未验证 提交 f451e8a1 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!491 修改exclude_file的pattern,防止多余的文件被过滤

Merge pull request !491 from yinchuang/modify_exclude_file_pattern
......@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ if (is_lite_system && current_os == "ohos") {
# exclude these files because they need special treatment
if (uapi_from == "make") {
exclude_files = "asm|scsi"
exclude_files = "^asm\$|^scsi\$"
} else {
exclude_files = "asm-arm|asm-arm64|scsi"
exclude_files = "^asm-arm\$|^asm-arm64\$|^scsi\$"
arguments_uapi +=
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