• R
    safely handle failure to open hosts, services, resolv.conf files · 2683e267
    Rich Felker 提交于
    previously, transient failures like fd exhaustion or other
    resource-related errors were treated the same as non-existence of
    these files, leading to fallbacks or false-negative results. in
    - failure to open hosts resulted in fallback to dns, possibly yielding
      EAI_NONAME for a hostname that should be defined locally, or an
      unwanted result from dns that the hosts file was intended to
    - failure to open services resulted in EAI_SERVICE.
    - failure to open resolv.conf resulted in querying localhost rather
      than the configured nameservers.
    now, only permanent errors trigger the fallback behaviors above; all
    other errors are reportable to the caller as EAI_SYSTEM.
lookup_name.c 9.8 KB