提交 202fbe77 编写于 作者: L lnlan

feat: 补充m核posix缺少接口。


1. 添加stdin.c, __ctype_get_mb_cur_max.c


re #
Signed-off-by: Nlanleinan <lanleinan@163.com>
Change-Id: I6f6864359d5cbe9a2465361bdabd7b4d45e03c8b
上级 08c1af37
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ static_library(libc) {
......@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ static_library(libc) {
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "locale_impl.h"
size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max()
return MB_CUR_MAX;
#include "stdio_impl.h"
#undef stdin
static unsigned char buf[BUFSIZ+UNGET];
hidden FILE __stdin_FILE = {
.buf = buf+UNGET,
.buf_size = sizeof buf-UNGET,
.fd = 0,
.flags = F_PERM | F_NOWR,
.read = __stdio_read,
.seek = __stdio_seek,
.close = __stdio_close,
.lock = -1,
FILE *const stdin = &__stdin_FILE;
FILE *volatile __stdin_used = &__stdin_FILE;
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