提交 73ccf3ca 编写于 作者: R Rob Percival

Pass a temporary pointer to o2i_SCT_signature from SCT_new_from_base64

Otherwise, |dec| gets moved past the end of the signature by
o2i_SCT_signature and then can't be correctly freed afterwards.
Reviewed-by: NTim Hudson <tjh@openssl.org>
Reviewed-by: NRich Salz <rsalz@openssl.org>
(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/1548)
上级 70a06fc1
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ SCT *SCT_new_from_base64(unsigned char version, const char *logid_base64,
SCT *sct = SCT_new();
unsigned char *dec = NULL;
const unsigned char* p = NULL;
int declen;
if (sct == NULL) {
......@@ -102,7 +103,9 @@ SCT *SCT_new_from_base64(unsigned char version, const char *logid_base64,
goto err;
if (o2i_SCT_signature(sct, (const unsigned char **)&dec, declen) <= 0)
p = dec;
if (o2i_SCT_signature(sct, &p, declen) <= 0)
goto err;
dec = NULL;
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