未验证 提交 6d70eb69 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!445 修复param set的bug

Merge pull request !445 from 熊磊/fixbug
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ static char *GetRealParameter(BShellHandle shell, const char *name, char *buffer
} else {
realLen = sprintf_s(buffer, buffSize, "%s", name);
BSH_CHECK(realLen > 0, return NULL, "Failed to format buffer");
BSH_CHECK(realLen >= 0, return NULL, "Failed to format buffer");
buffer[realLen] = '\0';
BSH_LOGV("GetRealParameter current %s input %s real %s", current, name, buffer);
return buffer;
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ static void ShowParam(BShellHandle shell, const char *name, const char *value)
BSH_LOGE("Failed to get param security for %s", name);
char permissionStr[MASK_LENGTH_MAX] = {'-', '-', '-', 0};
char permissionStr[3][MASK_LENGTH_MAX] = {}; // 3 permission
struct passwd *user = getpwuid(auditData.dacData.uid);
struct group *group = getgrgid(auditData.dacData.gid);
if (user == NULL || group == NULL) {
......@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ static void ShowParam(BShellHandle shell, const char *name, const char *value)
BShellEnvOutput(shell, "Parameter infomation:\r\n");
BShellEnvOutput(shell, " dac : %s(%s) %s(%s) (%s) \r\n",
user->pw_name, GetPermissionString(auditData.dacData.mode, 0, permissionStr, MASK_LENGTH_MAX),
group->gr_name, GetPermissionString(auditData.dacData.mode, DAC_GROUP_START, permissionStr, MASK_LENGTH_MAX),
GetPermissionString(auditData.dacData.mode, DAC_OTHER_START, permissionStr, MASK_LENGTH_MAX));
user->pw_name, GetPermissionString(auditData.dacData.mode, 0, permissionStr[0], MASK_LENGTH_MAX),
group->gr_name, GetPermissionString(auditData.dacData.mode, DAC_GROUP_START, permissionStr[1], MASK_LENGTH_MAX),
GetPermissionString(auditData.dacData.mode, DAC_OTHER_START, permissionStr[2], MASK_LENGTH_MAX)); // 2 other
BShellEnvOutput(shell, " name : %s\r\n", name);
if (value != NULL) {
BShellEnvOutput(shell, " value: %s\r\n", value);
......@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ int32_t BShellEnvOutput(BShellHandle handle, char *fmt, ...)
int len = vsnprintf_s(shell->data, sizeof(shell->data), sizeof(shell->data) - 1, fmt, list);
if (len <= 0) {
va_start(list, fmt);
vfprintf(stdout, fmt, list);
return -1;
return BShellEnvOutputString(handle, shell->data);
......@@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ static void BShellEnvHandleNormal(BShellHandle handle, uint8_t data)
} else {
BShellEnvOutputString(shell, BShellEnvErrString(handle, BSH_CMD_TOO_LONG));
BShellEnvOutputString(shell, shell->prompt);
BShellEnvOutputString(shell, shell->buffer);
shell->cursor = shell->length;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#define BSH_KEY_CTRLC 0x03 // ctr + c
#define BSH_KEY_ESC 0x1B // ecs
#define BSH_COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH (5 * 1024)
#define BSH_CMD_NAME_END 48
#define BSH_CMD_MAX_KEY 5
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ logd:x:1036:
......@@ -11,23 +11,20 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
build_version root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.enable root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.apiversion root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.version root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.releasetype root:root:0777
build_version = root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.enable = root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.apiversion = root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.version = root:root:0777
hw_sc.build.os.releasetype = root:root:0777
const.actionable_compatible_property.enabled root:root:0777
const.postinstall.fstab.prefix root:root:0777
const.secure root:root:0777
security.perf_harden root:root:0777
const.allow.mock.location root:root:0777
const.debuggable root:root:0777
persist.sys.usb.config root:root:0777
const.actionable_compatible_property.enabled = root:root:0777
const.postinstall.fstab.prefix = root:root:0777
const.secure = root:root:0777
security.perf_harden = root:root:0777
const.allow.mock.location = root:root:0777
const.debuggable = root:root:0777
persist.sys.usb.config = root:root:0777
# default forbit other user to start service
ohos.servicectrl. system:root:0777
test.permission. root:root:0770
test.permission.read. root:root:0774
test.permission.write. root:root:0772
test.permission.watcher. root:root:0771
\ No newline at end of file
ohos.servicectrl. = system:servicectrl:0775
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ extern "C" {
// 配置
#define LOOP_DEFAULT_BUFFER (1024 * 5)
#define LOOP_MAX_BUFFER (1024 * 64)
#define LOOP_MAX_CLIENT 1024
......@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@
#define OCT_BASE 8
static ParamSecurityLabel g_localSecurityLabel = {};
static void GetUserIdByName(FILE *fp, uid_t *uid, const char *name, uint32_t nameLen)
static void GetUserIdByName(uid_t *uid, const char *name, uint32_t nameLen)
*uid = -1;
struct passwd *data = NULL;
while ((data = getpwent()) != NULL) {
if ((data->pw_name != NULL) && (strlen(data->pw_name) == nameLen) &&
......@@ -40,10 +39,9 @@ static void GetUserIdByName(FILE *fp, uid_t *uid, const char *name, uint32_t nam
static void GetGroupIdByName(FILE *fp, gid_t *gid, const char *name, uint32_t nameLen)
static void GetGroupIdByName(gid_t *gid, const char *name, uint32_t nameLen)
*gid = -1;
struct group *data = NULL;
while ((data = getgrent()) != NULL) {
if ((data->gr_name != NULL) && (strlen(data->gr_name) == nameLen) &&
......@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ static void GetGroupIdByName(FILE *fp, gid_t *gid, const char *name, uint32_t na
// user:group:r|w
static int GetParamDacData(FILE *fpForGroup, FILE *fpForUser, ParamDacData *dacData, const char *value)
static int GetParamDacData(ParamDacData *dacData, const char *value)
if (dacData == NULL) {
return -1;
......@@ -69,8 +67,8 @@ static int GetParamDacData(FILE *fpForGroup, FILE *fpForUser, ParamDacData *dacD
if (mode == NULL) {
return -1;
GetUserIdByName(fpForUser, &dacData->uid, value, groupName - value);
GetGroupIdByName(fpForGroup, &dacData->gid, groupName + 1, mode - groupName - 1);
GetUserIdByName(&dacData->uid, value, groupName - value);
GetGroupIdByName(&dacData->gid, groupName + 1, mode - groupName - 1);
dacData->mode = strtol(mode + 1, NULL, OCT_BASE);
return 0;
......@@ -116,45 +114,49 @@ static int DecodeSecurityLabel(ParamSecurityLabel **srcLabel, const char *buffer
return 0;
typedef struct {
SecurityLabelFunc label;
void *context;
} LoadContext;
static int LoadOneParam_ (const uint32_t *context, const char *name, const char *value)
LoadContext *loadContext = (LoadContext *)context;
ParamAuditData auditData = {0};
auditData.name = name;
auditData.label = value;
int ret = GetParamDacData(&auditData.dacData, value);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return -1, "Failed to get param info %d %s", ret, name);
ret = loadContext->label(&auditData, loadContext->context);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return -1, "Failed to write param info %d \"%s\"", ret, name);
return 0;
static int LoadParamLabels(const char *fileName, SecurityLabelFunc label, void *context)
LoadContext loadContext = {
label, context
uint32_t infoCount = 0;
ParamAuditData auditData = {0};
FILE *fpForGroup = fopen(GROUP_FILE_PATH, "r");
FILE *fpForUser = fopen(USER_FILE_PATH, "r");
FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
char *buff = (char *)calloc(1, PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
SubStringInfo *info = calloc(1, sizeof(SubStringInfo) * (SUBSTR_INFO_DAC + 1));
while (fp != NULL && fpForGroup != NULL && fpForUser != NULL &&
info != NULL && buff != NULL && fgets(buff, PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE, fp) != NULL) {
buff[PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
int subStrNumber = GetSubStringInfo(buff, strlen(buff), ' ', info, SUBSTR_INFO_DAC + 1);
if (subStrNumber <= SUBSTR_INFO_DAC) {
const uint32_t buffSize = PARAM_NAME_LEN_MAX + PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX + 10; // 10 size
char *buff = (char *)calloc(1, buffSize);
while (fp != NULL && buff != NULL && fgets(buff, buffSize, fp) != NULL) {
buff[buffSize - 1] = '\0';
int ret = SpliteString(buff, NULL, 0, LoadOneParam_, (uint32_t *)&loadContext);
if (ret != 0) {
PARAM_LOGE("Failed to splite string %s fileName %s", buff, fileName);
auditData.name = info[SUBSTR_INFO_NAME].value;
auditData.label = info[SUBSTR_INFO_NAME].value;
int ret = GetParamDacData(fpForGroup, fpForUser, &auditData.dacData, info[SUBSTR_INFO_DAC].value);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, continue, "Failed to get param info %d %s", ret, buff);
ret = label(&auditData, context);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, continue, "Failed to write param info %d %s", ret, buff);
PARAM_LOGI("Load parameter label total %u success %s", infoCount, fileName);
if (fp != NULL) {
if (info != NULL) {
if (fpForGroup != NULL) {
if (fpForUser != NULL) {
if (buff != NULL) {
......@@ -246,10 +248,10 @@ static int CheckParamPermission(const ParamSecurityLabel *srcLabel, const ParamA
if ((auditData->dacData.mode & localMode) != 0) {
PARAM_LOGV("Src label gid:%d uid:%d ", srcLabel->cred.gid, srcLabel->cred.uid);
PARAM_LOGV("local label gid:%d uid:%d mode %o",
PARAM_LOGI("Src label gid:%d uid:%d ", srcLabel->cred.gid, srcLabel->cred.uid);
PARAM_LOGI("local label gid:%d uid:%d mode %o",
auditData->dacData.gid, auditData->dacData.uid, auditData->dacData.mode);
PARAM_LOGV("%s check %o localMode %o ret %d", auditData->name, mode, localMode, ret);
PARAM_LOGI("%s check %o localMode %o ret %d", auditData->name, mode, localMode, ret);
return ret;
......@@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ int SystemSetParameter(const char *name, const char *value)
PARAM_CHECK(name != NULL && value != NULL, return -1, "Invalid name or value");
int ret = CheckParamName(name, 0);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Illegal param name %s", name);
ret = CheckParamValue(&g_clientSpace.paramSpace.paramSpace, NULL, name, value);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Illegal param value %s", value);
uint32_t msgSize = sizeof(ParamMessage) + sizeof(ParamMsgContent) + PARAM_ALIGN(strlen(value) + 1);
uint32_t labelLen = 0;
ParamSecurityOps *ops = GetClientParamSecurityOps();
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ typedef struct {
ParamTaskPtr serverTask;
ParamTaskPtr timer;
ParamTaskPtr watcherTask;
char buffer[PARAM_NAME_LEN_MAX + PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX + 10]; // 10 max len
} ParamWorkSpace;
typedef struct {
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ int ReadParamValue(const ParamWorkSpace *workSpace, ParamHandle handle, char *va
int ReadParamName(const ParamWorkSpace *workSpace, ParamHandle handle, char *name, uint32_t len);
int ReadParamCommitId(const ParamWorkSpace *workSpace, ParamHandle handle, uint32_t *commitId);
int CheckParamValue(const WorkSpace *workSpace, const ParamTrieNode *node, const char *name, const char *value);
int CheckParamName(const char *name, int paramInfo);
int CheckParamPermission(const ParamWorkSpace *workSpace,
const ParamSecurityLabel *srcLabel, const char *name, uint32_t mode);
......@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ typedef struct {
void CheckAndCreateDir(const char *fileName);
int GetSubStringInfo(const char *buff, uint32_t buffLen, char delimiter, SubStringInfo *info, int subStrNumber);
int SpliteString(char *line, const char *exclude[], uint32_t count,
int (*result)(const uint32_t *context, const char *name, const char *value), const uint32_t *context);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
......@@ -165,6 +165,22 @@ int ReadParamName(const ParamWorkSpace *workSpace, ParamHandle handle, char *nam
return 0;
int CheckParamValue(const WorkSpace *workSpace, const ParamTrieNode *node, const char *name, const char *value)
if (IS_READY_ONLY(name)) {
return PARAM_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "Illegal param value %s", value);
if (node != NULL && node->dataIndex != 0) {
PARAM_LOGE("Read-only param was already set %s", name);
} else {
return PARAM_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "Illegal param value %s", value);
return 0;
int CheckParamName(const char *name, int info)
PARAM_CHECK(name != NULL, return PARAM_CODE_INVALID_PARAM, "Invalid param");
......@@ -290,6 +306,7 @@ int CheckParamPermission(const ParamWorkSpace *workSpace,
if (mode == DAC_WRITE) {
int ret = CheckParamPermissionWithSelinux(srcLabel, name, mode);
PARAM_LOGI("CheckParamPermission %s", name);
......@@ -106,4 +106,71 @@ int GetSubStringInfo(const char *buff, uint32_t buffLen, char delimiter, SubStri
return curr;
int SpliteString(char *line, const char *exclude[], uint32_t count,
int (*result)(const uint32_t *context, const char *name, const char *value), const uint32_t *context)
// Skip spaces
char *name = line;
while (isspace(*name) && (*name != '\0')) {
// Empty line or Comment line
if (*name == '\0' || *name == '#') {
return 0;
char *value = name;
// find the first delimiter '='
while (*value != '\0') {
if (*value == '=') {
(*value) = '\0';
value = value + 1;
// Skip spaces
char *tmp = name;
while ((tmp < value) && (*tmp != '\0')) {
if (isspace(*tmp)) {
(*tmp) = '\0';
// empty name, just ignore this line
if (*value == '\0') {
return 0;
// Filter excluded parameters
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (strncmp(name, exclude[i], strlen(exclude[i])) == 0) {
return 0;
// Skip spaces for value
while (isspace(*value) && (*value != '\0')) {
// Trim the ending spaces of value
char *pos = value + strlen(value);
while (isspace(*pos) && pos > value) {
(*pos) = '\0';
// Strip starting and ending " for value
if ((*value == '"') && (pos > value) && (*pos == '"')) {
value = value + 1;
*pos = '\0';
return result(context, name, value);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -102,23 +102,6 @@ static int UpdateParam(const WorkSpace *workSpace, uint32_t *dataIndex, const ch
return 0;
static int CheckParamValue(const WorkSpace *workSpace, const ParamTrieNode *node, const char *name, const char *value)
if (IS_READY_ONLY(name)) {
return PARAM_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "Illegal param value %s", value);
if (node != NULL && node->dataIndex != 0) {
PARAM_LOGE("Read-only param was already set %s", name);
} else {
// 限制非read only的参数,防止参数值修改后,原空间不能保存
return PARAM_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "Illegal param value %s", value);
return 0;
int WriteParam(const WorkSpace *workSpace, const char *name, const char *value, uint32_t *dataIndex, int onlyAdd)
PARAM_CHECK(workSpace != NULL, return PARAM_CODE_INVALID_PARAM, "Invalid workSpace");
......@@ -144,7 +127,7 @@ PARAM_STATIC int AddSecurityLabel(const ParamAuditData *auditData, void *context
PARAM_CHECK(context != NULL, return -1, "Invalid context");
ParamWorkSpace *workSpace = (ParamWorkSpace *)context;
int ret = CheckParamName(auditData->name, 1);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Illegal param name %s", auditData->name);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Illegal param name \"%s\"", auditData->name);
ParamTrieNode *node = FindTrieNode(&workSpace->paramSpace, auditData->name, strlen(auditData->name), NULL);
if (node == NULL) {
......@@ -543,78 +526,10 @@ PARAM_STATIC int ProcessMessage(const ParamTaskPtr worker, const ParamMessage *m
return 0;
static int LoadOneParam_(char *line, uint32_t mode, const char *exclude[], uint32_t count)
static int LoadOneParam_ (const uint32_t *context, const char *name, const char *value)
char *name;
char *value;
char *pos;
// Skip spaces
name = line;
while (isspace(*name) && (*name != '\0')) {
// Empty line
if (*name == '\0') {
return 0;
// Comment line
if (*name == '#') {
return 0;
value = name;
// find the first delimiter '='
while (*value != '\0') {
if (*value == '=') {
(*value) = '\0';
value = value + 1;
// empty name, just ignore this line
if (*name == '\0') {
return 0;
// Trim the ending spaces of name
pos = value - 1;
pos -= 1;
while (isspace(*pos) && pos > name) {
(*pos) = '\0';
// Filter excluded parameters
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (strncmp(name, exclude[i], strlen(exclude[i])) == 0) {
return 0;
// Skip spaces for value
while (isspace(*value) && (*value != '\0')) {
// Trim the ending spaces of value
pos = value + strlen(value);
while (isspace(*pos) && pos > value) {
(*pos) = '\0';
// Strip starting and ending " for value
if ((*value == '"') && (pos > value) && (*pos == '"')) {
value = value + 1;
*pos = '\0';
uint32_t mode = *(uint32_t *)context;
int ret = CheckParamName(name, 0);
// Invalid name, just ignore
if (ret != 0) {
return 0;
......@@ -623,32 +538,22 @@ static int LoadOneParam_(char *line, uint32_t mode, const char *exclude[], uint3
name, value, NULL, mode & LOAD_PARAM_ONLY_ADD);
static int LoadDefaultParam_(const char *fileName, uint32_t mode, const char *exclude[], uint32_t count)
static int LoadDefaultParam_ (const char *fileName, uint32_t mode, const char *exclude[], uint32_t count)
// max length for each line of para files: max name length + max value length + spaces
uint32_t paramNum = 0;
FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
return -1;
char *buff = calloc(1, PARAM_LINE_MAX_LENGTH);
if (buff == NULL) {
return -1;
while (fgets(buff, PARAM_LINE_MAX_LENGTH, fp) != NULL) {
buff[PARAM_LINE_MAX_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
int ret = LoadOneParam_(buff, mode, exclude, count);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, continue, "Failed to set param %d %s", ret, buff);
while (fgets(g_paramWorkSpace.buffer, sizeof(g_paramWorkSpace.buffer), fp) != NULL) {
g_paramWorkSpace.buffer[sizeof(g_paramWorkSpace.buffer) - 1] = '\0';
int ret = SpliteString(g_paramWorkSpace.buffer, exclude, count, LoadOneParam_, &mode);
PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, continue, "Failed to set param %d %s", ret, g_paramWorkSpace.buffer);
PARAM_LOGI("Load parameters success %s total %u", fileName, paramNum);
return 0;
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