提交 1d799e54 编写于 作者: C code4lala

add build_all_generated/darwin64-arm64-cc

Signed-off-by: Ncode4lala <fengziteng2@huawei.com>
Change-Id: I19ba093109979031f24a6beb82f70e1f8cc00142
上级 3a654b75
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2000-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# Wrapper around the ca to make it easier to use
# WARNING: do not edit!
# Generated by Makefile from apps/CA.pl.in
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbose = 1;
my @OPENSSL_CMDS = ("req", "ca", "pkcs12", "x509", "verify");
my $openssl = $ENV{'OPENSSL'} // "openssl";
$ENV{'OPENSSL'} = $openssl;
# Command invocations.
my $REQ = "$openssl req $OPENSSL_CONFIG";
my $CA = "$openssl ca $OPENSSL_CONFIG";
my $VERIFY = "$openssl verify";
my $X509 = "$openssl x509";
my $PKCS12 = "$openssl pkcs12";
# Default values for various configuration settings.
my $CATOP = "./demoCA";
my $CAKEY = "cakey.pem";
my $CAREQ = "careq.pem";
my $CACERT = "cacert.pem";
my $CACRL = "crl.pem";
my $DAYS = "-days 365";
my $CADAYS = "-days 1095"; # 3 years
my $NEWKEY = "newkey.pem";
my $NEWREQ = "newreq.pem";
my $NEWCERT = "newcert.pem";
my $NEWP12 = "newcert.p12";
# Commandline parsing
my %EXTRA;
my $WHAT = shift @ARGV || "";
@ARGV = parse_extra(@ARGV);
my $RET = 0;
# Split out "-extra-CMD value", and return new |@ARGV|. Fill in
# |EXTRA{CMD}| with list of values.
sub parse_extra
foreach ( @OPENSSL_CMDS ) {
$EXTRA{$_} = '';
my @result;
while ( scalar(@_) > 0 ) {
my $arg = shift;
if ( $arg !~ m/-extra-([a-z0-9]+)/ ) {
push @result, $arg;
$arg =~ s/-extra-//;
die("Unknown \"-${arg}-extra\" option, exiting")
unless scalar grep { $arg eq $_ } @OPENSSL_CMDS;
$EXTRA{$arg} .= " " . shift;
return @result;
# See if reason for a CRL entry is valid; exit if not.
sub crl_reason_ok
my $r = shift;
if ($r eq 'unspecified' || $r eq 'keyCompromise'
|| $r eq 'CACompromise' || $r eq 'affiliationChanged'
|| $r eq 'superseded' || $r eq 'cessationOfOperation'
|| $r eq 'certificateHold' || $r eq 'removeFromCRL') {
return 1;
print STDERR "Invalid CRL reason; must be one of:\n";
print STDERR " unspecified, keyCompromise, CACompromise,\n";
print STDERR " affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOperation\n";
print STDERR " certificateHold, removeFromCRL";
exit 1;
# Copy a PEM-format file; return like exit status (zero means ok)
sub copy_pemfile
my ($infile, $outfile, $bound) = @_;
my $found = 0;
open IN, $infile || die "Cannot open $infile, $!";
open OUT, ">$outfile" || die "Cannot write to $outfile, $!";
while (<IN>) {
$found = 1 if /^-----BEGIN.*$bound/;
print OUT $_ if $found;
$found = 2, last if /^-----END.*$bound/;
close IN;
close OUT;
return $found == 2 ? 0 : 1;
# Wrapper around system; useful for debugging. Returns just the exit status
sub run
my $cmd = shift;
print "====\n$cmd\n" if $verbose;
my $status = system($cmd);
print "==> $status\n====\n" if $verbose;
return $status >> 8;
if ( $WHAT =~ /^(-\?|-h|-help)$/ ) {
print STDERR <<EOF;
CA.pl -newcert | -newreq | -newreq-nodes | -xsign | -sign | -signCA | -signcert | -crl | -newca [-extra-cmd parameter]
CA.pl -pkcs12 [certname]
CA.pl -verify certfile ...
CA.pl -revoke certfile [reason]
exit 0;
if ($WHAT eq '-newcert' ) {
# create a certificate
$RET = run("$REQ -new -x509 -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWCERT $DAYS"
. " $EXTRA{req}");
print "Cert is in $NEWCERT, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-precert' ) {
# create a pre-certificate
$RET = run("$REQ -x509 -precert -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWCERT $DAYS"
. " $EXTRA{req}");
print "Pre-cert is in $NEWCERT, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT =~ /^\-newreq(\-nodes)?$/ ) {
# create a certificate request
$RET = run("$REQ -new $1 -keyout $NEWKEY -out $NEWREQ $DAYS $EXTRA{req}");
print "Request is in $NEWREQ, private key is in $NEWKEY\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-newca' ) {
# create the directory hierarchy
my @dirs = ( "${CATOP}", "${CATOP}/certs", "${CATOP}/crl",
"${CATOP}/newcerts", "${CATOP}/private" );
die "${CATOP}/index.txt exists.\nRemove old sub-tree to proceed,"
if -f "${CATOP}/index.txt";
die "${CATOP}/serial exists.\nRemove old sub-tree to proceed,"
if -f "${CATOP}/serial";
foreach my $d ( @dirs ) {
if ( -d $d ) {
warn "Directory $d exists" if -d $d;
} else {
mkdir $d or die "Can't mkdir $d, $!";
open OUT, ">${CATOP}/index.txt";
close OUT;
open OUT, ">${CATOP}/crlnumber";
print OUT "01\n";
close OUT;
# ask user for existing CA certificate
print "CA certificate filename (or enter to create)\n";
my $FILE;
$FILE = "" unless defined($FILE = <STDIN>);
$FILE =~ s{\R$}{};
if ($FILE ne "") {
copy_pemfile($FILE,"${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY", "PRIVATE");
copy_pemfile($FILE,"${CATOP}/$CACERT", "CERTIFICATE");
} else {
print "Making CA certificate ...\n";
$RET = run("$REQ -new -keyout ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY"
. " -out ${CATOP}/$CAREQ $EXTRA{req}");
$RET = run("$CA -create_serial"
. " -out ${CATOP}/$CACERT $CADAYS -batch"
. " -keyfile ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY -selfsign"
. " -extensions v3_ca"
. " -infiles ${CATOP}/$CAREQ $EXTRA{ca}") if $RET == 0;
print "CA certificate is in ${CATOP}/$CACERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-pkcs12' ) {
my $cname = $ARGV[0];
$cname = "My Certificate" unless defined $cname;
$RET = run("$PKCS12 -in $NEWCERT -inkey $NEWKEY"
. " -certfile ${CATOP}/$CACERT -out $NEWP12"
. " -export -name \"$cname\" $EXTRA{pkcs12}");
print "PKCS #12 file is in $NEWP12\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-xsign' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -infiles $NEWREQ $EXTRA{ca}");
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-sign' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
. " -infiles $NEWREQ $EXTRA{ca}");
print "Signed certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-signCA' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
. " -extensions v3_ca -infiles $NEWREQ $EXTRA{ca}");
print "Signed CA certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-signcert' ) {
$RET = run("$X509 -x509toreq -in $NEWREQ -signkey $NEWREQ"
. " -out tmp.pem $EXTRA{x509}");
$RET = run("$CA -policy policy_anything -out $NEWCERT"
. "-infiles tmp.pem $EXTRA{ca}") if $RET == 0;
print "Signed certificate is in $NEWCERT\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-verify' ) {
my @files = @ARGV ? @ARGV : ( $NEWCERT );
foreach my $file (@files) {
# -CAfile quoted for VMS, since the C RTL downcases all unquoted
# arguments to C programs
my $status = run("$VERIFY \"-CAfile\" ${CATOP}/$CACERT $file $EXTRA{verify}");
$RET = $status if $status != 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-crl' ) {
$RET = run("$CA -gencrl -out ${CATOP}/crl/$CACRL $EXTRA{ca}");
print "Generated CRL is in ${CATOP}/crl/$CACRL\n" if $RET == 0;
} elsif ($WHAT eq '-revoke' ) {
my $cname = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined $cname) {
print "Certificate filename is required; reason optional.\n";
exit 1;
my $reason = $ARGV[1];
$reason = " -crl_reason $reason"
if defined $reason && crl_reason_ok($reason);
$RET = run("$CA -revoke \"$cname\"" . $reason . $EXTRA{ca});
} else {
print STDERR "Unknown arg \"$WHAT\"\n";
print STDERR "Use -help for help.\n";
exit 1;
exit $RET;
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by apps/progs.pl
* Copyright 1995-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#include "progs.h"
FUNCTION functions[] = {
{FT_general, "asn1parse", asn1parse_main, asn1parse_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ca", ca_main, ca_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ciphers", ciphers_main, ciphers_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "cmp", cmp_main, cmp_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "cms", cms_main, cms_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "crl", crl_main, crl_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "crl2pkcs7", crl2pkcs7_main, crl2pkcs7_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dgst", dgst_main, dgst_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dhparam", dhparam_main, dhparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dsa", dsa_main, dsa_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "dsaparam", dsaparam_main, dsaparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ec", ec_main, ec_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ecparam", ecparam_main, ecparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "enc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "engine", engine_main, engine_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "errstr", errstr_main, errstr_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "fipsinstall", fipsinstall_main, fipsinstall_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "gendsa", gendsa_main, gendsa_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "genpkey", genpkey_main, genpkey_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "genrsa", genrsa_main, genrsa_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "help", help_main, help_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "info", info_main, info_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "kdf", kdf_main, kdf_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "list", list_main, list_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "mac", mac_main, mac_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "nseq", nseq_main, nseq_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ocsp", ocsp_main, ocsp_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "passwd", passwd_main, passwd_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkcs12", pkcs12_main, pkcs12_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkcs7", pkcs7_main, pkcs7_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkcs8", pkcs8_main, pkcs8_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkey", pkey_main, pkey_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkeyparam", pkeyparam_main, pkeyparam_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "pkeyutl", pkeyutl_main, pkeyutl_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "prime", prime_main, prime_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "rand", rand_main, rand_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "rehash", rehash_main, rehash_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "req", req_main, req_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "rsa", rsa_main, rsa_options, NULL, NULL},
#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_3_0) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_RSA)
{FT_general, "rsautl", rsautl_main, rsautl_options, "pkeyutl", "3.0"},
{FT_general, "s_client", s_client_main, s_client_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "s_server", s_server_main, s_server_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "s_time", s_time_main, s_time_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "sess_id", sess_id_main, sess_id_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "smime", smime_main, smime_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "speed", speed_main, speed_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "spkac", spkac_main, spkac_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "srp", srp_main, srp_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "storeutl", storeutl_main, storeutl_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "ts", ts_main, ts_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "verify", verify_main, verify_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "version", version_main, version_options, NULL, NULL},
{FT_general, "x509", x509_main, x509_options, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2
{FT_md, "md2", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD4
{FT_md, "md4", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "md5", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha1", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha224", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha384", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha512", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha512-224", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha512-256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-224", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-384", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "sha3-512", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "shake128", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "shake256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "mdc2", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RMD160
{FT_md, "rmd160", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "blake2b512", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_md, "blake2s256", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM3
{FT_md, "sm3", dgst_main, NULL, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-128-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-128-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-192-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-192-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-256-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aes-256-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cfb1", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-128-cfb8", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cfb1", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-192-cfb8", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cfb1", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "aria-256-cfb8", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-128-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-128-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-192-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-192-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-256-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "camellia-256-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "base64", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifdef ZLIB
{FT_cipher, "zlib", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des3", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "desx", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4
{FT_cipher, "rc4", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4
{FT_cipher, "rc4-40", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "des-ede3-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "idea-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "seed-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-64-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2
{FT_cipher, "rc2-40-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "bf-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast5-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
{FT_cipher, "cast-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5
{FT_cipher, "rc5-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-cbc", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-ecb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-cfb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-ofb", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SM4
{FT_cipher, "sm4-ctr", enc_main, enc_options, NULL},
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by apps/progs.pl
* Copyright 1995-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#include "function.h"
extern int asn1parse_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ca_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ciphers_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int cmp_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int cms_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int crl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int crl2pkcs7_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dgst_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dhparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int dsaparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ec_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ecparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int enc_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int engine_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int errstr_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int fipsinstall_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int gendsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int genpkey_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int genrsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int help_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int info_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int kdf_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int list_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int mac_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int nseq_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ocsp_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int passwd_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkcs12_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkcs7_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkcs8_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkey_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkeyparam_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int pkeyutl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int prime_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rand_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rehash_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int req_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rsa_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int rsautl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int s_client_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int s_server_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int s_time_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int sess_id_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int smime_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int speed_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int spkac_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int srp_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int storeutl_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int ts_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int verify_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int version_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int x509_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern const OPTIONS asn1parse_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ca_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ciphers_options[];
extern const OPTIONS cmp_options[];
extern const OPTIONS cms_options[];
extern const OPTIONS crl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS crl2pkcs7_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dgst_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dhparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS dsaparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ec_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ecparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS enc_options[];
extern const OPTIONS engine_options[];
extern const OPTIONS errstr_options[];
extern const OPTIONS fipsinstall_options[];
extern const OPTIONS gendsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS genpkey_options[];
extern const OPTIONS genrsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS help_options[];
extern const OPTIONS info_options[];
extern const OPTIONS kdf_options[];
extern const OPTIONS list_options[];
extern const OPTIONS mac_options[];
extern const OPTIONS nseq_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ocsp_options[];
extern const OPTIONS passwd_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkcs12_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkcs7_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkcs8_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkey_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkeyparam_options[];
extern const OPTIONS pkeyutl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS prime_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rand_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rehash_options[];
extern const OPTIONS req_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rsa_options[];
extern const OPTIONS rsautl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS s_client_options[];
extern const OPTIONS s_server_options[];
extern const OPTIONS s_time_options[];
extern const OPTIONS sess_id_options[];
extern const OPTIONS smime_options[];
extern const OPTIONS speed_options[];
extern const OPTIONS spkac_options[];
extern const OPTIONS srp_options[];
extern const OPTIONS storeutl_options[];
extern const OPTIONS ts_options[];
extern const OPTIONS verify_options[];
extern const OPTIONS version_options[];
extern const OPTIONS x509_options[];
extern FUNCTION functions[];
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2002-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2002 The OpenTSA Project. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
use strict;
use IO::Handle;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use WWW::Curl::Easy;
use vars qw(%options);
# Callback for reading the body.
sub read_body {
my ($maxlength, $state) = @_;
my $return_data = "";
my $data_len = length ${$state->{data}};
if ($state->{bytes} < $data_len) {
$data_len = $data_len - $state->{bytes};
$data_len = $maxlength if $data_len > $maxlength;
$return_data = substr ${$state->{data}}, $state->{bytes}, $data_len;
$state->{bytes} += $data_len;
return $return_data;
# Callback for writing the body into a variable.
sub write_body {
my ($data, $pointer) = @_;
${$pointer} .= $data;
return length($data);
# Initialise a new Curl object.
sub create_curl {
my $url = shift;
# Create Curl object.
my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy::new();
# Error-handling related options.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1) if $options{d};
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
"OpenTSA tsget.pl/openssl-3.0.7");
# Options for POST method.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1);
["Content-Type: application/timestamp-query",
"Accept: application/timestamp-reply,application/timestamp-response"]);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, \&read_body);
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, sub { return length($_[0]); });
# Options for getting the result.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, \&write_body);
# SSL related options.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE, "PEM");
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); # Verify server's certificate.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); # Check server's CN.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $options{k}) if defined($options{k});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $options{p}) if defined($options{p});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $options{c}) if defined($options{c});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, $options{C}) if defined($options{C});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CAPATH, $options{P}) if defined($options{P});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE, $options{r}) if defined($options{r});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET, $options{g}) if defined($options{g});
# Setting destination.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
return $curl;
# Send a request and returns the body back.
sub get_timestamp {
my $curl = shift;
my $body = shift;
my $ts_body;
local $::error_buf;
# Error-handling related options.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, "::error_buf");
# Options for POST method.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_INFILE, {data => $body, bytes => 0});
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, length(${$body}));
# Options for getting the result.
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FILE, \$ts_body);
# Send the request...
my $error_code = $curl->perform();
my $error_string;
if ($error_code != 0) {
my $http_code = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$error_string = "could not get timestamp";
$error_string .= ", http code: $http_code" unless $http_code == 0;
$error_string .= ", curl code: $error_code";
$error_string .= " ($::error_buf)" if defined($::error_buf);
} else {
my $ct = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);
if (lc($ct) ne "application/timestamp-reply"
&& lc($ct) ne "application/timestamp-response") {
$error_string = "unexpected content type returned: $ct";
return ($ts_body, $error_string);
# Print usage information and exists.
sub usage {
print STDERR "usage: $0 -h <server_url> [-e <extension>] [-o <output>] ";
print STDERR "[-v] [-d] [-k <private_key.pem>] [-p <key_password>] ";
print STDERR "[-c <client_cert.pem>] [-C <CA_certs.pem>] [-P <CA_path>] ";
print STDERR "[-r <file:file...>] [-g <EGD_socket>] [<request>]...\n";
exit 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getting command-line options (default comes from TSGET environment variable).
my $getopt_arg = "h:e:o:vdk:p:c:C:P:r:g:";
if (exists $ENV{TSGET}) {
my @old_argv = @ARGV;
@ARGV = split /\s+/, $ENV{TSGET};
getopts($getopt_arg, \%options) or usage;
@ARGV = @old_argv;
getopts($getopt_arg, \%options) or usage;
# Checking argument consistency.
if (!exists($options{h}) || (@ARGV == 0 && !exists($options{o}))
|| (@ARGV > 1 && exists($options{o}))) {
print STDERR "Inconsistent command line options.\n";
# Setting defaults.
@ARGV = ("-") unless @ARGV != 0;
$options{e} = ".tsr" unless defined($options{e});
# Processing requests.
my $curl = create_curl $options{h};
undef $/; # For reading whole files.
REQUEST: foreach (@ARGV) {
my $input = $_;
my ($base, $path) = fileparse($input, '\.[^.]*');
my $output_base = $base . $options{e};
my $output = defined($options{o}) ? $options{o} : $path . $output_base;
STDERR->printflush("$input: ") if $options{v};
# Read request.
my $body;
if ($input eq "-") {
# Read the request from STDIN;
$body = <STDIN>;
} else {
# Read the request from file.
open INPUT, "<" . $input
or warn("$input: could not open input file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
$body = <INPUT>;
close INPUT
or warn("$input: could not close input file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
# Send request.
STDERR->printflush("sending request") if $options{v};
my ($ts_body, $error) = get_timestamp $curl, \$body;
if (defined($error)) {
die "$input: fatal error: $error\n";
STDERR->printflush(", reply received") if $options{v};
# Write response.
if ($output eq "-") {
# Write to STDOUT.
print $ts_body;
} else {
# Write to file.
open OUTPUT, ">", $output
or warn("$output: could not open output file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
print OUTPUT $ts_body;
close OUTPUT
or warn("$output: could not close output file: $!\n"), next REQUEST;
STDERR->printflush(", $output written.\n") if $options{v};
#include "arm_arch.h"
.align 5
.globl __armv7_neon_probe
orr v15.16b, v15.16b, v15.16b
.globl __armv7_tick
#ifdef __APPLE__
mrs x0, CNTPCT_EL0
mrs x0, CNTVCT_EL0
.globl __armv8_aes_probe
aese v0.16b, v0.16b
.globl __armv8_sha1_probe
sha1h s0, s0
.globl __armv8_sha256_probe
sha256su0 v0.4s, v0.4s
.globl __armv8_pmull_probe
pmull v0.1q, v0.1d, v0.1d
.globl __armv8_sha512_probe
.long 0xcec08000 // sha512su0 v0.2d,v0.2d
.globl __armv8_cpuid_probe
mrs x0, midr_el1
.globl _OPENSSL_cleanse
.align 5
cbz x1,Lret // len==0?
cmp x1,#15
b.hi Lot // len>15
strb wzr,[x0],#1 // store byte-by-byte
subs x1,x1,#1
b.ne Little
Lret: ret
.align 4
Lot: tst x0,#7
b.eq Laligned // inp is aligned
strb wzr,[x0],#1 // store byte-by-byte
sub x1,x1,#1
b Lot
.align 4
str xzr,[x0],#8 // store word-by-word
sub x1,x1,#8
tst x1,#-8
b.ne Laligned // len>=8
cbnz x1,Little // len!=0?
.globl _CRYPTO_memcmp
.align 4
eor w3,w3,w3
cbz x2,Lno_data // len==0?
cmp x2,#16
b.ne Loop_cmp
ldp x8,x9,[x0]
ldp x10,x11,[x1]
eor x8,x8,x10
eor x9,x9,x11
orr x8,x8,x9
mov x0,#1
cmp x8,#0
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq
.align 4
ldrb w4,[x0],#1
ldrb w5,[x1],#1
eor w4,w4,w5
orr w3,w3,w4
subs x2,x2,#1
b.ne Loop_cmp
neg w0,w3
lsr w0,w0,#31
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by util/mkbuildinf.pl
* Copyright 2014-2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#define PLATFORM "platform: darwin64-arm64-cc"
#define DATE "built on: Fri May 5 06:49:56 2023 UTC"
* Generate compiler_flags as an array of individual characters. This is a
* workaround for the situation where CFLAGS gets too long for a C90 string
* literal
static const char compiler_flags[] = {
'c','o','m','p','i','l','e','r',':',' ','c','c',' ','-','f','P',
'I','C',' ','-','a','r','c','h',' ','a','r','m','6','4',' ','-',
'O','3',' ','-','W','a','l','l',' ','-','D','L','_','E','N','D',
'I','A','N',' ','-','D','O','P','E','N','S','S','L','_','P','I',
'C',' ','-','D','_','R','E','E','N','T','R','A','N','T',' ','-',
'G','_','O','P','E','N','S','S','L',' ','-','D','N','D','E','B',
#include "arm_arch.h"
#if __ARM_MAX_ARCH__>=7
.globl _gcm_init_v8
.align 4
ld1 {v17.2d},[x1] //load input H
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57 //0xc2.0
ext v3.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
ushr v18.2d,v19.2d,#63
dup v17.4s,v17.s[1]
ext v16.16b,v18.16b,v19.16b,#8 //t0=0xc2....01
ushr v18.2d,v3.2d,#63
sshr v17.4s,v17.4s,#31 //broadcast carry bit
and v18.16b,v18.16b,v16.16b
shl v3.2d,v3.2d,#1
ext v18.16b,v18.16b,v18.16b,#8
and v16.16b,v16.16b,v17.16b
orr v3.16b,v3.16b,v18.16b //H<<<=1
eor v20.16b,v3.16b,v16.16b //twisted H
st1 {v20.2d},[x0],#16 //store Htable[0]
//calculate H^2
ext v16.16b,v20.16b,v20.16b,#8 //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v20.1d
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v20.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v20.2d
pmull v1.1q,v16.1d,v16.1d
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v22.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v17.16b,v22.16b,v22.16b,#8 //Karatsuba pre-processing
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v22.16b
ext v21.16b,v16.16b,v17.16b,#8 //pack Karatsuba pre-processed
st1 {v21.2d,v22.2d},[x0],#32 //store Htable[1..2]
//calculate H^3 and H^4
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d, v22.1d
pmull v5.1q,v22.1d,v22.1d
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d, v22.2d
pmull2 v7.1q,v22.2d,v22.2d
pmull v1.1q,v16.1d,v17.1d
pmull v6.1q,v17.1d,v17.1d
ext v16.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
ext v17.16b,v5.16b,v7.16b,#8
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v16.16b
eor v4.16b,v5.16b,v7.16b
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v4.16b
pmull v4.1q,v5.1d,v19.1d
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v7.d[0],v6.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ins v6.d[1],v5.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
eor v5.16b,v6.16b,v4.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase
ext v4.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
pmull v5.1q,v5.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v4.16b,v4.16b,v7.16b
eor v20.16b, v0.16b,v18.16b //H^3
eor v22.16b,v5.16b,v4.16b //H^4
ext v16.16b,v20.16b, v20.16b,#8 //Karatsuba pre-processing
ext v17.16b,v22.16b,v22.16b,#8
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v20.16b
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v22.16b
ext v21.16b,v16.16b,v17.16b,#8 //pack Karatsuba pre-processed
st1 {v20.2d,v21.2d,v22.2d},[x0] //store Htable[3..5]
.globl _gcm_gmult_v8
.align 4
ld1 {v17.2d},[x0] //load Xi
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
ld1 {v20.2d,v21.2d},[x1] //load twisted H, ...
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v17.16b,v17.16b
ext v3.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v3.1d //H.lo·Xi.lo
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v3.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v3.2d //H.hi·Xi.hi
pmull v1.1q,v21.1d,v17.1d //(H.lo+H.hi)·(Xi.lo+Xi.hi)
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
st1 {v0.2d},[x0] //write out Xi
.globl _gcm_ghash_v8
.align 4
cmp x3,#64
b.hs Lgcm_ghash_v8_4x
ld1 {v0.2d},[x0] //load [rotated] Xi
//"[rotated]" means that
//loaded value would have
//to be rotated in order to
//make it appear as in
//algorithm specification
subs x3,x3,#32 //see if x3 is 32 or larger
mov x12,#16 //x12 is used as post-
//increment for input pointer;
//as loop is modulo-scheduled
//x12 is zeroed just in time
//to preclude overstepping
//inp[len], which means that
//last block[s] are actually
//loaded twice, but last
//copy is not processed
ld1 {v20.2d,v21.2d},[x1],#32 //load twisted H, ..., H^2
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
ld1 {v22.2d},[x1]
csel x12,xzr,x12,eq //is it time to zero x12?
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //rotate Xi
ld1 {v16.2d},[x2],#16 //load [rotated] I[0]
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57 //compose 0xc2.0 constant
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v16.16b,v16.16b
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8 //rotate I[0]
b.lo Lodd_tail_v8 //x3 was less than 32
ld1 {v17.2d},[x2],x12 //load [rotated] I[1]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v17.16b,v17.16b
ext v7.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v0.16b //I[i]^=Xi
pmull v4.1q,v20.1d,v7.1d //H·Ii+1
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v7.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v6.1q,v20.2d,v7.2d
b Loop_mod2x_v8
.align 4
ext v18.16b,v3.16b,v3.16b,#8
subs x3,x3,#32 //is there more data?
pmull v0.1q,v22.1d,v3.1d //H^2.lo·Xi.lo
csel x12,xzr,x12,lo //is it time to zero x12?
pmull v5.1q,v21.1d,v17.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v3.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v2.1q,v22.2d,v3.2d //H^2.hi·Xi.hi
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v4.16b //accumulate
pmull2 v1.1q,v21.2d,v18.2d //(H^2.lo+H^2.hi)·(Xi.lo+Xi.hi)
ld1 {v16.2d},[x2],x12 //load [rotated] I[i+2]
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v6.16b
csel x12,xzr,x12,eq //is it time to zero x12?
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v5.16b
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v17.2d},[x2],x12 //load [rotated] I[i+3]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v16.16b,v16.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v17.16b,v17.16b
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ext v7.16b,v17.16b,v17.16b,#8
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v4.1q,v20.1d,v7.1d //H·Ii+1
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v2.16b //accumulate v3.16b early
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v18.16b
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v7.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v0.16b
pmull2 v6.1q,v20.2d,v7.2d
b.hs Loop_mod2x_v8 //there was at least 32 more bytes
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v18.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8 //re-construct v3.16b
adds x3,x3,#32 //re-construct x3
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b //re-construct v0.16b
b.eq Ldone_v8 //is x3 zero?
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
eor v3.16b,v3.16b,v0.16b //inp^=Xi
eor v17.16b,v16.16b,v18.16b //v17.16b is rotated inp^Xi
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v3.1d //H.lo·Xi.lo
eor v17.16b,v17.16b,v3.16b //Karatsuba pre-processing
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v3.2d //H.hi·Xi.hi
pmull v1.1q,v21.1d,v17.1d //(H.lo+H.hi)·(Xi.lo+Xi.hi)
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
st1 {v0.2d},[x0] //write out Xi
.align 4
ld1 {v0.2d},[x0] //load [rotated] Xi
ld1 {v20.2d,v21.2d,v22.2d},[x1],#48 //load twisted H, ..., H^2
movi v19.16b,#0xe1
ld1 {v26.2d,v27.2d,v28.2d},[x1] //load twisted H^3, ..., H^4
shl v19.2d,v19.2d,#57 //compose 0xc2.0 constant
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d,v6.2d,v7.2d},[x2],#64
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v6.16b,v6.16b
rev64 v7.16b,v7.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
ext v25.16b,v7.16b,v7.16b,#8
ext v24.16b,v6.16b,v6.16b,#8
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v25.1d //H·Ii+3
eor v7.16b,v7.16b,v25.16b
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v25.2d
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v7.1d
pmull v16.1q,v22.1d,v24.1d //H^2·Ii+2
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v24.16b
pmull2 v24.1q,v22.2d,v24.2d
pmull2 v6.1q,v21.2d,v6.2d
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v16.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v24.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v6.16b
pmull v7.1q,v26.1d,v23.1d //H^3·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
pmull2 v23.1q,v26.2d,v23.2d
pmull v5.1q,v27.1d,v5.1d
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v7.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v23.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v5.16b
subs x3,x3,#128
b.lo Ltail4x
b Loop4x
.align 4
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d,v6.2d,v7.2d},[x2],#64
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v6.16b,v6.16b
rev64 v7.16b,v7.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v0.1q,v28.1d,v3.1d //H^4·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v28.2d,v3.2d
ext v25.16b,v7.16b,v7.16b,#8
pmull2 v1.1q,v27.2d,v16.2d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
ext v24.16b,v6.16b,v6.16b,#8
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v25.1d //H·Ii+3
eor v7.16b,v7.16b,v25.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v25.2d
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v7.1d
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
pmull v16.1q,v22.1d,v24.1d //H^2·Ii+2
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v24.16b
pmull2 v24.1q,v22.2d,v24.2d
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull2 v6.1q,v21.2d,v6.2d
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v16.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v24.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v6.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
pmull v7.1q,v26.1d,v23.1d //H^3·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
pmull2 v23.1q,v26.2d,v23.2d
pmull v5.1q,v27.1d,v5.1d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v7.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v23.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v5.16b
subs x3,x3,#64
b.hs Loop4x
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v28.1d,v3.1d //H^4·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v28.2d,v3.2d
pmull2 v1.1q,v27.2d,v16.2d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
adds x3,x3,#64
b.eq Ldone4x
cmp x3,#32
b.lo Lone
b.eq Ltwo
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d,v6.2d},[x2]
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v6.16b,v6.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ext v24.16b,v6.16b,v6.16b,#8
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v24.1d //H·Ii+2
eor v6.16b,v6.16b,v24.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v24.2d
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v6.1d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
pmull v7.1q,v22.1d,v23.1d //H^2·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
pmull2 v23.1q,v22.2d,v23.2d
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
pmull2 v5.1q,v21.2d,v5.2d
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
eor v29.16b,v29.16b,v7.16b
eor v31.16b,v31.16b,v23.16b
eor v30.16b,v30.16b,v5.16b
pmull v0.1q,v26.1d,v3.1d //H^3·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v26.2d,v3.2d
pmull v1.1q,v27.1d,v16.1d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
b Ldone4x
.align 4
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v4.2d,v5.2d},[x2]
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v5.16b,v5.16b
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
ext v23.16b,v5.16b,v5.16b,#8
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
pmull v29.1q,v20.1d,v23.1d //H·Ii+1
eor v5.16b,v5.16b,v23.16b
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
pmull2 v31.1q,v20.2d,v23.2d
pmull v30.1q,v21.1d,v5.1d
pmull v0.1q,v22.1d,v3.1d //H^2·(Xi+Ii)
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v22.2d,v3.2d
pmull2 v1.1q,v21.2d,v16.2d
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v29.16b
eor v2.16b,v2.16b,v31.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v30.16b
b Ldone4x
.align 4
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
ld1 {v4.2d},[x2]
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v4.16b,v4.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
eor v16.16b,v4.16b,v0.16b
ext v3.16b,v16.16b,v16.16b,#8
pmull v0.1q,v20.1d,v3.1d
eor v16.16b,v16.16b,v3.16b
pmull2 v2.1q,v20.2d,v3.2d
pmull v1.1q,v21.1d,v16.1d
ext v17.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b,#8 //Karatsuba post-processing
eor v18.16b,v0.16b,v2.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v17.16b
eor v1.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
pmull v18.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d //1st phase of reduction
ins v2.d[0],v1.d[1]
ins v1.d[1],v0.d[0]
eor v0.16b,v1.16b,v18.16b
ext v18.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8 //2nd phase of reduction
pmull v0.1q,v0.1d,v19.1d
eor v18.16b,v18.16b,v2.16b
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v18.16b
ext v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b,#8
#ifndef __ARMEB__
rev64 v0.16b,v0.16b
st1 {v0.2d},[x0] //write out Xi
.byte 71,72,65,83,72,32,102,111,114,32,65,82,77,118,56,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
.align 2
.align 2
/* WARNING: do not edit! */
/* Generated by Makefile from include/crypto/bn_conf.h.in */
* Copyright 2016-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# pragma once
* The contents of this file are not used in the UEFI build, as
* both 32-bit and 64-bit builds are supported from a single run
* of the Configure script.
/* Should we define BN_DIV2W here? */
/* Only one for the following should be defined */
/* WARNING: do not edit! */
/* Generated by Makefile from include/crypto/dso_conf.h.in */
* Copyright 2016-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# pragma once
# define DSO_DLFCN
# define HAVE_DLFCN_H
# define DSO_EXTENSION ".dylib"
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by Makefile from include/openssl/fipskey.h.in
* Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# pragma once
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
* The FIPS validation HMAC key, usable as an array initializer.
0xf4, 0x55, 0x66, 0x50, 0xac, 0x31, 0xd3, 0x54, 0x61, 0x61, 0x0b, 0xac, 0x4e, 0xd8, 0x1b, 0x1a, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x2d, 0x8a, 0x43, 0xea, 0x28, 0x54, 0xcb, 0xae, 0x22, 0xca, 0x74, 0x56, 0x08, 0x13
* The FIPS validation key, as a string.
#define FIPS_KEY_STRING "f4556650ac31d35461610bac4ed81b1a181b2d8a43ea2854cbae22ca74560813"
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
* WARNING: do not edit!
* Generated by Makefile from providers/common/der/der_ecx_gen.c.in
* Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
* https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
#include "prov/der_ecx.h"
/* Well known OIDs precompiled */
* id-X25519 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-edwards-curve-algs 110 }
const unsigned char ossl_der_oid_id_X25519[DER_OID_SZ_id_X25519] = {
* id-X448 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-edwards-curve-algs 111 }
const unsigned char ossl_der_oid_id_X448[DER_OID_SZ_id_X448] = {
* id-Ed25519 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-edwards-curve-algs 112 }
const unsigned char ossl_der_oid_id_Ed25519[DER_OID_SZ_id_Ed25519] = {
* id-Ed448 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-edwards-curve-algs 113 }
const unsigned char ossl_der_oid_id_Ed448[DER_OID_SZ_id_Ed448] = {
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