, $skipcnt )
= ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
exit(0) if $notest;
run_tests( $verify, $win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir );
print "Outputting commands to $outfile\n" if $outfile ne "";
run_tests( $verify, $win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir, $outfile );
if ($verify) {
......@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ if ($verify) {
print "***ALL TESTS SUCCESSFUL***\n";
else {
elsif ($outfile eq "") {
print "Tests skipped due to missing files: $skipcnt\n";
print "Algorithm test program execution failures: $runerr\n";
......@@ -570,13 +570,12 @@ else {
sub Help {
( my $cmd ) = ( $0 =~ m#([^/]+)$# );
print <<EOF;
$cmd: generate run CMVP algorithm tests
$cmd: generate run CAVP algorithm tests
--debug Enable debug output
--dir=<dirname> Optional root for *.req file search
--onedir <dirname> Assume all components in current directory
--rspdir=<dirname> Name of subdirectories containing *.rsp files, default "rsp"
--ignore-bogus Ignore duplicate or bogus files
--ignore-missing Ignore missing test files
......@@ -598,10 +597,9 @@ while (my ($key, $value) = each %fips_enabled)
# Sanity check to see if all necessary executables exist
sub sanity_check_exe {
my ( $win32, $tprefix, $shwrap_prefix ) = @_;
my ( $win32, $tprefix, ) = @_;
my %exe_list;
my $bad = 0;
$exe_list{ $shwrap_prefix . "shlib_wrap.sh" } = 1 unless $win32;
foreach (@fips_test_list) {
next unless ref($_);
my $cmd = $_->[1];
......@@ -638,8 +636,8 @@ sub find_files {
if ( -f "$_" ) {
if (/\/([^\/]*)\.rsp$/) {
$tref = find_test($1, $_);
$testname = $$tref[0];
if ( defined $tref ) {
$testname = $$tref[0];
if ( $$tref[4] eq "" ) {
$$tref[4] = $_;
......@@ -657,8 +655,8 @@ sub find_files {
next unless /$filter.*\.req$/i;
if (/\/([^\/]*)\.req$/) {
$tref = find_test($1, $_);
$testname = $$tref[0];
if ( defined $tref ) {
$testname = $$tref[0];
if ( $$tref[3] eq "" ) {
$$tref[3] = $_;
......@@ -745,12 +743,47 @@ sub sanity_check_files {
sub run_tests {
my ( $verify, $win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir ) = @_;
my ( $verify, $win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir, $outfile ) = @_;
my ( $tname, $tref );
my $bad = 0;
my $lastdir = "";
if ($outfile ne "") {
open OUT, ">$outfile" || die "Can't open $outfile";
if ($outfile ne "" && !$minimal_script) {
if ($win32) {
print OUT <<\END;
@echo off
rem Test vector run script
rem Auto generated by fipsalgtest.pl script
rem Do not edit
echo Running Algorithm Tests
} else {
print OUT <<\END;
# Test vector run script
# Auto generated by fipsalgtest.pl script
# Do not edit
echo Running Algorithm Tests
foreach (@fips_test_list) {
if ( !ref($_) ) {
print "Running $_ tests\n" unless $quiet;
if ($outfile ne "") {
print "Generating script for $_ tests\n";
print OUT "\n\n\necho \"Running $_ tests\"\n" unless $minimal_script;
} else {
print "Running $_ tests\n" unless $quiet;
my ( $tname, $tcmd, $regexp, $req, $rsp ) = @$_;
......@@ -779,32 +812,53 @@ sub run_tests {
$out =~ s|/req/(\S+)\.req|/$rspdir/$1.rsp|;
my $outdir = $out;
$outdir =~ s|/[^/]*$||;
if ( !-d $outdir ) {
if ($outfile ne "") {
if ($win32) {
$outdir =~ tr|/|\\|;
$req =~ tr|/|\\|;
$out =~ tr|/|\\|;
if ($outdir ne $lastdir && !$minimal_script) {
if ($win32) {
print OUT <<END
if exist \"$outdir\" rd /s /q "$outdir"
md \"$outdir\"
} else {
print OUT <<END
rm -rf \"$outdir\"
mkdir \"$outdir\"
$lastdir = $outdir;
} elsif ( !-d $outdir ) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: Creating directory $outdir\n" if $debug;
mkdir($outdir) || die "Can't create directory $outdir";
my $cmd = "$cmd_prefix$tprefix$tcmd ";
if ( $tcmd =~ /-f$/ ) {
$cmd .= "\"$req\" \"$out\"";
else {
$cmd .= "\"$req\" \"$out\"";
my $cmd = "$tprefix$tcmd \"$req\" \"$out\"";
print STDERR "DEBUG: running test $tname\n" if ( $debug && !$verify );
if ( $? != 0 ) {
print STDERR
"WARNING: error executing test $tname for command: $cmd\n";
if ($outfile ne "") {
print OUT "echo \" running $tname test\"\n" unless $minimal_script;
print OUT "$cmd\n";
} else {
if ( $? != 0 ) {
print STDERR
"WARNING: error executing test $tname for command: $cmd\n";
if ($verify) {
if ( exists $verify_special{$tname} ) {
my $vout = $rsp;
$vout =~ s/\.rsp$/.ver/;
$tcmd = $verify_special{$tname};
$cmd = "$cmd_prefix$tprefix$tcmd ";
$cmd = "$tprefix$tcmd ";
$cmd .= "\"$out\" \"$vout\"";
if ( $? != 0 ) {
......@@ -850,6 +904,10 @@ sub run_tests {
unlink $out;
if ($outfile ne "") {
print OUT "\n\necho All Tests Completed\n" unless $minimal_script;
close OUT;
sub cmp_file {
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