提交 ae4af7a0 编写于 作者: A Andy Polyakov

crypto/cast/asm/cast-586.pl: +5% on PIII and remove obsolete readme.

Reviewed-by: NRich Salz <rsalz@openssl.org>
上级 df8c39d5
# define for pentium pro friendly version
# This flag makes the inner loop one cycle longer, but generates
# code that runs %30 faster on the pentium pro/II, 44% faster
# of PIII, while only %7 slower on the pentium.
# By default, this flag is on.
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
......@@ -140,11 +143,11 @@ sub E_CAST {
&rotl( $tmp4, &LB($tmp1));
if ($ppro) {
&mov( $tmp2, $tmp4); # B
&xor( $tmp1, $tmp1);
&mov( $tmp2, 0xff);
&movb( &LB($tmp1), &HB($tmp4)); # A
&and( $tmp2, 0xff);
&and( $tmp2, $tmp4);
&shr( $tmp4, 16); #
&xor( $tmp3, $tmp3);
There is a ppro flag in cast-586 which turns on/off
generation of pentium pro/II friendly code
This flag makes the inner loop one cycle longer, but generates
code that runs %30 faster on the pentium pro/II, while only %7 slower
on the pentium. By default, this flag is on.
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