未验证 提交 93eb8313 编写于 作者: Z zhangcui 提交者: Gitee

优化native hook全局变量

Signed-off-by: Nzhangcui <zhangcui11@huawei.com>
上级 d49521ba
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static struct MallocDispatchType __ohos_malloc_hook_init_dispatch = {
.munmap = MuslMalloc(munmap),
#define MAX_SYM_NAME_SIZE 1000
#define MAX_PROC_NAME_SIZE 1024
#define MAX_PROC_NAME_SIZE 256
static char *__malloc_hook_shared_lib = "libnative_hook.z.so";
static char *__malloc_hook_function_prefix = "ohos_malloc_hook";
volatile atomic_llong ohos_malloc_hook_shared_library;
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static int parse_hook_variable(enum EnumHookMode* mode, char* path, int size)
bool flag = __set_hook_flag(false);
char hook_param_value[OHOS_PARAM_MAX_SIZE + 1] = {0};
unsigned int len = OHOS_PARAM_MAX_SIZE;
get_native_hook_param(hook_param_value, len);
if (hook_param_value[0] == '\0') {
path[0] = '\0';
......@@ -424,17 +424,17 @@ __attribute__((constructor(1))) static void __musl_initialize()
atomic_store_explicit(&__hook_enable_hook_flag, (volatile bool)false, memory_order_seq_cst);
char __hook_process_path[MAX_PROC_NAME_SIZE + 1] = {0};
parse_hook_variable(&__hook_mode, __hook_process_path, sizeof(__hook_process_path) - 1);
char hook_process_path[MAX_PROC_NAME_SIZE + 1] = {0};
parse_hook_variable(&__hook_mode, hook_process_path, sizeof(hook_process_path) - 1);
if (__hook_mode == STARTUP_HOOK_MODE) {
char __progname[MAX_PROC_NAME_SIZE + 1] = {0};
if (get_proc_name(getpid(), __progname, sizeof(__progname) - 1)) {
const char *pos = strrchr(__progname, '/');
char proc_name[MAX_PROC_NAME_SIZE + 1] = {0};
if (get_proc_name(getpid(), proc_name, sizeof(proc_name) - 1)) {
const char *pos = strrchr(proc_name, '/');
const char* file_name;
if (pos != NULL) {
file_name = pos + 1;
} else {
file_name = __progname;
file_name = proc_name;
if (strncmp(file_name, __hook_process_path, strlen(__hook_process_path)) == 0) {
atomic_store_explicit(&__hook_enable_hook_flag, (volatile bool)true, memory_order_seq_cst);
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