提交 462ba4f6 编写于 作者: U Ulf Möller

New Configure option --openssldir to replace util/ssldir.pl.

上级 5460ffdf
......@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ require 5.000;
use strict;
# see INSTALL for instructions.
# Usage: Configure [-Dxxx] [-Lxxx] [-fxxx] [-Kxxx] [no-asm] [rsaref]
# [386] platform[:flags]
my $usage="Usage: Configure [-Dxxx] [-lxxx] [-Lxxx] [-fxxx] [-Kxxx] [no-asm] [rsaref] [--openssldir=OPENSSLDIR] [--prefix=DIR] os/compiler\n";
# Options:
# --openssldir install OpenSSL in OPENSSLDIR (Default: DIR/ssl if the
# --prefix option is given; /usr/local/ssl otherwise)
# --prefix prefix for the OpenSSL include, lib and bin directories
# (Default: the OPENSSLDIR directory)
# rsaref use RSAref
# no-asm do not use assembler
# 386 generate 80386 code
......@@ -113,8 +116,8 @@ my %table=(
"solaris-usparc-sc4","cc:-xtarget=ultra -xarch=v8plus -Xa -xO5 -DB_ENDIAN:\
-lsocket -lnsl:\
"solaris-sparc-sc4-pic","cc:-xO5 -Xa -DB_ENDIAN -KPIC:-lsocket -lnsl:\
#"solaris-sparc-sc4-pic","cc:-xO5 -Xa -DB_ENDIAN -KPIC:-lsocket -lnsl:\
# Sunos configs, assuming sparc for the gcc one.
##"sunos-cc", "cc:-O4 -DNOPROTO -DNOCONST::DES_UNROLL:::",
......@@ -249,6 +252,8 @@ my %table=(
my @WinTargets=qw(VC-NT VC-WIN32 VC-WIN16 VC-W31-16 VC-W31-32 VC-MSDOS BC-32
BC-16 CygWin32);
my $installprefix="";
my $openssldir="";
my $no_asm=0;
my $Makefile="Makefile.ssl";
my $des_locl="crypto/des/des_locl.h";
......@@ -276,43 +281,43 @@ my $perl;
$ranlib=&which("ranlib") or $ranlib="true";
$perl=&which("perl5") or $perl=&which("perl");
if ($#ARGV < 0)
&usage if ($#ARGV < 0);
my $flags="";
my $libs="";
my $target="";
foreach (@ARGV)
if ($_ =~ /^no-asm$/)
if (/^no-asm$/)
{ $no_asm=1; }
elsif ($_ =~ /^386$/)
elsif (/^386$/)
{ $processor=386; }
elsif ($_ =~ /^rsaref$/)
elsif (/^rsaref$/)
$libs.= "-lRSAglue -lrsaref ";
$flags.= "-DRSAref ";
elsif ($_ =~ /^-/)
elsif (/^-/)
if ($_ =~ /^-[lL](.*)$/)
if (/^-[lL](.*)$/)
$libs.=$_." ";
elsif ($_ =~ /^-D(.*)$/)
elsif (/^-[DfK](.*)$/)
$flags.=$_." ";
elsif ($_ =~ /^-[fK](.*)$/)
elsif (/^--prefix=(.*)$/)
$flags.=$_." ";
elsif (/^--openssldir=(.*)$/)
die "unknown options, only -Dxxx, -Lxxx, -lxxx, -fxxx and -Kxxx are supported\n";
print STDERR $usage;
elsif ($_ =~ /^([^:]+):(.+)$/) {
......@@ -323,19 +328,19 @@ foreach (@ARGV)
die "target already defined - $target\n" if ($target ne "");
if (!defined($table{$target}))
if (!defined($table{$target}))
&usage if (!defined($table{$target}));
$openssldir="/usr/local/ssl" if ($openssldir eq "" and $installprefix eq "");
$installprefix=$openssldir if $installprefix eq "";
chop $openssldir if $openssldir =~ /\/$/;
chop $installprefix if $installprefix =~ /\/$/;
$openssldir=$installprefix . "/ssl" if $openssldir eq "";
$openssldir=$installprefix . "/" . $openssldir if $openssldir !~ /^\//;
my $IsWindows=scalar grep /^$target$/,@WinTargets;
......@@ -386,6 +391,8 @@ open(OUT,">$Makefile") || die "unable to create $Makefile:$!\n";
while (<IN>)
s/^CC=.*$/CC= $cc/;
s/^CFLAG=.*$/CFLAG= $cflags/;
......@@ -470,7 +477,9 @@ open(IN,'<crypto/opensslconf.h.in') || die "unable to read crypto/opensslconf.h.
open(OUT,'>crypto/opensslconf.h') || die "unable to create crypto/opensslconf.h:$!\n";
while (<IN>)
if (/^#((define)|(undef))\s+SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG/)
if (/^#defined\s+OPENSSLDIR/)
{ print OUT "#define OPENSSLDIR $openssldir\n"; }
elsif (/^#((define)|(undef))\s+SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG/)
{ printf OUT "#%s SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG\n",($b64l)?"define":"undef"; }
elsif (/^#((define)|(undef))\s+SIXTY_FOUR_BIT/)
{ printf OUT "#%s SIXTY_FOUR_BIT\n",($b64)?"define":"undef"; }
......@@ -540,7 +549,13 @@ if($IsWindows) {
system 'make -f Makefile.ssl links' if !$IsWindows;
if (!$IsWindows)
(system 'make -f Makefile.ssl links') == 0 or exit $?;
&dofile("tools/c_rehash",$openssldir,'^DIR=', 'DIR=%s',);
my $pwd=`pwd`;
......@@ -557,7 +572,7 @@ conflicts with other libraries.
To compile programs that use the old form <foo.h>,
usually an additional compiler option will suffice: E.g., add
to the CFLAGS in the Makefile of the program that you want to compile
......@@ -570,18 +585,26 @@ EOF
sub bad_target
sub usage
print STDERR "Usage: Configure [-Dxxx] [-Lxxx] [-lxxx] [no-asm] [rsaref] os/compiler\n";
print STDERR $usage;
print STDERR "pick os/compiler from:";
my $j=0;
my $i;
foreach $i (sort keys %table)
next if $i =~ /^debug/;
print STDERR "\n" if ($j++ % 4) == 0;
printf(STDERR "%-18s ",$i);
foreach $i (sort keys %table)
next if $i !~ /^debug/;
print STDERR "\n" if ($j++ % 4) == 0;
printf(STDERR "%-18s ",$i);
print STDERR "\n";
sub which
......@@ -598,3 +621,22 @@ sub which
sub dofile
my $f; my $p; my %m; my @a; my $k; my $ff;
open(IN,"<$f") || die "unable to open $f:$!\n";
foreach $k (keys %m)
grep(/$k/ && ($_=sprintf($m{$k}."\n",$p)),@a);
($ff=$f) =~ s/\..*$//;
open(OUT,">$ff.new") || die "unable to open $f:$!\n";
print OUT @a;
rename($f,"$ff.bak") || die "unable to rename $f\n";
rename("$ff.new",$f) || die "unable to rename $ff.new\n";
......@@ -23,16 +23,25 @@
This will build and install OpenSSL in the default location, which is (for
historical reasons) /usr/local/ssl. If you want to install it anywhere else,
do this after running `./config':
run config like this:
$ perl util/ssldir.pl /new/install/path
$ ./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl
There are several options to ./config to customize the build:
rsaref Build with RSADSI's RSAREF toolkit.
no-asm Build with no assembler code.
386 Use the 80386 instruction set only (the default x86 code is
more efficient, but requires at least a 486).
--prefix=DIR Install in DIR/bin, DIR/lib, DIR/include. Configuration
files used by OpenSSL will be in DIR/ssl or the directory
specified by --openssldir.
--openssldir=DIR Directory for OpenSSL files. If no prefix is specified,
the library files and binaries are also installed there.
rsaref Build with RSADSI's RSAREF toolkit.
no-asm Build with no assembler code.
386 Use the 80386 instruction set only (the default x86 code is
more efficient, but requires at least a 486).
If anything goes wrong, follow the detailed instructions below. If your
operating system is not (yet) supported by OpenSSL, see the section on
......@@ -46,8 +55,8 @@
$ ./config
This guesses at your operating system (and compiler, if necessary) and
configures OpenSSL based on this guess. Check the first line of output to
see if it guessed correctly. If it did not get it correct or you want to
configures OpenSSL based on this guess. Run ./config -t -v to see
if it guessed correctly. If it did not get it correct or you want to
use a different compiler then go to step 1b. Otherwise go to step 2.
1b. Configure OpenSSL for your operating system manually
......@@ -63,7 +72,7 @@
as the argument to ./Configure. For example, a "linux-elf" user would
$ ./Configure linux-elf
$ ./Configure linux-elf [--prefix=DIR] [--openssldir=OPENSSLDIR]
If your system is not available, you will have to edit the Configure
program and add the correct configuration for your system.
......@@ -72,20 +81,7 @@
various macros in crypto/opensslconf.h (generated from
2. Set the install directory
If the install directory will be the default of /usr/local/ssl, skip to
the next stage. Otherwise, run
$ perl util/ssldir.pl /new/install/path
This configures the installation location into the "install" target of
the top-level Makefile, and also updates some defines in an include file
so that the default certificate directory is under the proper
installation directory. It also updates a few utility files used in the
build process.
3. Build OpenSSL by running:
2. Build OpenSSL by running:
$ make
......@@ -93,7 +89,7 @@
OpenSSL binary ("openssl"). The libraries will be built in the top-level
directory, and the binary will be in the "apps" directory.
4. After a successful build, the libraries should be tested. Run:
3. After a successful build, the libraries should be tested. Run:
$ make rehash
$ make test
......@@ -101,24 +97,27 @@
(The first line makes the test certificates in the "certs" directory
accessable via an hash name, which is required for some of the tests).
5. If everything tests ok, install OpenSSL with
4. If everything tests ok, install OpenSSL with
$ make install
This will create the installation directory (if it does not exist) and
then create the following subdirectories:
bin Contains the openssl binary and a few other
utility programs.
include Contains the header files needed if you want to
compile programs with libcrypto or libssl.
lib Contains the library files themselves and the
OpenSSL configuration file "openssl.cnf".
certs Initially empty, this is the default location
for certificate files.
private Initially empty, this is the default location
for private key files.
certs Initially empty, this is the default location
for certificate files.
private Initially empty, this is the default location
for private key files.
lib Contains the OpenSSL configuration file "openssl.cnf".
If you didn't chose a different installation prefix, lib also contains
the library files themselves, and the following additional subdirectories
will be created:
bin Contains the openssl binary and a few other
utility programs.
include/openssl Contains the header files needed if you want to
compile programs with libcrypto or libssl.
NOTE: The header files used to reside directly in the include
directory, but have now been moved to include/openssl so that
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
VERSION = 0.9.2b
# Do not edit this manually. Use Configure --openssldir=DIR do change this!
# RSAref - Define if we are to link with RSAref.
# NO_IDEA - Define to build without the IDEA algorithm
......@@ -139,9 +143,6 @@ SDIRS= \
buffer bio stack lhash rand err objects \
evp asn1 pem x509 x509v3 conf txt_db pkcs7 pkcs12 comp
# Do not edit this manually. Use util/ssldir.pl do change this!
MAKEFILE= Makefile.ssl
MAKE= make -f Makefile.ssl
......@@ -286,14 +287,14 @@ dist_pem_h:
install: all
@-mkdir -p $(INSTALLTOP)/bin 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(INSTALLTOP)/lib 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(INSTALLTOP)/include 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(INSTALLTOP)/certs 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(INSTALLTOP)/private 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(OPENSSLDIR)/certs 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(OPENSSLDIR)/private 2>/dev/null
@-mkdir -p $(OPENSSLDIR)/lib 2>/dev/null
@for i in $(DIRS) ;\
do \
(cd $$i; echo "installing $$i..."; \
@for i in $(LIBS) ;\
do \
......@@ -268,11 +268,7 @@ Usage: config [options]
-h This help.
Any other text will be passed to the Configure perl script.
Useful options include
no-asm Build with no assember code.
-Dxxx Add xxx define to compilation.
-Lxxx Add xxx library include path to build.
-lxxx Add xxx library to build.
See INSTALL for instructions.
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