提交 81d31b29 编写于 作者: C caifuzhou


Signed-off-by: Ncaifuzhou <caifuzhou@huawei.com>
上级 496e030a
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ set REMOTE=/data/tests/libc-test/src
@REM runtest脚本所在目录
set SHDIR=%LOCAL%\third_party\musl\scripts
@REM Do not modify the following code unless necessary
@REM 非必要情况下不要修改以下代码
@REM 开始时间
set /a startS=%time:~6,2%
set /a startM=%time:~3,2%
......@@ -51,8 +51,12 @@ goto hdcSend
for /F %%i in ('dir %TESTDIR% /S /B') do (
for %%b in ("%%i\..") do (
echo Sending %%~nb/%%~nxi
hdc file send -sync %%i %REMOTE%/%%~nb/%%~nxi
hdc shell chmod a+x %REMOTE%/%%~nb/%%~nxi
if "%%~nb" == "src" (
hdc shell chmod a+x %REMOTE%/%%~nxi
) else (
hdc file send -sync %%i %REMOTE%/%%~nb/%%~nxi
hdc shell chmod a+x %REMOTE%/%%~nb/%%~nxi
@REM 动态库传输
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