Avoid use of function pointer casts in pem library. Modify safestack to

always use inline functions.
上级 b948e2c5
......@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@
[Nils Larsch]
*) Initial incomplete changes to avoid need for function casts in OpenSSL
when OPENSSL_NO_FCAST is set: some compilers (gcc 4.2 and later) reject
their use. Safestack is reimplemented using inline functions: tests show
that these calls are typically optimized away by compilers so they have
no additional overhead. Update ASN1 to avoid use of legacy functions.
some compilers (gcc 4.2 and later) reject their use. Safestack is
reimplemented using inline functions: tests show that these calls are
typically optimized away by compilers so they have no additional overhead.
Update ASN1 to avoid use of legacy functions.
[Steve Henson]
*) Win32/64 targets are linked with Winsock2.
......@@ -421,9 +421,6 @@ errors:
(cd engines; $(MAKE) PERL=$(PERL) errors)
$(PERL) util/ck_errf.pl */*.c */*/*.c
$(PERL) util/mkstack.pl -write
$(PERL) util/mkdef.pl crypto update
......@@ -448,7 +445,7 @@ TABLE: Configure
(echo 'Output of `Configure TABLE'"':"; \
$(PERL) Configure TABLE) > TABLE
update: errors stacks util/libeay.num util/ssleay.num crypto/objects/obj_dat.h crypto/objects/obj_xref.h apps/openssl-vms.cnf crypto/bn/bn_prime.h TABLE depend
update: errors util/libeay.num util/ssleay.num crypto/objects/obj_dat.h crypto/objects/obj_xref.h apps/openssl-vms.cnf crypto/bn/bn_prime.h TABLE depend
# Build distribution tar-file. As the list of files returned by "find" is
# pretty long, on several platforms a "too many arguments" error or similar
......@@ -221,19 +221,19 @@ typedef struct pem_ctx_st
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_read_fp(name, type, str, asn1) \
type *PEM_read_##name(FILE *fp, type **x, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)\
{ \
return(((type *(*)(D2I_OF(type),char *,FILE *,type **,pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_read))(d2i_##asn1, str,fp,x,cb,u)); \
return PEM_ASN1_read((d2i_of_void *)d2i_##asn1, str,fp,(void **)x,cb,u); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_fp(name, type, str, asn1) \
int PEM_write_##name(FILE *fp, type *x) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF(type),const char *,FILE *,type *, const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int, pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write))(i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_fp_const(name, type, str, asn1) \
int PEM_write_##name(FILE *fp, const type *x) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF_const(type),const char *,FILE *, const type *, const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int, pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write))(i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,fp,(void *)x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_cb_fp(name, type, str, asn1) \
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ int PEM_write_##name(FILE *fp, type *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, \
unsigned char *kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb *cb, \
void *u) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF(type),const char *,FILE *,type *, const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int, pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write))(i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_cb_fp_const(name, type, str, asn1) \
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ int PEM_write_##name(FILE *fp, type *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, \
unsigned char *kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb *cb, \
void *u) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF_const(type),const char *,FILE *,type *, const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int, pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write))(i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,fp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u); \
......@@ -257,33 +257,33 @@ int PEM_write_##name(FILE *fp, type *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_read_bio(name, type, str, asn1) \
type *PEM_read_bio_##name(BIO *bp, type **x, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)\
{ \
return(((type *(*)(D2I_OF(type),const char *,BIO *,type **,pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_read_bio))(d2i_##asn1, str,bp,x,cb,u)); \
return PEM_ASN1_read_bio((d2i_of_void *)d2i_##asn1, str,bp,(void **)x,cb,u); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_bio(name, type, str, asn1) \
int PEM_write_bio_##name(BIO *bp, type *x) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF(type),const char *,BIO *,type *, const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int, pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write_bio))(i2d_##asn1,str,bp,x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,bp,x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_bio_const(name, type, str, asn1) \
int PEM_write_bio_##name(BIO *bp, const type *x) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF_const(type),const char *,BIO *,const type *, const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int, pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write_bio))(i2d_##asn1,str,bp,x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,bp,(void *)x,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_cb_bio(name, type, str, asn1) \
int PEM_write_bio_##name(BIO *bp, type *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, \
unsigned char *kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF(type),const char *,BIO *,type *,const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int,pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write_bio))(i2d_##asn1,str,bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write_cb_bio_const(name, type, str, asn1) \
int PEM_write_bio_##name(BIO *bp, type *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, \
unsigned char *kstr, int klen, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u) \
{ \
return(((int (*)(I2D_OF_const(type),const char *,BIO *,type *,const EVP_CIPHER *,unsigned char *,int,pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_write_bio))(i2d_##asn1,str,bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)); \
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)i2d_##asn1,str,bp,(void *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u); \
#define IMPLEMENT_PEM_write(name, type, str, asn1) \
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ void * PEM_ASN1_read_bio(d2i_of_void *d2i, const char *name, BIO *bp,
void **x, pem_password_cb *cb, void *u);
#define PEM_ASN1_read_bio_of(type,d2i,name,bp,x,cb,u) \
((type *(*)(D2I_OF(type),const char *,BIO *,type **,pem_password_cb *,void *))openssl_fcast(PEM_ASN1_read_bio))(d2i,name,bp,x,cb,u)
int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(i2d_of_void *i2d,const char *name,BIO *bp,char *x,
int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(i2d_of_void *i2d,const char *name,BIO *bp, void *x,
const EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,int klen,
pem_password_cb *cb, void *u);
#define PEM_ASN1_write_bio_of(type,i2d,name,bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u) \
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ int PEM_write(FILE *fp,char *name,char *hdr,unsigned char *data,long len);
void * PEM_ASN1_read(d2i_of_void *d2i, const char *name, FILE *fp, void **x,
pem_password_cb *cb, void *u);
int PEM_ASN1_write(i2d_of_void *i2d,const char *name,FILE *fp,
char *x,const EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,
void *x,const EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,
int klen,pem_password_cb *callback, void *u);
STACK_OF(X509_INFO) * PEM_X509_INFO_read(FILE *fp, STACK_OF(X509_INFO) *sk,
pem_password_cb *cb, void *u);
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ err:
int PEM_ASN1_write(i2d_of_void *i2d, const char *name, FILE *fp,
char *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, unsigned char *kstr,
void *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, unsigned char *kstr,
int klen, pem_password_cb *callback, void *u)
BIO *b;
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ int PEM_ASN1_write(i2d_of_void *i2d, const char *name, FILE *fp,
int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(i2d_of_void *i2d, const char *name, BIO *bp,
char *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, unsigned char *kstr,
void *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc, unsigned char *kstr,
int klen, pem_password_cb *callback, void *u)
......@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ int PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(BIO *bp, EVP_PKEY *x, const EVP_CIPHER *enc,
cb, u);
BIO_snprintf(pem_str, 80, "%s PRIVATE KEY", x->ameth->pem_str);
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)openssl_fcast(i2d_PrivateKey),
pem_str,bp,(char *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u);
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio((i2d_of_void *)i2d_PrivateKey,
EVP_PKEY *PEM_read_bio_Parameters(BIO *bp, EVP_PKEY **x)
......@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ int PEM_write_bio_Parameters(BIO *bp, EVP_PKEY *x)
BIO_snprintf(pem_str, 80, "%s PARAMETERS", x->ameth->pem_str);
return PEM_ASN1_write_bio(
(i2d_of_void *)openssl_fcast(x->ameth->param_encode),
pem_str,bp,(char *)x,NULL,NULL,0,0,NULL);
(i2d_of_void *)x->ameth->param_encode,
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