提交 36d70ed5 编写于 作者: M Matt Caswell

Fix no-tls1_1 and no-tls1_2

The above config options were failing in test_ssl_old.
Reviewed-by: NRichard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
上级 b3599dbb
......@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ sub testssl {
plan tests => 12;
skip "TLS disabled", 12 if $no_anytls;
skip "TLS1.1 or TLS1.2 disabled", 12 if $no_tls1_1 || $no_tls1_2;
ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-server_sess_out", $server_sess, "-client_sess_out", $client_sess])));
ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-server_sess_in", $server_sess, "-client_sess_in", $client_sess, "-should_reuse", "1", "-should_negotiate", "tls1.2"])));
ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-server_max_proto", "tls1.1", "-server_sess_in", $server_sess, "-client_sess_in", $client_sess, "-should_reuse", "0", "-should_negotiate", "tls1.1"])));
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