提交 3eb25e64 编写于 作者: A alex_hold 提交者: Gitee

update extension/src/xdevice_extension/_core/driver/parser.py.

上级 1dc06b2e
......@@ -615,6 +615,7 @@ class JSUnitParser(IParser):
self.state_machine = StateRecorder()
self.suites_name = ""
self.listeners = []
self.suite_name = ""
def get_listeners(self):
return self.listeners
......@@ -630,11 +631,12 @@ class JSUnitParser(IParser):
suite_result.is_completed = True
for listener in self.get_listeners():
suite = copy.copy(suite_result)
listener.__ended__(LifeCycle.TestSuite, suite,
listener.__ended__(LifeCycle.TestSuites, suite,
self.state_machine.current_suite = None
def parse(self, line):
line = line.strip()
if (self.state_machine.suites_is_started() or line.find(
_START_JSUNIT_RUN_MARKER) != -1) and line.find(
......@@ -669,7 +671,11 @@ class JSUnitParser(IParser):
run_time = end_timestamp - start_timestamp
_, status_end_index = re.match(pattern, filter_message).span()
status = filter_message[:status_end_index]
test_name = filter_message[status_end_index:]
if " ;" in filter_message:
test_name = filter_message[status_end_index:
str(filter_message).find(" ;")]
test_name = filter_message[status_end_index:]
status_dict = {"pass": ResultCode.PASSED, "fail": ResultCode.FAILED,
"ignore": ResultCode.SKIPPED}
status = status_dict.get(status[1:-1])
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