未验证 提交 0e9136cc 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!46 【挑单】限制图片长宽范围

Merge pull request !46 from Zhouyj/cherry-pick-1674976630
...@@ -298,6 +298,12 @@ struct sbix ...@@ -298,6 +298,12 @@ struct sbix
const PNGHeader &png = *blob->as<PNGHeader>(); const PNGHeader &png = *blob->as<PNGHeader>();
if (png.IHDR.height >= 65536 | png.IHDR.width >= 65536)
hb_blob_destroy (blob);
return false;
extents->x_bearing = x_offset; extents->x_bearing = x_offset;
extents->y_bearing = png.IHDR.height + y_offset; extents->y_bearing = png.IHDR.height + y_offset;
extents->width = png.IHDR.width; extents->width = png.IHDR.width;
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