提交 8100490a 编写于 作者: D Dr. Stephen Henson

Make -CAcreateserial start from 1 instead of 0 for

serial numbers.
上级 dd46d58f
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
Changes between 0.9.4 and 0.9.5 [xx XXX 1999]
*) Minor change to 'x509' utility. The -CAcreateserial option now uses 1
for the first serial number and places 2 in the serial number file. This
avoids problems when the root CA is created with serial number zero and
the first user certificate has the same issuer name and serial number
as the root CA.
[Steve Henson]
*) Fixes to X509_ATTRIBUTE utilities, change the 'req' program so it uses
the new code. Add documentation for this stuff.
[Steve Henson]
......@@ -943,8 +943,8 @@ static int x509_certify(X509_STORE *ctx, char *CAfile, const EVP_MD *digest,
......@@ -311,8 +311,9 @@ The default filename consists of the CA certificate file base name with
=item B<-CAcreateserial filename>
with this option the CA serial number file is created if it does not exist:
it will contain the serial number "01". Normally if the B<-CA> option is
specified and the serial number file does not exist it is an error.
it will contain the serial number "02" and the certificate being signed will
have the 1 as its serial number. Normally if the B<-CA> option is specified
and the serial number file does not exist it is an error.
=item B<-extfile filename>
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