Change safestack reimplementation to match 0.9.8.

Fix additional gcc 4.2 value not used warnings.
上级 8164032a
......@@ -125,9 +125,7 @@
*) Initial incomplete changes to avoid need for function casts in OpenSSL
some compilers (gcc 4.2 and later) reject their use. Safestack is
reimplemented using inline functions: tests show that these calls are
typically optimized away by compilers so they have no additional overhead.
Update ASN1 to avoid use of legacy functions.
reimplemented. Update ASN1 to avoid use of legacy functions.
[Steve Henson]
*) Win32/64 targets are linked with Winsock2.
......@@ -422,6 +422,9 @@ errors:
(cd engines; $(MAKE) PERL=$(PERL) errors)
$(PERL) util/ */*.c */*/*.c
$(PERL) util/ -write
$(PERL) util/ crypto update
......@@ -446,7 +449,7 @@ TABLE: Configure
(echo 'Output of `Configure TABLE'"':"; \
$(PERL) Configure TABLE) > TABLE
update: errors util/libeay.num util/ssleay.num crypto/objects/obj_dat.h crypto/objects/obj_xref.h apps/openssl-vms.cnf crypto/bn/bn_prime.h TABLE depend
update: errors stacks util/libeay.num util/ssleay.num crypto/objects/obj_dat.h crypto/objects/obj_xref.h apps/openssl-vms.cnf crypto/bn/bn_prime.h TABLE depend
# Build distribution tar-file. As the list of files returned by "find" is
# pretty long, on several platforms a "too many arguments" error or similar
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static int crl_inf_cb(int operation, ASN1_VALUE **pval, const ASN1_ITEM *it,
* would affect the output of X509_CRL_print().
case ASN1_OP_D2I_POST:
return 1;
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ int _CONF_add_string(CONF *conf, CONF_VALUE *section, CONF_VALUE *value)
v = (CONF_VALUE *)lh_insert(conf->data, value);
if (v != NULL)
......@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ void CONF_modules_unload(int all)
if (((md->links > 0) || !md->dso) && !all)
/* Since we're working in reverse this is OK */
sk_CONF_MODULE_delete(supported_modules, i);
(void)sk_CONF_MODULE_delete(supported_modules, i);
if (sk_CONF_MODULE_num(supported_modules) == 0)
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ int engine_table_register(ENGINE_TABLE **table, ENGINE_CLEANUP_CB *cleanup,
lh_insert(&(*table)->piles, fnd);
/* A registration shouldn't add duplciate entries */
sk_ENGINE_delete_ptr(fnd->sk, e);
(void)sk_ENGINE_delete_ptr(fnd->sk, e);
/* if 'setdefault', this ENGINE goes to the head of the list */
if(!sk_ENGINE_push(fnd->sk, e))
goto end;
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ static void int_unregister_cb(ENGINE_PILE *pile, ENGINE *e)
/* Iterate the 'c->sk' stack removing any occurance of 'e' */
while((n = sk_ENGINE_find(pile->sk, e)) >= 0)
sk_ENGINE_delete(pile->sk, n);
(void)sk_ENGINE_delete(pile->sk, n);
/* "touch" this ENGINE_CIPHER */
pile->uptodate = 1;
/* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 1999-2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1999 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
......@@ -57,80 +57,19 @@
#include <openssl/stack.h>
# if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && !defined(__inline)
# if __SUNPRO_C>0x520
# define __inline inline
# else
# define __inline
# endif
# endif
# define OPENSSL_INLINE __inline static
#define STACK_OF(type) struct stack_st_##type
#define IMPLEMENT_STACK_OF(type) /* nada (obsolete in new safestack approach)*/
#define DECLARE_STACK_OF(type) \
STACK_OF(type) \
{ \
STACK stack; \
}; \
OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(type) *sk_##type##_new( \
int (*cmp)(const type * const *, const type *const *)) \
{ return (STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new((int (*)(const char * const *, const char * const *))cmp); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(type) *sk_##type##_new_null(void) \
{ return (STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new_null(); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_free(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ sk_free((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_num(const STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return M_sk_num((const STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_value(const STACK_OF(type) *sk,int n) \
{ return (type *)sk_value((STACK *)sk,n); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_set(STACK_OF(type) *sk,int n,type *v) \
{ return (type *)(sk_set((STACK *)sk,n,(char *)v)); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_zero(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ sk_zero((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_push(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ return sk_push((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_unshift(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ return sk_unshift((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_find(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ return sk_find((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_delete(STACK_OF(type) *sk,int n) \
{ return (type *)sk_delete((STACK *)sk,n); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_delete_ptr(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ sk_delete_ptr((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_insert(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v,int n) \
{ return sk_insert((STACK *)sk,(char *)v,n); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int (*sk_##type##_set_cmp_func(STACK_OF(type) *sk, \
int (*cmp)(const type * const *,const type * const *))) \
(const type *const *,const type *const *) \
{ return (int (*)(const type * const *,const type *const *)) \
sk_set_cmp_func((STACK *)sk,(int(*)(const char * const *, const char * const *))cmp); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(type) *sk_##type##_dup(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return (STACK_OF(type) *)sk_dup((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_pop_free(STACK_OF(type) *sk,void (*func)(type *)) \
{ sk_pop_free((STACK *)sk,(void (*)(void *))func); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_shift(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return (type *)sk_shift((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_pop(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return (type *)sk_pop((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_sort(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ sk_sort((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_is_sorted(const STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return sk_is_sorted((const STACK *)sk); }
#define CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, p) \
((void*) (1 ? p : (type*)0))
typedef void (*openssl_fptr)(void);
#define openssl_fcast(f) ((openssl_fptr)f)
#define CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, p) \
((void (*)(void *)) ((1 ? p : (void (*)(type *))0)))
#define CHECKED_SK_CMP_FUNC(type, p) \
((int (*)(const char * const *, const char * const *)) \
((1 ? p : (int (*)(const type * const *, const type * const *))0)))
#define STACK_OF(type) struct stack_st_##type
#define PREDECLARE_STACK_OF(type) STACK_OF(type);
......@@ -146,76 +85,71 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
/* SKM_sk_... stack macros are internal to safestack.h:
* never use them directly, use sk_<type>_... instead */
#define SKM_sk_new(type, cmp) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(int (*)(const type * const *, const type * const *)))openssl_fcast(sk_new))(cmp)
((STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new(CHECKED_SK_CMP_FUNC(type, cmp)))
#define SKM_sk_new_null(type) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(void))openssl_fcast(sk_new_null))()
((STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new_null())
#define SKM_sk_free(type, st) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_free))(st)
sk_free(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_num(type, st) \
((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_num))(st)
sk_num(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_value(type, st,i) \
((type * (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *, int))openssl_fcast(sk_value))(st, i)
((type *)sk_value(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), i))
#define SKM_sk_set(type, st,i,val) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, int, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_set))(st, i, val)
sk_set(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), i, CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_zero(type, st) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_zero))(st)
sk_zero(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_push(type, st,val) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_push))(st, val)
sk_push(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_unshift(type, st,val) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_unshift))(st, val)
sk_unshift(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_find(type, st,val) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_find))(st, val)
sk_find(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_delete(type, st,i) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, int))openssl_fcast(sk_delete))(st, i)
(type *)sk_delete(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), i)
#define SKM_sk_delete_ptr(type, st,ptr) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_delete_ptr))(st, ptr)
(type *)sk_delete_ptr(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, ptr))
#define SKM_sk_insert(type, st,val,i) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *, int))openssl_fcast(sk_insert))(st, val, i)
sk_insert(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val), i)
#define SKM_sk_set_cmp_func(type, st,cmp) \
((int (*(*)(STACK_OF(type) *, int (*)(const type * const *, const type * const *))) \
(const type * const *, const type * const *))openssl_fcast(sk_set_cmp_func))\
(st, cmp)
((int (*)(const type * const *,const type * const *)) \
sk_set_cmp_func(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_SK_CMP_FUNC(type, cmp)))
#define SKM_sk_dup(type, st) \
((STACK_OF(type) *(*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_dup))(st)
(STACK_OF(type) *)sk_dup(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_pop_free(type, st,free_func) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, void (*)(type *)))openssl_fcast(sk_pop_free))\
(st, free_func)
sk_pop_free(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func))
#define SKM_sk_shift(type, st) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_shift))(st)
(type *)sk_shift(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_pop(type, st) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_pop))(st)
(type *)sk_pop(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_sort(type, st) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_sort))(st)
sk_sort(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_is_sorted(type, st) \
((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_is_sorted))(st)
sk_is_sorted(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_d2i(type, st, pp, length, d2i_func, free_func, ex_tag, ex_class) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*) (STACK_OF(type) **,const unsigned char **, long , \
type *(*)(type **, const unsigned char **,long), \
void (*)(type *), int ,int )) openssl_fcast(d2i_ASN1_SET)) \
(st,pp,length, d2i_func, free_func, ex_tag,ex_class)
(STACK_OF(type) *)d2i_ASN1_SET(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), \
pp, length, \
CHECKED_D2I_OF(type, d2i_func), \
CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func), \
ex_tag, ex_class)
#define SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_i2d(type, st, pp, i2d_func, ex_tag, ex_class, is_set) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *,unsigned char **, \
int (*)(type *,unsigned char **), int , int , int)) openssl_fcast(i2d_ASN1_SET)) \
i2d_ASN1_SET(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), pp, \
CHECKED_I2D_OF(type, i2d_func), \
ex_tag, ex_class, is_set)
#define SKM_ASN1_seq_pack(type, st, i2d_func, buf, len) \
((unsigned char *(*)(STACK_OF(type) *, \
int (*)(type *,unsigned char **), unsigned char **,int *)) openssl_fcast(ASN1_seq_pack)) \
(st, i2d_func, buf, len)
ASN1_seq_pack(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), \
CHECKED_I2D_OF(type, i2d_func), buf, len)
#define SKM_ASN1_seq_unpack(type, buf, len, d2i_func, free_func) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(const unsigned char *,int, \
type *(*)(type **,const unsigned char **, long), \
void (*)(type *)))openssl_fcast(ASN1_seq_unpack)) \
(buf,len,d2i_func, free_func)
(STACK_OF(type) *)ASN1_seq_unpack(buf, len, CHECKED_D2I_OF(type, d2i_func), CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func))
#define SKM_PKCS12_decrypt_d2i(type, algor, d2i_func, free_func, pass, passlen, oct, seq) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(X509_ALGOR *, \
type *(*)(type **, const unsigned char **, long), \
void (*)(type *), \
const char *, int, \
ASN1_STRING *, int))PKCS12_decrypt_d2i) \
(STACK_OF(type) *)PKCS12_decrypt_d2i(algor, \
CHECKED_D2I_OF(type, d2i_func), \
CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func), \
pass, passlen, oct, seq)
......@@ -810,7 +744,6 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
#define sk_GENERAL_SUBTREE_sort(st) SKM_sk_sort(GENERAL_SUBTREE, (st))
#define sk_GENERAL_SUBTREE_is_sorted(st) SKM_sk_is_sorted(GENERAL_SUBTREE, (st))
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779
#define sk_IPAddressFamily_new(st) SKM_sk_new(IPAddressFamily, (st))
#define sk_IPAddressFamily_new_null() SKM_sk_new_null(IPAddressFamily)
#define sk_IPAddressFamily_free(st) SKM_sk_free(IPAddressFamily, (st))
......@@ -854,7 +787,6 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
#define sk_IPAddressOrRange_pop(st) SKM_sk_pop(IPAddressOrRange, (st))
#define sk_IPAddressOrRange_sort(st) SKM_sk_sort(IPAddressOrRange, (st))
#define sk_IPAddressOrRange_is_sorted(st) SKM_sk_is_sorted(IPAddressOrRange, (st))
#endif /* OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779 */
#define sk_KRB5_APREQBODY_new(st) SKM_sk_new(KRB5_APREQBODY, (st))
#define sk_KRB5_APREQBODY_new_null() SKM_sk_new_null(KRB5_APREQBODY)
......@@ -2056,6 +1988,4 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
SKM_PKCS12_decrypt_d2i(PKCS7, (algor), (d2i_func), (free_func), (pass), (passlen), (oct), (seq))
/* End of util/ block, you may now edit :-) */
#endif /* !defined HEADER_SAFESTACK_H */
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ int X509_verify_cert(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
goto end;
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ int X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_table(X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param)
ptmp = sk_X509_VERIFY_PARAM_value(param_table, idx);
sk_X509_VERIFY_PARAM_delete(param_table, idx);
(void)sk_X509_VERIFY_PARAM_delete(param_table, idx);
if (!sk_X509_VERIFY_PARAM_push(param_table, param))
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static int tree_prune(X509_POLICY_TREE *tree, X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr)
sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_delete(curr->nodes, i);
(void)sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_delete(curr->nodes, i);
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static int tree_prune(X509_POLICY_TREE *tree, X509_POLICY_LEVEL *curr)
sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_delete(curr->nodes, i);
(void)sk_X509_POLICY_NODE_delete(curr->nodes, i);
if (curr->anyPolicy && !curr->anyPolicy->nchild)
......@@ -466,11 +466,11 @@ static int get_server_hello(SSL *s)
/* get the array of ciphers we will accept */
* If server preference flag set, choose the first
......@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ static int get_client_hello(SSL *s)
if (sk_SSL_CIPHER_find(allow,sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(prio,z)) < 0)
......@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ err:
if(x != NULL)
return ret;
......@@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *ssl_create_cipher_list(const SSL_METHOD *ssl_method,
if (*cipher_list_by_id != NULL)
*cipher_list_by_id = tmp_cipher_list;
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