提交 5ee1e451 编写于 作者: B Behdad Esfahbod

Minor touch-up for recent change

上级 33489928
......@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ struct AxisValueMap
struct SegmentMaps : ArrayOf<AxisValueMap>
int map (int value, unsigned int from_stride = 0, unsigned int to_stide = 1) const
int map (int value, unsigned int from_offset = 0, unsigned int to_offset = 1) const
#define fromCoord coords[from_offset]
#define toCoord coords[to_offset]
/* The following special-cases are not part of OpenType, which requires
* that at least -1, 0, and +1 must be mapped. But we include these as
* part of a better error recovery scheme. */
#define fromCoord coords[from_stride]
#define toCoord coords[to_stide]
if (len < 2)
if (!len)
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