未验证 提交 feafe7ec 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!224 fix:partition name is null, skip create symbol links

Merge pull request !224 from 熊磊/init0104_1
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ int ServiceControlWithExtra(const char *serviceName, int action, const char *ext
int ServiceControl(const char *serviceName, int action)
if (serviceName == 0) {
if (serviceName == NULL) {
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "Service getctl failed, service is null.\n");
return -1;
......@@ -175,8 +175,16 @@ static char *FindPlatformDeviceName(char *path)
static void BuildBootDeviceSymbolLink(char **links, int linkNum, const char *partitionName)
if (links == NULL) {
INIT_LOGE("Function parameter error.");
if (linkNum > BLOCKDEVICE_LINKS - 1) {
INIT_LOGW("Too many links, ignore");
INIT_LOGW("Too many links, ignore.");
if (partitionName == NULL) {
INIT_LOGW("Partition name is null, skip creating links");
links[linkNum] = calloc(sizeof(char), DEVICE_FILE_SIZE);
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