x86cpuid.pl 4.8 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#!/usr/bin/env perl

require "x86asm.pl";


8 9
for (@ARGV) { $sse2=1 if (/-DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2/); }

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
	&xor	("edx","edx");
	&pushf	();
	&pop	("eax");
	&mov	("ecx","eax");
	&xor	("eax",1<<21);
	&push	("eax");
	&popf	();
	&pushf	();
	&pop	("eax");
	&xor	("ecx","eax");
	&bt	("ecx",21);
	&jnc	(&label("nocpuid"));
	&mov	("eax",1);
	&cpuid	();
	&mov	("eax","edx");
	&mov	("edx","ecx");


33 34
	&xor	("eax","eax");
	&xor	("edx","edx");
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
	&bt	(&DWP(0,"ecx"),4);
	&jnc	(&label("notsc"));
	&rdtsc	();
	&ret	();

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
# This works in Ring 0 only [read DJGPP+MS-DOS+privileged DPMI host],
# but it's safe to call it on any [supported] 32-bit platform...
# Just check for [non-]zero return value...
	&bt	(&DWP(0,"ecx"),4);
	&jnc	(&label("nohalt"));	# no TSC

	&data_word(0x9058900e);		# push %cs; pop %eax
	&and	("eax",3);
	&jnz	(&label("nohalt"));	# not enough privileges

	&pushf	();
	&pop	("eax")
	&bt	("eax",9);
	&jnc	(&label("nohalt"));	# interrupts are disabled

	&rdtsc	();
	&push	("edx");
	&push	("eax");
	&halt	();
	&rdtsc	();

	&sub	("eax",&DWP(0,"esp"));
	&sbb	("edx",&DWP(4,"esp"));
	&add	("esp",8);
	&ret	();

	&xor	("eax","eax");
	&xor	("edx","edx");
	&ret	();

Andy Polyakov 已提交
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
# Essentially there is only one use for this function. Under DJGPP:
#	#include <go32.h>
#	...
#	i=OPENSSL_far_spin(_dos_ds,0x46c);
#	...
# to obtain the number of spins till closest timer interrupt.

	&pushf	();
	&pop	("eax")
	&bt	("eax",9);
	&jnc	(&label("nospin"));	# interrupts are disabled

	&mov	("eax",&DWP(4,"esp"));
	&mov	("ecx",&DWP(8,"esp"));
	&data_word (0x90d88e1e);	# push %ds, mov %eax,%ds
	&xor	("eax","eax");
	&mov	("edx",&DWP(0,"ecx"));
	&jmp	(&label("spin"));

	&align	(16);
	&inc	("eax");
	&cmp	("edx",&DWP(0,"ecx"));
	&je	(&label("spin"));

	&data_word (0x1f909090);	# pop	%ds
	&ret	();

	&xor	("eax","eax");
	&xor	("edx","edx");
	&ret	();

	&xor	("eax","eax");
	&xor	("edx","edx");
	&mov	("ecx",&DWP(0,"ecx"));
	&bt	(&DWP(0,"ecx"),1);
	&jnc	(&label("no_x87"));
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
	if ($sse2) {
		&bt	(&DWP(0,"ecx"),26);
		&jnc	(&label("no_sse2"));
		&pxor	("xmm0","xmm0");
		&pxor	("xmm1","xmm1");
		&pxor	("xmm2","xmm2");
		&pxor	("xmm3","xmm3");
		&pxor	("xmm4","xmm4");
		&pxor	("xmm5","xmm5");
		&pxor	("xmm6","xmm6");
		&pxor	("xmm7","xmm7");
133 134
	# just a bunch of fldz to zap the fp/mm bank followed by finit...
Andy Polyakov 已提交
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
	&lea	("eax",&DWP(4,"esp"));
	&ret	();

	&mov	("edx",&DWP(4,"esp"));	# fetch the pointer, 1st arg
	&mov	("ecx",&DWP(8,"esp"));	# fetch the increment, 2nd arg
	&push	("ebx");
	&nop	();
	&mov	("eax",&DWP(0,"edx"));
	&lea	("ebx",&DWP(0,"eax","ecx"));
	&nop	();
	&data_word(0x1ab10ff0);	# lock;	cmpxchg	%ebx,(%edx)	# %eax is envolved and is always reloaded
	&jne	(&label("spin"));
	&mov	("eax","ebx");	# OpenSSL expects the new value
	&pop	("ebx");
	&ret	();

Andy Polyakov 已提交
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194
# This function can become handy under Win32 in situations when
# we don't know which calling convention, __stdcall or __cdecl(*),
# indirect callee is using. In C it can be deployed as
#	type OPENSSL_indirect_call(void *f,...);
#	...
#	OPENSSL_indirect_call(func,[up to $max arguments]);
# (*)	it's designed to work even for __fastcall if number of
#	arguments is 1 or 2!
	my $i,$max=7;		# $max has to be chosen as 4*n-1
				# in order to preserve eventual
				# stack alignment
	&push	("ebp");
	&mov	("ebp","esp");
	&sub	("esp",$max*4);
	&mov	("ecx",&DWP(12,"ebp"));
	&mov	(&DWP(0,"esp"),"ecx");
	&mov	("edx",&DWP(16,"ebp"));
	&mov	(&DWP(4,"esp"),"edx");
		# Some copies will be redundant/bogus...
		&mov	("eax",&DWP(12+$i*4,"ebp"));
		&mov	(&DWP(0+$i*4,"esp"),"eax");
	&call	(&DWP(8,"ebp"));# make the call...
	&mov	("esp","ebp");	# ... and just restore the stack pointer
				# without paying attention to what we called,
				# (__cdecl *func) or (__stdcall *one).
	&pop	("ebp");
	&ret	();

196 197
