提交 1c164eef 编写于 作者: D deveco_xdevice

fix code

Signed-off-by: Ndeveco_xdevice <liguangjie1@huawei.com>
上级 6af4b19b
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class CppTestDriver(IDriver):
timeout_config = get_config_value('timeout',
json_config.get_driver(), False)
if timeout_config:
self.config.timeout = int(timeout_config // 1000)
self.config.timeout = int(timeout_config) // 1000
self.config.timeout = 900
......@@ -794,8 +794,8 @@ class Device(IDevice):
temp_path = os.path.join(self._device_log_path, "temp")
path = os.path.join(temp_path, name)
"snapshot_display -f /data/screen.png")
self.pull_file("/data/screen.png", path)
"snapshot_display -f /data/local/tmp/screen.png")
self.pull_file("/data/local/tmp/screen.png", path)
except Exception as error:
self.log.error("devicetest take_picture: {}".format(str(error)))
return path
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