提交 206310c3 编写于 作者: D Dr. Stephen Henson

Fix bug in CVE-2011-4619: check we have really received a client hello

before rejecting multiple SGC restarts.
上级 58631637
......@@ -548,6 +548,13 @@
Add command line options to s_client/s_server.
[Steve Henson]
Changes between 1.0.0g and 1.0.0h [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Fix CVE-2011-4619: make sure we really are receiving a
client hello before rejecting multiple SGC restarts. Thanks to
Ivan Nestlerode <inestlerode@us.ibm.com> for discovering this bug.
[Steve Henson]
Changes between 1.0.0f and 1.0.0g [18 Jan 2012]
*) Fix for DTLS DoS issue introduced by fix for CVE-2011-4109.
......@@ -873,14 +873,6 @@ int ssl3_check_client_hello(SSL *s)
int ok;
long n;
/* We only allow the client to restart the handshake once per
* negotiation. */
if (s->s3->flags & SSL3_FLAGS_SGC_RESTART_DONE)
return -1;
/* this function is called when we really expect a Certificate message,
* so permit appropriate message length */
......@@ -893,6 +885,13 @@ int ssl3_check_client_hello(SSL *s)
s->s3->tmp.reuse_message = 1;
if (s->s3->tmp.message_type == SSL3_MT_CLIENT_HELLO)
/* We only allow the client to restart the handshake once per
* negotiation. */
if (s->s3->flags & SSL3_FLAGS_SGC_RESTART_DONE)
return -1;
/* Throw away what we have done so far in the current handshake,
* which will now be aborted. (A full SSL_clear would be too much.) */
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